Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.928
EU - Europa 4.572
AS - Asia 2.662
SA - Sud America 59
AF - Africa 28
OC - Oceania 13
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 2
Totale 16.264
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.817
SG - Singapore 1.027
IT - Italia 933
IE - Irlanda 917
RU - Federazione Russa 735
DE - Germania 688
HK - Hong Kong 671
SE - Svezia 602
CN - Cina 541
GB - Regno Unito 206
VN - Vietnam 198
UA - Ucraina 133
FI - Finlandia 119
CA - Canada 105
ID - Indonesia 99
FR - Francia 58
AT - Austria 51
BR - Brasile 47
NL - Olanda 41
KR - Corea 22
IN - India 21
BE - Belgio 20
TR - Turchia 20
JP - Giappone 19
ZA - Sudafrica 19
DK - Danimarca 10
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 8
ES - Italia 8
AU - Australia 7
IR - Iran 7
BG - Bulgaria 6
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 6
PH - Filippine 6
RO - Romania 6
AR - Argentina 5
CH - Svizzera 5
HR - Croazia 5
LT - Lituania 5
GR - Grecia 4
CL - Cile 3
MX - Messico 3
PK - Pakistan 3
PL - Polonia 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
BN - Brunei Darussalam 2
BY - Bielorussia 2
CO - Colombia 2
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 2
EE - Estonia 2
IL - Israele 2
IQ - Iraq 2
KE - Kenya 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
MD - Moldavia 2
NG - Nigeria 2
NO - Norvegia 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AL - Albania 1
AM - Armenia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 1
BZ - Belize 1
EG - Egitto 1
ET - Etiopia 1
EU - Europa 1
HN - Honduras 1
HU - Ungheria 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LK - Sri Lanka 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MN - Mongolia 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MY - Malesia 1
PE - Perù 1
PS - Palestinian Territory 1
PT - Portogallo 1
RS - Serbia 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SI - Slovenia 1
TH - Thailandia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
TZ - Tanzania 1
UZ - Uzbekistan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 16.264
Città #
Ann Arbor 1.334
Dublin 886
Fairfield 877
Singapore 799
Hong Kong 669
Ashburn 538
Frankfurt am Main 509
Chandler 497
Santa Clara 476
Wilmington 430
Woodbridge 413
New York 370
Houston 363
Seattle 362
Milan 330
Dearborn 315
Cambridge 281
Princeton 279
Altamura 141
Lawrence 137
Jacksonville 112
Jakarta 99
Nanjing 78
San Diego 72
Shanghai 66
Beijing 62
London 57
Council Bluffs 56
Rome 56
Dong Ket 55
Lappeenranta 55
Helsinki 54
Andover 52
Nuremberg 51
Turin 48
Toronto 44
Munich 35
Guangzhou 32
Nanchang 31
Grafing 30
Shenyang 27
Fremont 25
Changsha 24
Jiaxing 23
Vienna 23
Hebei 20
Chicago 19
Los Angeles 18
Norwalk 18
Washington 18
Jinan 17
Brussels 16
Kilburn 16
Tokyo 16
Sacramento 15
Seongnam 14
Pune 13
Zhengzhou 13
Boardman 11
Falls Church 11
Groningen 11
Phoenix 11
Hefei 10
Redmond 10
Tianjin 10
Hounslow 9
Mountain View 9
Ningbo 9
Bari 8
Codogno 8
Lachine 8
Taizhou 8
Como 7
Dallas 7
Kunming 7
Liguria 7
New Bedfont 7
Southwark 7
Wuhan 7
Florence 6
Johannesburg 6
Manila 6
Orange 6
Paris 6
Pretoria 6
São Paulo 6
Acton 5
Atlanta 5
Buffalo 5
Chiswick 5
Düsseldorf 5
Edmonton 5
Hangzhou 5
Moncton 5
Montreal 5
Ottawa 5
San Jose 5
Seoul 5
Taiyuan 5
Allentown 4
Totale 11.779
Nome #
Planck intermediate results. XIV. Dust emission at millimetre wavelengths in the Galactic plane 271
TES Bolometer Arrays for the QUBIC B-Mode CMB Experiment 251
The BRAIN CMB polarization experiment 212
Measurement of the splashback feature around SZ-selected Galaxy clusters with DES, SPT, and ACT 212
SAGACE : The spectroscopic active galaxies and clusters explorer 210
Spectroscopic Active Galaxies and Clusters Explorer 194
The Simons Observatory: science goals and forecasts 194
The QUBIC instrument for CMB polarization measurements 190
Progress Report on the Large-Scale Polarization Explorer 189
The Large-Scale Polarization Explorer (LSPE) 184
QUBIC: The Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology 183
Precision CMB polarization from Dome-c: The brain experiment 175
