Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 14.726
NA - Nord America 11.774
AS - Asia 3.743
SA - Sud America 193
AF - Africa 70
OC - Oceania 69
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 12
Totale 30.587
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 11.450
IT - Italia 8.147
CN - Cina 1.449
DE - Germania 972
SE - Svezia 926
SG - Singapore 910
IE - Irlanda 739
RU - Federazione Russa 683
FR - Francia 671
UA - Ucraina 648
HK - Hong Kong 580
GB - Regno Unito 501
DK - Danimarca 376
CA - Canada 297
NL - Olanda 232
VN - Vietnam 222
FI - Finlandia 159
TR - Turchia 122
AT - Austria 121
BR - Brasile 119
IN - India 113
BE - Belgio 106
ID - Indonesia 80
CH - Svizzera 70
ES - Italia 68
KR - Corea 63
GR - Grecia 61
PL - Polonia 61
AU - Australia 52
RO - Romania 39
PT - Portogallo 36
JP - Giappone 34
IL - Israele 32
PH - Filippine 32
ZA - Sudafrica 29
IR - Iran 24
MX - Messico 23
PE - Perù 20
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 18
TW - Taiwan 18
NO - Norvegia 17
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 17
AR - Argentina 16
CO - Colombia 15
HU - Ungheria 12
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 11
CL - Cile 10
LT - Lituania 10
EU - Europa 9
LB - Libano 9
RS - Serbia 9
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 9
EC - Ecuador 8
ET - Etiopia 8
KE - Kenya 8
SI - Slovenia 8
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 7
PK - Pakistan 7
IQ - Iraq 6
BD - Bangladesh 5
MY - Malesia 5
UG - Uganda 5
EE - Estonia 4
GE - Georgia 4
LK - Sri Lanka 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
LY - Libia 3
MA - Marocco 3
MK - Macedonia 3
A1 - Anonimo 2
CM - Camerun 2
DZ - Algeria 2
HR - Croazia 2
LV - Lettonia 2
ME - Montenegro 2
MT - Malta 2
MU - Mauritius 2
NG - Nigeria 2
SN - Senegal 2
TH - Thailandia 2
TN - Tunisia 2
UY - Uruguay 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AM - Armenia 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BH - Bahrain 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BT - Bhutan 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
GP - Guadalupe 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
MD - Moldavia 1
PA - Panama 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
PY - Paraguay 1
QA - Qatar 1
SC - Seychelles 1
SM - San Marino 1
Totale 30.584
Città #
Ann Arbor 2.006
Milan 1.189
Chandler 875
Singapore 716
Jacksonville 686
Woodbridge 679
Dublin 639
Fairfield 598
Wilmington 546
Dearborn 539
Rome 514
Hong Kong 509
Frankfurt am Main 507
Houston 490
Ashburn 471
Santa Clara 352
New York 338
Princeton 313
Seattle 261
Nanjing 231
Cambridge 219
Shanghai 165
Beijing 147
Florence 145
Menlo Park 138
Padova 136
Dong Ket 120
Bologna 108
Lachine 107
Torino 102
Vienna 101
Verona 84
Turin 80
Boardman 78
Nanchang 78
Los Angeles 73
Shenyang 70
Lawrence 68
Altamura 66
Jakarta 65
Naples 65
Brussels 64
Guangzhou 64
Genova 60
Andover 59
Genoa 59
Dallas 53
Las Vegas 53
Toronto 53
Tianjin 52
Bari 51
Hebei 51
Trento 49
Brescia 48
Catania 48
San Diego 45
Jiaxing 44
Napoli 44
Palermo 43
Chicago 42
Monza 41
Helsinki 39
Jinan 39
Modena 38
Paris 38
Hangzhou 37
London 36
Zhengzhou 36
Ottawa 33
Changsha 32
Huizen 32
Ningbo 32
Bergamo 31
Falls Church 31
Norwalk 30
Council Bluffs 25
Redmond 25
Cagliari 24
Central 24
Pune 24
Sacramento 24
Taizhou 24
Venice 24
Trieste 23
Como 22
Kunming 22
Phoenix 22
Amsterdam 21
Pisa 21
Shenzhen 21
Taranto 21
Treviso 21
Vicenza 21
Athens 20
Nuremberg 20
Berlin 19
Kansas City 19
Tübingen 19
Segrate 17
Seoul 17
Totale 16.721
Nome #
Il corpo oggettivato: Media, benessere psicofisico e differenze di genere. 1.341
L'atteggiamento ambivalente verso donne e uomini: Un contributo alla validazione delle scale ASI e AMI 864
Dehumanization 733
Shades of Sexualization: When Sexualization Becomes Sexual Objectification 666
La violenza contro le donne nelle colonie italiane. Prospettive psicosociali di analisi. 602
Human-itarian aid? Two forms of dehumanization and willingness to help after natural disasters 537
Acting like a tough guy: Violent-sexist video games, identification with game characters, masculine beliefs, & empathy for female violence victims 505
The dirty side of work: Biologization of physically tainted workers 503
100 years after: What is the relation between pacifist attitudes and social representations of the great war? 422
Gli stereotipi di genere nella pubblicità televisiva: evoluzione o regressione? 395
