The three major axes of terrestrial ecosystem function
2021 Migliavacca, M; Musavi, T; Mahecha, M; Nelson, J; Knauer, J; Baldocchi, D; Perez-Priego, O; Christiansen, R; Peters, J; Anderson, K; Bahn, M; Black, T; Blanken, P; Bonal, D; Buchmann, N; Caldararu, S; Carrara, A; Carvalhais, N; Cescatti, A; Chen, J; Cleverly, J; Cremonese, E; Desai, A; El-Madany, T; Farella, M; Fernandez-Martinez, M; Filippa, G; Forkel, M; Galvagno, M; Gomarasca, U; Gough, C; Gockede, M; Ibrom, A; Ikawa, H; Janssens, I; Jung, M; Kattge, J; Keenan, T; Knohl, A; Kobayashi, H; Kraemer, G; Law, B; Liddell, M; Ma, X; Mammarella, I; Martini, D; Macfarlane, C; Matteucci, G; Montagnani, L; Pabon-Moreno, D; Panigada, C; Papale, D; Pendall, E; Penuelas, J; Phillips, R; Reich, P; Rossini, M; Rotenberg, E; Scott, R; Stahl, C; Weber, U; Wohlfahrt, G; Wolf, S; Wright, I; Yakir, D; Zaehle, S; Reichstein, M
Saharan dust events in the European Alps: role in snowmelt and geochemical characterization
2019 Di Mauro, B; Garzonio, R; Rossini, M; Filippa, G; Pogliotti, P; Galvagno, M; Morra di Cella, U; Migliavacca, M; Baccolo, G; Clemenza, M; Delmonte, B; Maggi, V; Dumont, M; Tuzet, F; Lafaysse, M; Morin, S; Cremonese, E; Colombo, R
Remote estimation of grassland gross primary production during extreme meteorological seasons
2014 Rossini, M; Migliavacca, M; Galvagno, M; Meroni, M; Cogliati, S; Cremonese, E; Fava, F; Gitelson, A; Julitta, T; Morra di Cella, U; Siniscalco, C; Colombo, R
Using digital camera images to analyse snowmelt and phenology of a subalpine grassland
2014 Julitta, T; Cremonese, E; Migliavacca, M; Colombo, R; Galvagno, M; Siniscalco, C; Rossini, M; Fava, F; Cogliati, S; Morra di Cella, U; Menzel, A
Seasonal course of photosynthetic efficiency in Larix decidua Mill. in response to temperature and change in pigment composition during senescence
2013 Galvagno, M; Rossini, M; Migliavacca, M; Cremonese, E; Colombo, R; Morra di Cella, U
Remote sensing-based estimation of Gross Primary Production in a subalpine grassland
2012 Rossini, M; Cogliati, S; Meroni, M; Migliavacca, M; Galvagno, M; Busetto, L; Cremonese, E; Julitta, T; Siniscalco, C; Morra di Cella, U; Colombo, R
Carbon dioxide exchange of an alpine grassland: integration of eddy covariance, proximal sensing and models
2011 Galvagno, M
Field spectroscopy measurements for gross primary productivity estimation across different terrestrial ecosystems
2011 Rossini, M; Cogliati, S; Meroni, M; Migliavacca, M; Busetto, L; Cremonese, E; Galvagno, M; Morra di Cella, U; Gioli, B; Miglietta, F; Seufert, G; Cescatti, A; Colombo, R
Phenological monitoring of grassland and larch in the Alps from Terra and Aqua MODIS images
2011 Colombo, R; Busetto, L; Fava, F; DI MAURO, B; Migliavacca, M; Cremonese, E; Galvagno, M; Rossini, M; Meroni, M; Cogliati, S; Panigada, C; Siniscalco, C; Morra di Cella, U
The hyperspectral irradiometer, a new instrument for long-term and unattended field spectroscopy measurements
2011 Meroni, M; Barducci, A; Cogliati, S; Castagnoli, F; Rossini, M; Busetto, L; Migliavacca, M; Cremonese, E; Galvagno, M; Colombo, R; Di Cella, U
Using digital repeat photography and eddy covariance data to model grassland phenology and photosynthetic CO2 uptake
2011 Migliavacca, M; Galvagno, M; Cremonese, E; Rossini, M; Meroni, M; Sonnentag, O; Cogliati, S; Manca, G; Diotri, F; Busetto, L; Cescatti, A; Colombo, R; Fava, F; Morra di Cella, U; Pari, E; Siniscalcoh, C; Richardsone, A
On the spatial and temporal variability of Larch phenological cycle in mountainous areas
2009 Colombo, R; Busetto, L; Migliavacca, M; Cremonese, E; Meroni, M; Galvagno, M; Rossini, M; Siniscalco, C; Morra di Cella, U