Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.394
EU - Europa 3.732
AS - Asia 1.804
SA - Sud America 29
OC - Oceania 23
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
AF - Africa 1
Totale 13.987
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.248
IT - Italia 816
IE - Irlanda 643
SE - Svezia 523
DE - Germania 463
SG - Singapore 451
RU - Federazione Russa 434
CN - Cina 429
VN - Vietnam 326
HK - Hong Kong 300
UA - Ucraina 210
GB - Regno Unito 184
CA - Canada 146
ID - Indonesia 131
AT - Austria 105
TR - Turchia 94
FI - Finlandia 93
FR - Francia 75
DK - Danimarca 44
IN - India 22
IR - Iran 20
RO - Romania 20
SI - Slovenia 19
PT - Portogallo 16
CH - Svizzera 15
AR - Argentina 14
AU - Australia 14
BE - Belgio 13
NL - Olanda 13
PL - Polonia 12
JP - Giappone 11
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 9
HU - Ungheria 9
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 9
BR - Brasile 8
MK - Macedonia 5
MY - Malesia 4
PE - Perù 4
PH - Filippine 4
BY - Bielorussia 3
PK - Pakistan 3
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
CL - Cile 2
IL - Israele 2
NO - Norvegia 2
A1 - Anonimo 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
EC - Ecuador 1
EE - Estonia 1
ES - Italia 1
EU - Europa 1
GR - Grecia 1
IQ - Iraq 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KR - Corea 1
KZ - Kazakistan 1
MD - Moldavia 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 1
TH - Thailandia 1
Totale 13.987
Città #
Ann Arbor 1.303
Fairfield 932
Woodbridge 879
Dublin 623
Houston 577
Ashburn 469
Santa Clara 427
Frankfurt am Main 406
Chandler 393
Singapore 391
Seattle 388
Wilmington 384
Cambridge 343
Jacksonville 314
Hong Kong 300
Dearborn 263
Dong Ket 220
Princeton 210
New York 178
Milan 169
Jakarta 131
Nanjing 125
Lawrence 105
Vienna 101
Altamura 100
Lachine 75
San Diego 63
Boardman 46
Toronto 46
Brescia 37
Andover 35
Magenta 33
Nanchang 31
Hebei 30
Rome 26
Beijing 25
Shenyang 25
Shanghai 24
London 21
Tianjin 21
Washington 21
Jinan 20
Guangzhou 19
Florence 17
Jiaxing 17
Kunming 16
Los Angeles 15
Buenos Aires 14
Helsinki 13
Reggio Calabria 13
Bergamo 12
Brussels 12
Focsani 12
Kocaeli 12
Norwalk 12
Kilburn 11
Mountain View 11
Rho 11
Fiesole 10
Monza 10
Pavia 10
Budapest 9
Como 9
Porto 9
Pune 9
Sarajevo 9
Changsha 8
Ljubljana 8
Melbourne 8
Norwich 8
Ottawa 8
Padova 8
Sacramento 8
Auckland 7
Dallas 7
Edmonton 7
Huizen 7
Torino 7
Zhengzhou 7
Auburn Hills 6
Aveiro 6
Fars 6
Halle 6
Hamm 6
Hangzhou 6
Kiev 6
Lecce 6
Ningbo 6
North Bergen 6
Cantù 5
Chicago 5
Council Bluffs 5
Hyderabad 5
Koper 5
Laurel 5
Legnano 5
Palermo 5
Phoenix 5
Skopje 5
Tappahannock 5
Totale 10.815
Nome #
Cherlin's conjecture for sporadic simple groups 411
A remark on the permutation representations afforded by the embeddings of O±2m (2f ) in Sp2m(2 f) 386
Groups satisfying a strong complement property 302
The Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem for the derangement graph of the projective general linear group acting on the projective space 292
Lifting a prescribed group of automorphisms of graphs 286
On problems concerning fixed-point-free permutations and on the polycirculant conjecture - A survey 223
Boolean lattices in finite alternating and symmetric groups 206
On the order of Borel subgroups of group amalgams and an application to locally-transitive graphs 178
On the maximal number of coprime subdegrees in finite primitive permutation groups 167
Maximal subgroups of finite groups avoiding the elements of a generating set 165
On the number of derangements and derangements of prime power order of the affine general linear groups 158
Elementary Abelian p-groups of rank greater than or equal to 4p-2 are not CI-groups 156
On the number of fixed edges of automorphisms of vertex-transitive graphs of small valency 155
Finite simple groups admitting a partition for the elements of prime-power order 154
Graphs with automorphism groups admitting composition factors of bounded rank 152
On the Cayley Isomorphism Problem for a Digraph with 24 Vertices 148
Cubic vertex-transitive graphs on up to 1280 vertices 146
Bounding the order of the vertex-stabiliser in 3-valent vertex-transitive and 4-valent arc-transitive graphs 143
Semiregular elements in cubic vertex-transitive graphs and the restricted Burnside problem 142
Permutation Groups Containing a Regular Abelian Hall Subgroup 141
On the maximum order of nilpotent transitive permutation groups 139
On the maximum orders of elements of finite almost simple groups and primitive permutation groups 139
Normal coverings and pairwise generation of finite alternating and symmetric groups 138
Bounding the size of a vertex-stabiliser in a finite vertex-transitive graph 138
Cayley graphs on abelian groups 138
Study of the Mass and Spin-Parity of the Higgs Boson Candidate via Its Decays to Z Boson Pairs 137
Further restrictions on the structure of finite DCI-groups: an addendum 137
On G-locally primitive graphs of locally Twisted Wreath type and a conjecture of Weiss 137
Groups having complete bipartite divisor graphs for their conjugacy class sizes 136
On graph-restrictive permutation groups 136
An Erdos-Ko-Rado theorem for finite 2-transitive groups 135
Finite primitive groups and edge-transitive hypergraphs 135
Finite primitive permutation groups containing a permutation having at most four cycles 134
Abelian Carter subgroups in finite permutation groups 133