Per una psicologia sociale della letteratura. Relazioni interpersonali e intergruppi in "L'erba canta" di Doris Lessing. 388
Measuring objectification through the Body Inversion Paradigm: Methodological issues 382
(Still) Modern Times: Objectification at work 366
Interactive Effect of Moral Disengagement and Violent Video Games on Self-control, Cheating and Aggression 360
Work and freedom? Working self-objectification and belief in personal free will 355
Delegitimization and racism. The social construction of anti-Semitism in Italy 352
Brief report: Does exposure to violent video games increase moral disengagement among adolescents? 331
The eternal feminine. Gender stereotypes and sexualization in television advertisements 330
Dirty jobs and dehumanization of workers 324
Excluded From All Humanity: Animal Metaphors Exacerbate the Consequences of Social Exclusion 319
Using the Stereotype Content Model to examine group depictions in Fascism: An archival approach 311
Do self-objectified women believe themselves to be free? Sexual objectification and belief in personal free will 300
Le radici psicologiche della disuguaglianza 285
Deumanizzazione. Come si legittima la violenza 270
Attributing and managing the crisis: Lay representations in three European countries 269
Greedy Elites and Poor Lambs: How Young Europeans Remember the Great War 261
How political orientation and vulnerability shape representations of the economic crisis in greeceand Italy 249
Denying the other: The forms of dehumanization [Negare l'altro. La deumanizzazione e le sue forme] 248
L’uomo ingranaggio: L’oggettivazione al lavoro 247
The role of cultural factors on eating and body-related disorders 247
Le immagini come armi di propaganda: la delegittimazione nei manifesti di Forza Nuova 229
Pictures as weapons. Delegitimization strategies in the visual propaganda of Forza Nuova [Le immagini come armi di propaganda. La delegittimazione nei manifesti di Forza Nuova] 228
Reducing competitive victimhood in Kosovo: The role of extended contact and common ingroup identity 224
Virtual users support forum: Do community members really want to help you? 224
Salienza delle appartenenze, orientamento alla dominanza sociale, effetti del contatto intergruppi 222
Biologizzazione e disgusto: una ricerca con la Semantic Misattribution Procedure 222
Perceptions of Low-Status Workers and the Maintenance of the Social Class Status Quo 220
“Popolo di poeti, artisti, eroi, navigatori…” Lo stereotipo dell’italiano in epoca fascista 219
Sviluppi della teoria etogenica del comportamento sociale 219
Objectified conformity: working self-objectification increases conforming behavior* 218
The ACME shop: A paradigm to investigate working (self-) objectification 217
Neuromodulation can reduce aggressive behavior elicited by violent video games 215
Grand Theft Auto is a “Sandbox” Game, but There are Weapons, Criminals, and Prostitutes in the Sandbox: Response to Ferguson and Donnellan (2017) 214
Lavoro e libertà. Auto-oggettivazione lavorativa e percezione di libero arbitrio personale 213
Mario Canella e la psicologia razziale. Un caso di conformismo al potere universitario 208
La negazione dell’umanità: I percorsi della deumanizzazione 207
When work does not enobble man: Psychological consequences of working objectification 203
Tra paternalismo e disprezzo: Gli stereotipi dei gruppi immigrati in Italia 196
"Italiani brava gente." Effetti di un mito storico sulle relazioni sociali contempranee 193
Oggettivazione lavorativa, conformismo e mantenimento delle disuguaglianze 191
Male Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Disorder symptomatology: Moderating variables among men 188
The longstanding view of workers as objects: antecedents and consequences of working objectification 186
A century of victimhood: Antecedents and current impacts of perceived suffering in World War I across Europe 184
Predicting onset and maintenance of men's eating disorders 183
Predictors of the perceived efficacy of actions against austerity measures 180
The Social Appearance Anxiety Scale in Italian Adolescent Populations: Construct Validation and Group Discrimination in Community and Clinical Eating Disorders Samples 178
The Immigrant Acculturation Scale: Testing the validity of the Italian adaptation 177
Empowering the “Jewish threat”: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion 176
Le radici psicologiche e culturali della violenza contro le donne 176
