Combined effect of algae and dust on snow spectral and broadband albedo
2024 Di Mauro, B; Garzonio, R; Ravasio, C; Orlandi, V; Baccolo, G; Gilardoni, S; Remias, D; Leoni, B; Rossini, M; Colombo, R
Evaluation of PRISMA Products Over Snow in the Alps and Antarctica
2024 Di Mauro, B; Cogliati, S; Bohn, N; Traversa, G; Garzonio, R; Tagliabue, G; Bramati, G; Cremonese, E; Julitta, T; Guanter, L; Kokhanovsky, A; Giardino, C; Panigada, C; Rossini, M; Colombo, R
Retrieval of snow liquid water content from radiative transfer model, field data and PRISMA satellite data
2024 Ravasio, C; Garzonio, R; Di Mauro, B; Matta, E; Giardino, C; Pepe, M; Cremonese, E; Pogliotti, P; Marin, C; Colombo, R
Sun-induced fluorescence spectrum as a tool for assessing peatland vegetation productivity in the framework of warming and reduced precipitation experiment
2024 Antala, M; Rastogi, A; Cogliati, S; Stróżecki, M; Colombo, R; Juszczak, R
Towards a standardized, ground-based network of hyperspectral measurements: Combining time series from autonomous field spectrometers with Sentinel-2
2024 Naethe, P; De Sanctis, A; Burkart, A; Campbell, P; Colombo, R; Di Mauro, B; Damm, A; El-Madany, T; Fava, F; Gamon, J; Huemmrich, K; Migliavacca, M; Paul-Limoges, E; Rascher, U; Rossini, M; Schüttemeyer, D; Tagliabue, G; Zhang, Y; Julitta, T
A deep scalable neural architecture for soil properties estimation from spectral information
2023 Piccoli, F; Rossini, M; Colombo, R; Schettini, R; Napoletano, P
Detection of Fusarium Head Blight of Wheat from hyperspectral images
2023 Tuzzi, L; Busi, I; Garzonio, R; Cotrozzi, L; Risoli, S; Quaratiello, G; Colombo, R; Cogliati, S; Sironi, L
Empirical insights on the use of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence to estimate short-term changes in crop transpiration under controlled water limitation
2023 Ahmed, K; Paul-Limoges, E; Rascher, U; Hanus, J; Miglietta, F; Colombo, R; Peressotti, A; Genangeli, A; Damm, A
Exploitation of PRISMA Spaceborne Hyperspectral Observations for Improved Functional Trait Retrievals in Mid-Latitude Forest Ecosystems
2023 Tagliabue, G; Panigada, C; Savinelli, B; Vignali, L; Gallia, L; Gentili, R; Picchi, V; Calzone, A; Colombo, R; Rossini, M
High resolution hyperspectral and discrete analysis of Adamello glacier ice-core sections from the ADA270 drilling project
2023 Fiorini, D; Di Mauro, B; Garzonio, R; Colombo, R; Delmonte, B; Maggi, V
High spatial resolution solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and its relation to rainfall precipitation across Brazilian ecosystems
2023 da Costa, L; de Mendonca, G; Araujo Santos, G; Moraes, J; Colombo, R; Panosso, A; La Scala, N
i-φ-MaLe: A novel hybrid machine learning phasor-based approach to retrieve a full-set of solar-induced fluorescence metrics and biophysical parameters
2023 Scodellaro, R; Cesana, I; D’Alfonso, L; Bouzin, M; Collini, M; Miglietta, F; Celesti, M; Schuettemeyer, D; Colombo, R; Chirico, G; Cogliati, S; Sironi, L
Mapping snow density through thermal inertia observations
2023 Colombo, R; Pennati, G; Pozzi, G; Garzonio, R; Di Mauro, B; Giardino, C; Cogliati, S; Rossini, M; Maltese, A; Pogliotti, P; Cremonese, E
Mapping Surface Features of an Alpine Glacier through Multispectral and Thermal Drone Surveys
2023 Rossini, M; Garzonio, R; Panigada, C; Tagliabue, G; Bramati, G; Vezzoli, G; Cogliati, S; Colombo, R; Di Mauro, B
Multi-Frequency SAR Images for Investigations of the Cryosphere: Preliminary Results of Criosar Project
2023 Pettinato, S; Santi, E; Paloscia, S; Baroni, F; Pilia, S; Santurri, L; Palchetti, E; Bovenga, F; Belmonte, A; Refice, A; Argentiero, I; Colombo, R; Bramati, G; Di Mauro, B; Marin, C; Cuozzo, G; De Gregorio, L; Callegari, M; Heredia, M; Premier, V; Notarnicola, C; Pasian, M; Lodigiani, M; Silvestri, L; Cremonese, E; Montuori, A
Quantitative Evaluation of the Fracturing State of Crystalline Rocks Using Infrared Thermography
2023 Franzosi, F; Casiraghi, S; Colombo, R; Crippa, C; Agliardi, F
A novel hybrid machine learning phasor-based approach to retrieve a full set of solar-induced fluorescence metrics and biophysical parameters
2022 Scodellaro, R; Cesana, I; D'Alfonso, L; Bouzin, M; Collini, M; Chirico, G; Colombo, R; Miglietta, F; Celesti, M; Schuettemeyer, D; Cogliati, S; Sironi, L
Evaluation of the Spatial Representativeness of In Situ SIF Observations for the Validation of Medium-Resolution Satellite SIF Products
2022 Rossini, M; Celesti, M; Bramati, G; Migliavacca, M; Cogliati, S; Rascher, U; Colombo, R
Flow velocity variations and surface change of the destabilised Plator rock glacier (Central Italian Alps) from aerial surveys
2022 Bearzot, F; Garzonio, R; Colombo, R; Crosta, G; Di Mauro, B; Fioletti, M; Morra Di Cella, U; Rossini, M
Glacier Ice Surface Properties in South-West Greenland Ice Sheet: First Estimates From PRISMA Imaging Spectroscopy Data
2022 Bohn, N; Di Mauro, B; Colombo, R; Thompson, D; Susiluoto, J; Carmon, N; Turmon, M; Guanter, L