Comparing awareness of antibiotic resistance in Sri Lanka and the European Union
In corso di stampa Morimoto, R; Bauer, M; Zulato, E; Süerdem, A; Jayasinghe, P; Munasinghe, M
Mapping antibiotics awareness across European regions.
In corso di stampa Zulato, E; Bauer, M
ADHD caregivers facing the COVID-19: the lockdown's impact on emotion and parenting strategies
2024 Zulato, E; Montali, L; Frigerio, A; Melegari, M; Bruni, O; Marzocchi, G
Esserci e non esserci. Rappresentazioni sociali dello stato vegetativo
2024 Montali, L; Zulato, E
The interplay between ovarian cancer and social relationships: an analysis of patients’ metaphors
2024 Montali, L; Brooker, J; Camussi, E; Davenport, P; Ronco, E; Shand, L; Zulato, E; Knight, T
Is There Anyone in There?”: Caregivers and Professionals’ Mutual Positioning to Take Care of Vegetative State Patients
2023 Zulato, E; Montali, L; Quagliarella, C
Regulating liminality: Making sense of the vegetative state and defining the limits of end-of-life action
2023 Zulato, E; Montali, L; Castro, P
Representing liminality: An integrated psycho-social examination of the vegetative state
2023 Zulato, E
The Discursive Construction of Polyamory: Legitimising an Alternative to Monogamy
2023 Montali, L; Frigerio, A; Spina, F; Zulato, E
Barriers and facilitators of type 1 diabetes self-care in adolescents and young adults
2022 Montali, L; Zulato, E; Cornara, M; Ausili, D; Luciani, M
Is there anyone in there? Diverging and converging representations of the vegetative state in the caregivers and practioners’ discourse
2022 Zulato, E; Montali, L
Is there anyone in there? Interpretative repertoires of the vegetative state and mutual positioning of formal and informal caregivers in the Italian nursing homes
2022 Zulato, E; Montali, L
Mirroring, monitoring, modelling, belonging, and distancing: Psychosocial processes in an online support group of breast cancer patients
2022 Montali, L; Zulato, E; Frigerio, A; Frangi, E; Camussi, E
Disentangling a liminal condition: Comparing emerging debates and representations of the vegetative state
2021 Zulato, E; Montali, L; Bauer, M
Mapping and Explaining Antibiotics Awareness across Europe
2021 Zulato, E; Suerdem, A; Bauer, M
Moving across borders: the social representations of the “Vegetative State” in British, Indian and Italian news.
2021 Zulato, E; Montali, L; Bauer, M
Numbers do not add up! The pragmatic approach to the framing of medical treatments
2021 Macchi, L; Zulato, E
Representations of science and scientist in the time of a pandemic: the role of political leaning
2021 Zulato, E; Clementi, K; Quagliarella, C; Montali, L
Understanding a liminal condition: Comparing emerging representations of the “vegetative state”
2021 Zulato, E; Montali, L; Bauer, M
Hacking women’s health: a new methodology
2020 Camussi, E; Sassi, C; Zulato, E; Annovazzi, C; Ginevra, M