Assessing data variability in groundwater quality monitoring of contaminated sites through factor analysis and multiple linear regression models
2025 Sartirana, D; Zanotti, C; Palazzi, A; Pietrini, I; Frattini, P; Franzetti, A; Bonomi, T; Rotiroti, M
Climate-related risk assessment in water safety plans: the case study of Acque Bresciane (Italy)
2024 Biasibetti, M; Longhi, E; Bozza, S; Zanotti, C; Rotiroti, M; Fumagalli, L; Caschetto, M; Redaelli, A; Bonomi, T
Mixing Processes in Wells Tapping Confined Aquifers: Quality and Risks Assessments for Public Drinking Water Supply
2024 Zanotti, C; Redaelli, A; Palazzi, A; Fumagalli, L; Caschetto, M; Stano, C; Bonomi, T; Rotiroti, M
Urban Water Management in Milan Metropolitan Area, a review
2024 Sartirana, D; Zanotti, C; Rotiroti, M; Caschetto, M; Redaelli, A; Bruno, S; Fumagalli, L; De Amicis, M; Bonomi, T
A Local-Scale Numerical Model to Quantify Groundwater Infiltrations into Underground Infrastructures: The Case of Milan
2023 Sartirana, D; Zanotti, C; Rotiroti, M; DE AMICIS, M; Caschetto, M; Redaelli, A; Fumagalli, L; Bonomi, T
A reproducible procedure to elaborate long groundwater level and abstraction rate time series acquired from data logger, a present-day necessity
2023 Redaelli, A; Rotiroti, M; Bonomi, T; Fumagalli, L; Caschetto, M; Esposto, F; Sinatra, G; Olivieri, M; Bozza, S; Zanotti, C
Basin-scale transfer of nitrate pollution from groundwater to surface water in an intensively irrigated system
2023 Rotiroti, M; Sacchi, E; Caschetto, M; Zanotti, C; Fumagalli, L; Bonomi, T
Changes in Shallow Groundwater Recharge Due to Drought Impacting the Po River Basin
2023 Rotiroti, M; Caschetto, M; Zanotti, C; Redaelli, A; Bruno, S; Sartirana, D; Sacchi, E; Riparbelli, C; Brenna, S; Fumagalli, L; Bonomi, T
Data-Driven Monitoring Strategies for Groundwater Quality Protection Through Time Series Clustering of Groundwater Pollution Data.
2023 Zanotti, C; Rotiroti, M; Redaelli, A; Caschetto, M; Fumagalli, L; Stano, C; Sartirana, D; Bonomi, T
Groundwater Age Modelling to Refine Knowledge on the Hydrogeological Functioning of the Shallow Alluvial Aquifer in the Po River Basin
2023 Caschetto, M; Zanotti, C; Pinti, D; Sacchi, E; Sartirana, D; Redaelli, A; Bruno, S; Fumagalli, L; Bonomi, T; Riparbelli, C; Brenna, S; Rotiroti, M
Groundwater and surface water nitrate pollution in an intensively irrigated system: Sources, dynamics and adaptation to climate change
2023 Rotiroti, M; Sacchi, E; Caschetto, M; Zanotti, C; Fumagalli, L; Biasibetti, M; Bonomi, T; Leoni, B
Multivariate Time Series Clustering of Groundwater Quality Data to Develop Data-Driven Monitoring Strategies in a Historically Contaminated Urban Area
2023 Zanotti, C; Rotiroti, M; Redaelli, A; Caschetto, M; Fumagalli, L; Stano, C; Sartirana, D; Bonomi, T
A cost-effective method for assessing groundwater well vulnerability to anthropogenic and natural pollution in the framework of water safety plans
2022 Zanotti, C; Rotiroti, M; Caschetto, M; Redaelli, A; Bozza, S; Biasibetti, M; Mostarda, L; Fumagalli, L; Bonomi, T
A pipeline for monitoring water pollution: the example of heavy metals in Lombardy waters
2022 Zanchi, M; Zapperi, S; Zanotti, C; Rotiroti, M; Bonomi, T; Gomarasca, S; Bocchi, S; La Porta, C
Data-driven decision management of urban underground infrastructure through groundwater-level time-series cluster analysis: the case of Milan (Italy)
2022 Sartirana, D; Rotiroti, M; Bonomi, T; De Amicis, M; Nava, V; Fumagalli, L; Zanotti, C
Exploratory groundwater time series analysis to support climate change vulnerability assessment, a case study in northern Italy
2022 Redaelli, A; Rotiroti, M; Bonomi, T; Fumagalli, L; Caschetto, M; Esposto, F; Sinatra, G; Olivieri, M; Bozza, S; Zanotti, C
Exploring climate change impact on groundwater supporting a medium and long term water management planning, a case study in Northern Italy
2022 Redaelli, A; Rotiroti, M; Bonomi, T; Fumagalli, L; Caschetto, M; Esposto, F; Sinatra, G; Olivieri, M; Bozza, S; Zanotti, C
Linking local natural background levels in groundwater to their generating hydrogeochemical processes in Quaternary alluvial aquifers
2022 Zanotti, C; Caschetto, M; Bonomi, T; Parini, M; Cipriano, G; Fumagalli, L; Rotiroti, M
Modeling groundwater/surface-water interactions and their effects on hydraulic barriers, the case of the industrial area of Mantua (Italy) [Modellazione delle interazioni tra acque superficiali e sotterranee e loro effetto sulle barriere idrauliche, il caso dell’area industriale di Mantova]
2022 Bonomi, T; Sartirana, D; Toscani, L; Stefania, G; Zanotti, C; Rotiroti, M; Redaelli, A; Fumagalli, L
Quantifying Groundwater Infiltrations into Subway Lines and Underground Car Parks Using MODFLOW-USG
2022 Sartirana, D; Zanotti, C; Rotiroti, M; De Amicis, M; Caschetto, M; Redaelli, A; Fumagalli, L; Bonomi, T