Internalization of Sociocultural Standards of Beauty and Disordered Eating Behaviours: The Role of Body Surveillance, Shame, and Social Anxiety 175
Identificazione e favoritismo per il proprio gruppo: Verifica del modello di Hinkle e Brown. 174
Internet come strumento di ricerca: Linee guida per la creazione di web survey 173
Oggettivazione e conformismo: l’effetto dell’auto-oggettivazione lavorativa sulla tendenza ad adeguarsi alle opinioni altrui 172
Seeing Others as a Disease: The Impact of Physical (but not Moral) Disgust on Biologization 171
Picturing the other: Targets of delegitimization across time 169
Feeling like an object: A field study on working self-objectification and belief in personal free will 168
Gli oggetti non scelgono: auto-oggettivazione sessuale e ridotta percezione di libero arbitrio. 166
Body image dissatisfaction and eating disorder symptomatology: A latent structural equation modeling examination of moderators among adolescent girls. 163
Identification processes in online groups: Identity motives in the virtual realm of MMORPGs 163
The eternal feminine. Gender stereotypes and sexualization in Italian television advertisements. 155
Preliminary evidence of the effectiveness of a brief self-control intervention on reducing the short-term harmful consequences of violent video games on adolescents 155
Workers' self-objectification and reduced activism against inequalities: The role of beliefs in personal free will and system justification 153
Women inside and outside Academia: a struggle to access knowledge, legitimacy, and influence 153
Bad but Bold: Ambivalent Attitudes Toward Men Predict Gender Inequality in 16 Nations. 153
Consensus on media violence effects: Comment on Bushman, Gollwitzer, and Cruz 153
Anti-American sentiment and America's perceived intent to dominate. An 11-nation study 152
Il falso e la propaganda. Analisi psicosociale dei Protocolli dei Savi di Sion 150
Are immigrant women and men perceived the same way? A study of their stereotype contents in Italian society 150
Is traditional gender ideology associated with sex-typed mate preferences? A test in nine nations 149
Clima di pari opportunità e atteggiamenti organizzativi: Uno studio nelle Forze Armate Italiane 149
L'impatto dell'oggettivazione sessuale sul benessere psicofisico 147
Primacy of warmth versus competence: A motivated bias? 146
Contemporary forms of sexual objectification: The image girls 144
Oggettivazione lavorativa e (ridotta) percezione di libero arbitrio 143
Come misurare l'oggettivazione? 141
Social influence and the power of minorities: An analysis of the communist manifesto 140
Gli stereotipi di genere nella pubblicità televisiva: evoluzione o regressione? 139
Work and Freedom: working Self-Objectification and Belief in Personal Free Will 138
Street harassment and its negative psychological outcomes in an Italian university population 137
“Italiani brava gente”: I pregiudizi degli italiani tra passato e presente 136
An evaluation of the dual-pathway model of binge eating in Italian adolescent boys: A longitudinal structural equation modeling approach 134
Le immagini degli altri: Processi di delegittimazione nel passato e nel presente 133
Toward a reliable and valid measure of automatic objectification 132
null 131
Are the Male Body Dissatisfaction and Drive for Muscularity Scales reliable and valid instruments? 131
Workers as objects: The nature of working objectification and the role of perceived alienation 130
Adolescent Immoral Behaviors as a Function of Moral Disengagement and Violent Gameplay 129
Come eravamo: immagini di gruppi in epoca fascista 128
The virtual borders of morality: Exposure to violent videogames increases moral disengagement 128
Equal opportunities climate and work attitudes and behaviors: A study in the Italian military context 128
Totale 24.753
Categoria #
all - tutte 92.606
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 92.606

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.481 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 305 382 317 346 131
2020/20214.328 263 137 425 429 338 428 476 383 420 397 242 390
2021/20222.750 226 325 426 302 127 191 159 183 147 115 172 377
2022/20234.275 483 925 426 329 272 583 146 261 343 119 216 172
2023/20244.408 189 225 283 422 504 830 486 250 371 255 204 389
2024/20254.344 504 877 493 515 730 436 480 309 0 0 0 0
Totale 31.677