QUBIC: Using NbSi TESs with a Bolometric Interferometer to Characterize the Polarization of the CMB 173
Detection chain and electronic readout of the QUBIC instrument 172
Calibration of QUBIC: The Q and U bolometric interferometer for cosmology 169
The Simons Observatory: metamaterial microwave absorber and its cryogenic applications 168
QUBIC VII: The feedhorn-switch system of the technological demonstrator 166
QUBIC: the Q&U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology 156
QUBIC: The QU bolometric interferometer for cosmology 149
The Simons Observatory: Gain, bandpass and polarization-angle calibration requirements for B-mode searches 149
The atacama cosmology telescope: Two-season ACTPol extragalactic point sources and their polarization properties 146
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: A CMB lensing mass map over 2100 square degrees of sky and its cross-correlation with BOSS-CMASS galaxies 139
POLOCALC: A Novel Method to Measure the Absolute Polarization Orientation of the Cosmic Microwave Background 125
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Delensed power spectra and parameters 123
The Simons Observatory: modeling optical systematics in the Large Aperture Telescope 123
In-flight performance of the BLAST-TNG telescope platform 122
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Two-season ACTPol spectra and parameters 121
Detection of the pairwise kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect with BOSS DR11 and the Atacama Cosmology Telescope 121
An Open Source, FPGA-Based LeKID Readout for BLAST-TNG: Pre-Flight Results 119
Multiwavelength Characterization of an ACT-selected, Lensed Dusty Star-forming Galaxy at z = 2.64 119
Magnetic Sensitivity of AlMn TESes and Shielding Considerations for Next-Generation CMB Surveys 116
Planck 2013 results. XXXII. the updated Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources 115
Far sidelobe effects from panel gaps of the Atacama Cosmology Telescope 112
OLIMPO: A 4-bands imaging spectro-photometer for balloon-borne observations of the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect 111
Characterizing Atacama B-mode Search Detectors with a Half-Wave Plate 108
Gravitational wave cosmology and astrophysics with large spectroscopic galaxy surveys 108
The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope Observatory 108
Planck 2015 results: XXVII. The second Planck catalogue of Sunyaev-Zeldovich sources 107
Two-season Atacama Cosmology Telescope polarimeter lensing power spectrum 106
Planck 2015 results: XX. Constraints on inflation 106
Advanced ACTPol Cryogenic Detector Arrays and Readout 104
The First Multichroic Polarimeter Array on the Atacama Cosmology Telescope: Characterization and Performance 103
Assembly and integration process of the first high density detector array for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope 102
Planck intermediate results: XLII. Large-scale Galactic magnetic fields 102
Design and Deployment of a Multichroic Polarimeter Array on the Atacama Cosmology Telescope 101
The Simons Observatory Large Aperture Telescope Receiver 100
Planck 2015 results: IX. Diffuse component separation: CMB maps 99
Airborne, far-field calibrators for cosmic microwave background telescopes: POLOCALC 99
QUBIC III: Laboratory characterization 99
Planck intermediate results: XLV. Radio spectra of northern extragalactic radio sources 98
Planck 2015 results: XIV. Dark energy and modified gravity 98
A SQUID controller unit for space-based TES sensor readout 98
Planck intermediate results: XXXIV. The magnetic field structure in the Rosette Nebula 97
Advanced ACTPol Multichroic Polarimeter Array Fabrication Process for 150 mm Wafers 96
Planck intermediate results: XLIII. Spectral energy distribution of dust in clusters of galaxies 96
Planck 2013 results. XXVIII. The Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources 95
The large scale polarization explorer (LSPE) for CMB measurements: performance forecast 95
Instrumental performance and results from testing of the BLAST-TNG receiver, submillimeter optics, and MKID detector arrays 94
