Combined effect of algae and dust on snow spectral and broadband albedo
2024 Di Mauro, B; Garzonio, R; Ravasio, C; Orlandi, V; Baccolo, G; Gilardoni, S; Remias, D; Leoni, B; Rossini, M; Colombo, R
Interaction between temperature and nutrients: How does the phytoplankton community cope with climate change?
2024 Dory, F; Nava, V; Spreafico, M; Orlandi, V; Soler, V; Leoni, B
Plastic pollution affects ecosystem processes including community structure and functional traits in large rivers
2024 Nava, V; Leoni, B; Arienzo, M; Hogan, Z; Gandolfi, I; Tatangelo, V; Carlson, E; Chea, S; Soum, S; Kozloski, R; Chandra, S
An investigation into the use of riverine mesocosms to analyse the effect of flow velocity and recipient textiles on forensic fibre persistence studies
2023 Kruszelnicki, A; Schelker, J; Leoni, B; Nava, V; Kalem, J; Attermeyer, K; Gwinnett, C
Effects of the plastisphere on metabolic traits of the Lower Mekong River Basin
2023 Nava, V; Leoni, B; Arienzo, M; Carlson, E; Hogan, Z; Chea, S; Orlandi, V; Soum, S; Chandra, S
Groundwater and surface water nitrate pollution in an intensively irrigated system: Sources, dynamics and adaptation to climate change
2023 Rotiroti, M; Sacchi, E; Caschetto, M; Zanotti, C; Fumagalli, L; Biasibetti, M; Bonomi, T; Leoni, B
How does plastic pollution influence primary productivity of large rivers? A study in the Lower Mekong River
2023 Nava, V; Chandra, S; Arienzo, M; Carlson, E; Hogan, Z; Chea, S; Orlandi, V; Soum, S; Leoni, B
Monitoring contaminants of emerging concern in aquatic systems through the lens of citizen science
2023 Vasantha Raman, N; Dubey, A; Millar, E; Nava, V; Leoni, B; Gallego, I
Plastic debris in lakes and reservoirs
2023 Nava, V; Chandra, S; Aherne, J; Alfonso, M; Antão-Geraldes, A; Attermeyer, K; Bao, R; Bartrons, M; Berger, S; Biernaczyk, M; Bissen, R; Brookes, J; Brown, D; Cañedo-Argüelles, M; Canle, M; Capelli, C; Carballeira, R; Cereijo, J; Chawchai, S; Christensen, S; Christoffersen, K; de Eyto, E; Delgado, J; Dornan, T; Doubek, J; Dusaucy, J; Erina, O; Ersoy, Z; Feuchtmayr, H; Frezzotti, M; Galafassi, S; Gateuille, D; Gonçalves, V; Grossart, H; Hamilton, D; Harris, T; Kangur, K; Kankılıç, G; Kessler, R; Kiel, C; Krynak, E; Leiva-Presa, À; Lepori, F; Matias, M; Matsuzaki, S; Mcelarney, Y; Messyasz, B; Mitchell, M; Mlambo, M; Motitsoe, S; Nandini, S; Orlandi, V; Owens, C; Özkundakci, D; Pinnow, S; Pociecha, A; Raposeiro, P; Rõõm, E; Rotta, F; Salmaso, N; Sarma, S; Sartirana, D; Scordo, F; Sibomana, C; Siewert, D; Stepanowska, K; Tavşanoğlu, Ü; Tereshina, M; Thompson, J; Tolotti, M; Valois, A; Verburg, P; Welsh, B; Wesolek, B; Weyhenmeyer, G; Wu, N; Zawisza, E; Zink, L; Leoni, B
Coccolithophore assemblages and a new species of Alisphaera from the Faafu Atoll, Maldives, Indian Ocean
2022 Malinverno, E; Leoni, B; Galli, P
Microalgae colonization of different microplastic polymers in experimental mesocosms across an environmental gradient
2022 Nava, V; Matias, M; Castillo-Escriva, A; Messyasz, B; Leoni, B
Plastic debris in freshwater systems worldwide
