Evaluation of PRISMA Products Over Snow in the Alps and Antarctica
2024 Di Mauro, B; Cogliati, S; Bohn, N; Traversa, G; Garzonio, R; Tagliabue, G; Bramati, G; Cremonese, E; Julitta, T; Guanter, L; Kokhanovsky, A; Giardino, C; Panigada, C; Rossini, M; Colombo, R
Assessment of maize nitrogen uptake from PRISMA hyperspectral data through hybrid modelling
2023 Ranghetti, M; Boschetti, M; Ranghetti, L; Tagliabue, G; Panigada, C; Gianinetto, M; Verrelst, J; Candiani, G
Exploitation of PRISMA Spaceborne Hyperspectral Observations for Improved Functional Trait Retrievals in Mid-Latitude Forest Ecosystems
2023 Tagliabue, G; Panigada, C; Savinelli, B; Vignali, L; Gallia, L; Gentili, R; Picchi, V; Calzone, A; Colombo, R; Rossini, M
Mapping Surface Features of an Alpine Glacier through Multispectral and Thermal Drone Surveys
2023 Rossini, M; Garzonio, R; Panigada, C; Tagliabue, G; Bramati, G; Vezzoli, G; Cogliati, S; Colombo, R; Di Mauro, B
Evaluation of Hybrid Models to Estimate Chlorophyll and Nitrogen Content of Maize Crops in the Framework of the Future CHIME Mission
2022 Candiani, G; Tagliabue, G; Panigada, C; Verrelst, J; Picchi, V; Rivera-Caicedo, J; Boschetti, M
Hybrid retrieval of crop traits from multi-temporal PRISMA hyperspectral imagery
2022 Tagliabue, G; Boschetti, M; Bramati, G; Candiani, G; Colombo, R; Nutini, F; Pompilio, L; Rivera-Caicedo, J; Rossi, M; Rossini, M; Verrelst, J; Panigada, C
Mapping landscape canopy nitrogen content from space using PRISMA data
2021 Verrelst, J; Rivera-Caicedo, J; Reyes-Munoz, P; Morata, M; Amin, E; Tagliabue, G; Panigada, C; Hank, T; Berger, K
Prototyping Vegetation Traits Models in the Context of the Hyperspectral Chime Mission Preparation
2021 Verrelst, J; De Grave, C; Amin, E; Reyes, P; Morata, M; Portales, E; Belda, S; Tagliabue, G; Panigada, C; Boschetti, M; Candiani, G; Segl, K; Guillasso, S; Berger, K; Wocher, M; Hank, T; Rascher, U; Isola, C
The PRISMA imaging spectroscopy mission: overview and first performance analysis
2021 Cogliati, S; Sarti, F; Chiarantini, L; Cosi, M; Lorusso, R; Lopinto, E; Miglietta, F; Genesio, L; Guanter, L; Damm, A; Pérez-López, S; Scheffler, D; Tagliabue, G; Panigada, C; Rascher, U; Dowling, T; Giardino, C; Colombo, R
The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function
2021 Migliavacca, M; Musavi, T; Mahecha, M; Nelson, J; Knauer, J; Baldocchi, D; Perez-Priego, O; Christiansen, R; Peters, J; Anderson, K; Bahn, M; Black, T; Blanken, P; Bonal, D; Buchmann, N; Caldararu, S; Carrara, A; Carvalhais, N; Cescatti, A; Chen, J; Cleverly, J; Cremonese, E; Desai, A; El-Madany, T; Farella, M; Fernandez-Martinez, M; Filippa, G; Forkel, M; Galvagno, M; Gomarasca, U; Gough, C; Gockede, M; Ibrom, A; Ikawa, H; Janssens, I; Jung, M; Kattge, J; Keenan, T; Knohl, A; Kobayashi, H; Kraemer, G; Law, B; Liddell, M; Ma, X; Mammarella, I; Martini, D; Macfarlane, C; Matteucci, G; Montagnani, L; Pabon-Moreno, D; Panigada, C; Papale, D; Pendall, E; Penuelas, J; Phillips, R; Reich, P; Rossini, M; Rotenberg, E; Scott, R; Stahl, C; Weber, U; Wohlfahrt, G; Wolf, S; Wright, I; Yakir, D; Zaehle, S; Reichstein, M
UAV RGB, thermal infrared and multispectral imagery used to investigate the control of terrain on the spatial distribution of dryland biocrust
2021 Blanco-Sacristan, J; Panigada, C; Gentili, R; Tagliabue, G; Garzonio, R; Martin, M; Ladron de Guevara, M; Colombo, R; Dowling, T; Rossini, M
Dynamics of sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and reflectance to detect stress-induced variations in canopy photosynthesis
2020 Pinto, F; Celesti, M; Acebron, K; Alberti, G; Cogliati, S; Colombo, R; Juszczak, R; Matsubara, S; Miglietta, F; Palombo, A; Panigada, C; Pignatti, S; Rossini, M; Sakowska, K; Schickling, A; Schüttemeyer, D; Stróżecki, M; Tudoroiu, M; Rascher, U
Effects of varying solar-view geometry and canopy structure on solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence and PRI
2020 Biriukova, K; Celesti, M; Evdokimov, A; Pacheco-Labrador, J; Julitta, T; Migliavacca, M; Giardino, C; Miglietta, F; Colombo, R; Panigada, C; Rossini, M
Glacier shrinkage and slope processes create habitat at high elevation and microrefugia across treeline for alpine plants during warm stages
2020 Gentili, R; Baroni, C; Panigada, C; Rossini, M; Tagliabue, G; Armiraglio, S; Citterio, S; Carton, A; Salvatore, M
Multi-scale evaluation of drone-based multispectral surface reflectance and vegetation indices in operational conditions
2020 Fawcett, D; Panigada, C; Tagliabue, G; Boschetti, M; Celesti, M; Evdokimov, A; Biriukova, K; Colombo, R; Miglietta, F; Rascher, U; Anderson, K
Sun–induced fluorescence heterogeneity as a measure of functional diversity
2020 Tagliabue, G; Panigada, C; Celesti, M; Cogliati, S; Colombo, R; Migliavacca, M; Rascher, U; Rocchini, D; Schuttemeyer, D; Rossini, M
A new approach for biocrust and vegetation monitoring in drylands using multi-temporal Sentinel-2 images
2019 Panigada, C; Tagliabue, G; Zaady, E; Rozenstein, O; Garzonio, R; Di Mauro, B; De Amicis, M; Colombo, R; Cogliati, S; Miglietta, F; Rossini, M
Exploring the spatial relationship between airborne-derived red and far-red sun-induced fluorescence and process-based GPP estimates in a forest ecosystem
2019 Tagliabue, G; Panigada, C; Dechant, B; Baret, F; Cogliati, S; Colombo, R; Migliavacca, M; Rademske, P; Schickling, A; Schüttemeyer, D; Verrelst, J; Rascher, U; Ryu, Y; Rossini, M
Spectral diversity of lichens can be used to capture their α-diversity
2019 Blanco-Sacristán, J; Panigada, C; Tagliabue, G; Gentili, R; Colombo, R; Ladrón de Guevara, M; Maestre, F; Rossini, M
Spectral diversity successfully estimates the α-diversity of biocrust-forming lichens
2019 Blanco-Sacristan, J; Panigada, C; Tagliabue, G; Gentili, R; Colombo, R; de Guevara, M; Maestre, F; Rossini, M