Readout of two-kilopixel transition-edge sensor arrays for Advanced ACTPol 94
Planck 2013 results. XXI. Power spectrum and high-order statistics of the Planck all-sky Compton parameter map 93
Planck 2015 results: XXIII. The thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect-cosmic infrared background correlation 92
Evidence for the kinematic Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and velocity reconstruction from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey 92
Planck intermediate results: XL. the Sunyaev-Zeldovich signal from the Virgo cluster 92
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: The Two-season ACTPol Sunyaev–Zel’dovich Effect Selected Cluster Catalog 92
Survey strategy optimization for the Atacama Cosmology Telescope 91
QUBIC VI: Cryogenic half wave plate rotator, design and performance 90
Planck 2015 results: VIII. High Frequency Instrument data processing: Calibration and maps 89
Studies of systematic uncertainties for Simons Observatory: Detector array effects 89
Studies of Systematic uncertainties in the Simons Observatory: Optical effects and sensitivity considerations 87
Planck 2013 results. VI. high frequency instrument data processing 86
Planck 2015 results: II. Low Frequency Instrument data processings 86
Design and characterization of a balloon-borne diffraction-limited submillimeter telescope platform for BLAST-TNG 86
Planck 2015 results: XXIV. Cosmology from Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster counts 85
The long duration cryogenic system of the OLIMPO balloon–borne experiment: design and in–flight performance 85
In-flight polarization angle calibration for LiteBIRD: Blind challenge and cosmological implications 85
Development of calibration strategies for the Simons Observatory 84
Planck 2015 results: XVII. Constraints on primordial non-Gaussianity 84
The Simons Observatory: Instrument overview 84
Planck 2015 results: V. LFI calibration 83
Planck 2015 results: VII. High Frequency Instrument data processing: Time-ordered information and beams 83
The novel Mechanical Ventilator Milano for the COVID-19 pandemic 83
Planck 2015 results: VI. LFI mapmaking 82
The Advanced ACTPol 27/39 GHz Array 82
QUBIC V: Cryogenic system design and performance 82
A New Readout Electronic for Kinetic Inductance Detectors 81
Planck 2015 results: IV. Low Frequency Instrument beams and window functions 81
Planck 2015 results: XXI. The integrated Sachs-Wolfe effect 81
Planck 2015 results: XXVI. The Second Planck Catalogue of Compact Sources 80
Preflight characterization of the BLAST-TNG receiver and detector arrays 80
Advanced ACTPol Low-Frequency Array: Readout and Characterization of Prototype 27 and 39 GHz Transition Edge Sensors 80
Characterization of the Mid-Frequency Arrays for Advanced ACTPol 80
Probing Cosmic Inflation with the LiteBIRD Cosmic Microwave Background Polarization Survey 79
Planck 2015 results: XXV. Diffuse low-frequency Galactic foregrounds 79
Planck 2015 results: XV. Gravitational lensing 79
Planck 2015 results: XXII. A map of the thermal Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect 79
QUBIC IV: Performance of TES bolometers and readout electronics 79
The Atacama Cosmology Telescope: DR4 maps and cosmological parameters 78
Simons Observatory: Constraining inflationary gravitational waves with multitracer B -mode delensing 78
QUBIC VIII: Optical design and performance 78
Planck 2015 results: XI. CMB power spectra, likelihoods, and robustness of parameters 76
Totale 11.427
Categoria #
all - tutte 93.295
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 93.295

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020751 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 229 227 139 103 53
2020/20212.444 96 108 216 207 285 192 270 248 145 191 162 324
2021/20221.763 163 146 154 152 58 143 51 85 90 217 212 292
2022/20233.551 352 665 275 196 233 710 59 200 664 35 118 44
2023/20242.740 77 107 73 96 432 781 358 83 320 77 52 284
2024/20253.733 471 844 542 340 612 286 377 261 0 0 0 0
Totale 17.382