Cladocera paleocommunity to disentangle the impact of anthropogenic and climatic stressors on a deep subalpine lake ecosystem (Lake Iseo, Italy)
2021 Leoni, B; Patelli, M; Nava, V; Tolotti, M
Causes of Daphnia midsummer decline in two deep meromictic subalpine lakes
2020 Patelli, M; Leoni, B; Lepori, F
Chloride Balance in Freshwater System of a Highly Anthropized Subalpine Area: Load and Source Quantification Through a Watershed Approach
2020 Nava, V; Patelli, M; Bonomi, T; Stefania, G; Zanotti, C; Fumagalli, L; Soler, V; Rotiroti, M; Leoni, B
Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: Rapid degradation of the world's large lakes
2020 Jenny, J; Anneville, O; Arnaud, F; Baulaz, Y; Bouffard, D; Domaizon, I; Bocaniov, S; Chevre, N; Dittrich, M; Dorioz, J; Dunlop, E; Dur, G; Guillard, J; Guinaldo, T; Jacquet, S; Jamoneau, A; Jawed, Z; Jeppesen, E; Krantzberg, G; Lenters, J; Leoni, B; Meybeck, M; Nava, V; Noges, T; Noges, P; Patelli, M; Pebbles, V; Perga, M; Rasconi, S; Ruetz, C; Rudstam, L; Salmaso, N; Sapna, S; Straile, D; Tammeorg, O; Twiss, M; Uzarski, D; Ventela, A; Vincent, W; Wilhelm, S; Wangberg, S; Weyhenmeyer, G
2020 Patelli, M
An R package for estimating river compound load using different methods
2019 Nava, V; Patelli, M; Rotiroti, M; Leoni, B
Does climate change impact on pelagic food webs and natural capital in deep subalpine lakes?
2019 Nava, V; Leoni, B; Patelli, M
Groundwater and surface water quality characterization with positive matrix factorization
2019 Zanotti, C; Bonomi, T; Fumagalli, L; Rotiroti, M; Stefania, G; Taviani, S; Faggioli, M; Soler, V; Patelli, M; Nava, V; Sartirana, D; Stefenelli, G; Canonaco, F; Prévôt, A; Leoni, B
Groundwater/surface-water interactions and their effect on nitrate pollution in the Oglio River basin (N Italy)
2019 Rotiroti, M; Bonomi, T; Fumagalli, M; Sacchi, E; Stefania, G; Zanotti, C; Taviani, S; Faggioli, M; Patelli, M; Nava, V; Soler, V; Leoni, B
How climate change can influence biogeochemical cycle of Dissolved Silica (DSi): insights from long-term monitoring analysis (1993-2018) in a deep oligomictic lake (Lake Iseo, northern Italy)
2019 Nava, V; Patelli, M; Soler, V; Leoni, B
Long-term studies for evaluating the impacts of natural and anthropic stressors on limnological features and the ecosystem quality of Lake Iseo
2019 Leoni, B; Spreafico, M; Patelli, M; Soler, V; Garibaldi, L; Nava, V
Microplastic colonization by primary producers: a mesocosm experiment across a biogeographical gradient
2019 Nava, V; Miguel, M; González Sanchidrián, H; Pinedo-Troncoso, M; Raposeiro, P; Ribeiro, S; Patelli, M; Castillo-Escrivà, A; Leoni, B
Multivariate statistical analysis supporting the hydrochemical characterization of groundwater and surface water: a case study in northern Italy
2019 Rotiroti, M; Zanotti, C; Fumagalli, L; Taviani, S; Stefania, G; Patelli, M; Nava, V; Soler, V; Sacchi, E; Leoni, B
Organic contaminants in zooplankton of Italian subalpine lakes: Patterns of distribution and seasonal variations
2019 Pascariello, S; Mazzoni, M; Bettinetti, R; Manca, M; Patelli, M; Piscia, R; Valsecchi, S; Polesello, S
The Effects of Hypoxia on Zooplankton Population Estimates and Migration in Lakes
2019 Goldfarb, S; Doubek, J; Antão-Geraldes, A; Bartrons, M; Berger, S; Brentrup, J; Brucet, S; Burnet, S; Caputo Galarce, L; Carey, C; Christoffersen, K; de Eyto, E; Dur, G; Erdoğan, S; Erina, O; Grossart, H; Kainz, M; Kankılıç, G; Khan, S; Leoni, B; Lepori, F; Mccarthy, V; Nava, V; Nejstgaard, J; Obertegger, U; Ogorelec, Z; Ozen, A; Pascual, M; Paterson, M; Patelli, M; Qiu, Q; Richardson, D; Sepulveda-Jauregui, A; Silva, L; Straile, D; Tartarotti, B; Tavşanoğlu, U; Tereshina, M; Umaña-Villalobos, G; Walles, T; Wander, H; Wurtsbaugh, W; Stockwell, S
The effects of irrigation on groundwater quality and quantity in a human-modified hydro-system: The Oglio River basin, Po Plain, northern Italy
2019 Rotiroti, M; Bonomi, T; Sacchi, E; Mcarthur, J; Stefania, G; Zanotti, C; Taviani, S; Patelli, M; Nava, V; Soler, V; Fumagalli, L; Leoni, B
The emerging issue of microplastics: ongoing investigation in water and sediments of subalpine lakes
2019 Tolotti, M; Patelli, M; Leoni, B; Giordani, L; Nava, V
The pelagic food webs of deep subalpine lake and climate change: a long-term dataset analysis
2019 Patelli, M; Nava, V; Soler, V; Sprafico, M; Barbara, B
A paleolimnological investigation of the impact of catchment dynamics on pelagic communities in a deep sub-alpine lake (L. Iseo)
2018 Patelli, M; Tolotti, M; Frassetti, M; Nava, V; Leoni, B
Ammonium transformation in 14 lakes along a trophic gradient
2018 Leoni, B; Patelli, M; Soler, V; Nava, V