2022 Nava, V; Aherne, J; Alfonso, M; Antão-Geraldes, A; Attermeyer, K; Bao, R; Bartrons, M; Berger, S; Biernaczyk, M; Bissen, R; Brookes, J; Brown, D; Candian, G; Cañedo-Argüelles, M; Canle, M; Capelli, C; Carballeira, R; Cereijo, J; Chawchai, S; Chen, G; Christensen, S; Christoffersen, K; de Eyto, E; Delgado, J; Dornan, T; Doubek, J; Dusaucy, J; Erina, O; Ersoy, Z; Feuchtmayr, H; Lepori, F; Frezzotti, M; Galafassi, S; Gateuille, D; Gonçalves, V; Grossart, H; Hamilton, D; Harris, T; Kangur, K; Kankılıç, G; Kessler, R; Kiel, C; Krynak, E; Leiva-Presa, A; Matias, M; Matsuzaki, S; Mcelarney, Y; Mitchell, M; Messyasz, B; Mlambo, M; Motitsoe, S; Owens, C; Özkundakci, D; Pinnow, S; Pociecha, A; Raposeiro, P; Rõõm, E; Rotta, F; Salmaso, N; Scordo, F; Sibomana, C; Siewert, D; Stepanowska, K; Sudeep, C; Tavşanoğlu, U; Tereshina, M; Thompson, J; Tolotti, M; Valois, A; Verburg, P; Wesolek, B; Weyhenmeyer, G; Wu, N; Zawisza, E; Zink, L; Leoni, B
A critical review of interactions between microplastics, microalgae and aquatic ecosystem function
2021 Nava, V; Leoni, B
Cladocera paleocommunity to disentangle the impact of anthropogenic and climatic stressors on a deep subalpine lake ecosystem (Lake Iseo, Italy)
2021 Leoni, B; Patelli, M; Nava, V; Tolotti, M
Comparison of Different Procedures for Separating Microplastics from Sediments
2021 Nava, V; Leoni, B
Freshwater system of coral inhabited island: Availability and vulnerability (Magoodhoo Island of Faafu Atoll – Maldives)
2021 Leoni, B; Zanotti, C; Nava, V; Rotiroti, M; Stefania, G; Fallati, L; Soler, V; Fumagalli, L; Savini, A; Galli, P; Bonomi, T
Global data set of long-term summertime vertical temperature profiles in 153 lakes
2021 Pilla, R; Mette, E; Williamson, C; Adamovich, B; Adrian, R; Anneville, O; Balseiro, E; Ban, S; Chandra, S; Colom-Montero, W; Devlin, S; Dix, M; Dokulil, M; Feldsine, N; Feuchtmayr, H; Fogarty, N; Gaiser, E; Girdner, S; Gonzalez, M; Hambright, K; Hamilton, D; Havens, K; Hessen, D; Hetzenauer, H; Higgins, S; Huttula, T; Huuskonen, H; Isles, P; Joehnk, K; Keller, W; Klug, J; Knoll, L; Korhonen, J; Korovchinsky, N; Koster, O; Kraemer, B; Leavitt, P; Leoni, B; Lepori, F; Lepskaya, E; Lottig, N; Luger, M; Maberly, S; Macintyre, S; Mcbride, C; Mcintyre, P; Melles, S; Modenutti, B; Muller-Navarra, D; Pacholski, L; Paterson, A; Pierson, D; Pislegina, H; Plisnier, P; Richardson, D; Rimmer, A; Rogora, M; Rogozin, D; Rusak, J; Rusanovskaya, O; Sadro, S; Salmaso, N; Saros, J; Sarvala, J; Saulnier-Talbot, E; Schindler, D; Shimaraeva, S; Silow, E; Sitoki, L; Sommaruga, R; Straile, D; Strock, K; Swain, H; Tallant, J; Thiery, W; Timofeyev, M; Tolomeev, A; Tominaga, K; Vanni, M; Verburg, P; Vinebrooke, R; Wanzenbock, J; Weathers, K; Weyhenmeyer, G; Zadereev, E; Zhukova, T
Hydrogeological characterization and groundwater quality assessment in an atoll island (Magoodhoo Island of Faafu Atoll - Maldives)
2021 Zanotti, C; Leoni, B; Nava, V; Fallati, L; Rotiroti, M; Bonomi, T
Manganese-mediated hydrochemistry and microbiology in a meromictic subalpine lake (Lake Idro, Northern Italy) - A biogeochemical approach
2021 Tartari, G; Copetti, D; Franzetti, A; Balordi, M; Salerno, F; Thakuri, S; Leoni, B; Chiarello, G; Cristiani, P
Microalgal colonization of microplastic substrates: results from a mesocosm experiment across biogeographical zones
2021 Nava, V; Matias, M; Messyasz, B; Castillo-Escrivà, A; Ersoy, Z; Raposeiro, P; Marzinelli, E; Mayer-Pinto, M; González Sanchidrián, H; Pinedo-Troncoso, M; Leoni, B