Permutation characters and fixed-point-free elements in permutation groups 132
Min-wise independent families with respect to any linear order 132
A census of 4-valent half-Arc-Transitive graphs and arc-Transitive digraphs of valence two: Dedicated to Dragan Marǔsǐc on the occasion of his 60th birthday 132
On intransitive graph-restrictive permutation groups 131
Abelian coverings of finite general linear groups and an application to their non-commuting graphs 131
Cayley numbers with arbitrarily many distinct prime factors 131
Generalised quadrangles with a group of automorphisms acting primitively on points and lines 130
Balanced Cayley graphs and balanced planar graphs 130
On the orders of zeros of irreducible characters 129
Semiregular automorphisms of vertex-transitive cubic graphs 129
On the vanishing prime graph of solvable groups 129
An application of the Local C(G,T) Theorem to a conjecture of Weiss 129
Some properties of the growth and of the algebraic entropy of group endomorphisms 129
Tetravalent arc-transitive graphs with unbounded vertex-stabilizers 128
On the cayleyness of Praeger-Xu Graphs 128
Finite primitive permutation groups and regular cycles of their elements 126
Affine transformations of finite vector spaces with large orders or few cycles 126
On the Fitting height of factorised soluble groups 126
A uniform upper bound for the character degree sums and Gelfand-Graev-like characters for finite simple groups 126
An Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem for the derangement graph of PGL(2,q) acting on the projective line 126
Permutation 3-groups with no fixed-point-free elements 125
Compositions of n satisfying some coprimality conditions 125
4-valent graphs of order 6p2 admitting a group of automorphisms acting regularly on arcs 124
The Maximum Order of the Elements of a Finite Symplectic Group of Even Characteristic 123
Every finite non-solvable group admits an oriented regular representation 123
On the order of vertex-stabilisers in vertex-transitive graphs with local group Cp×Cp or CpwrC2 122
Vertex-primitive digraphs having vertices with almost equal neighbourhoods 121
Cubic graphical regular representations of finite non-abelian simple groups 120
Twisted permutation codes 118
Failure of n-uniqueness: A family of examples 118
On a relation between the rank and the proportion of derangements in finite transitive permutation groups 117
Constructing Half-Arc-Transitive Graphs of Valency Four with Prescribed Vertex Stabilizers 116
Semiregular automorphisms of cubic vertex-transitive graphs and the abelian normal quotient method 115
An erdös-ko-rado theorem for the derangement graph of PGL3(q) acting on the projective plane 115
Strongly regular edge-transitive graphs 115
On the vanishing prime graph of finite groups 114
Finite Groups whose irreducible characters vanish only on $p$-elements 114
Asymptotic enumeration of vertex-transitive graphs of fixed valency 113
On the order of arc-stabilisers in arc-transitive graphs with prescribed local group 112
Finite primitive groups and regular orbits of group elements 112
Coprime subdegrees for primitive permutation groups and completely reducible linear groups 108
Finite edge-transitive oriented graphs of valency four: A global approach 108
Every abelian group of odd order has a narcissistic terrace 103
On the nullspace of arc-transitive graphs over finite fields 102
On n-partite digraphical representations of finite groups 102
Automorphisms of Cayley graphs on generalised dicyclic groups 100
Enumerating groups acting regularly on a d-dimensional cube 100
Bounds on the diameter of Cayley graphs of the symmetric group 97
CI-property of elementary abelian 3-groups 96
Two local conditions on the vertex stabiliser of arc-transitive graphs and their effect on the Sylow subgroups 95
An answer to Hirasaka and Muzychuk: Every p-Schur ring over Cp3 is Schurian 94
Most switching classes with primitive automorphism groups contain graphs with trivial groups 93
Fixed-point-free elements in p-groups 92
Automorphism groups of tetravalent Cayley graphs on regular 5-groups 85
Finite transitive groups having many suborbits of cardinality at most two and an application to the enumeration of Cayley graphs 75
Conjectures on the normal covering number of the finite symmetric and alternating groups 73
CI-groups with respect to ternary relational structures: New examples 72
On a conjecture on the permutation characters of finite primitive groups 63
Milnor-Wolf Theorem for group endomorphisms 62
On the strong connectivity of the 2-Engel graphs of almost simple groups 61
On the existence and the enumeration of bipartite regular representations of Cayley graphs over abelian groups 60
An explicit upper bound on the number of subgroups of a finite group 56
Bounding the maximal size of independent generating sets of finite groups 56
Classical Groups 52
Exceptional Groups 51
Totale 13.198
Categoria #
all - tutte 58.177
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 58.177

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.316 0 0 0 0 0 316 278 195 215 104 143 65
2020/20212.251 63 82 208 243 171 145 191 194 150 214 152 438
2021/20221.349 99 125 181 114 38 113 145 67 75 82 122 188
2022/20232.172 287 560 164 169 197 261 23 110 176 18 147 60
2023/20241.955 46 47 35 189 255 363 399 77 170 74 48 252
2024/20251.640 273 477 99 231 327 233 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 14.693