Mitochondrial dysfunction as a biomarker of frailty: The FRAMITO study protocol
2025 Locatelli, E; Torsello, B; De Marco, S; Lombardi, M; Remelli, F; Pampolini, G; Ferrighi, E; Bursi, M; Bellotti, A; Pasquale, V; Ducci, G; Navaei, O; Candeloro, R; Ferrara, M; Guo, W; Cucini, E; Bellelli, G; Castellazzi, M; Sacco, E; Paglia, G; Mazzola, P; Bernasconi, D; Bianchi, C; Trevisan, C
3D Modeling: Insights into the Metabolic Reprogramming of Cholangiocarcinoma Cells
2024 Ciufolini, G; Zampieri, S; Cesaroni, S; Pasquale, V; Bonanomi, M; Gaglio, D; Sacco, E; Vanoni, M; Pastore, M; Marra, F; Cicero, D; Raggi, C; Petrella, G
A new advanced cellular model of functional cholinergic-like neurons developed by reprogramming the human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line
2024 D'Aloia, A; Pastori, V; Blasa, S; Campioni, G; Peri, F; Sacco, E; Ceriani, M; Lecchi, M; Costa, B
Altered fatty acid metabolism rewires cholangiocarcinoma stemness features
2024 Lori, G; Pastore, M; Navari, N; Piombanti, B; Booijink, R; Rovida, E; Tusa, I; Lewinska, M; Andersen, J; Lottini, T; Arcangeli, A; Taddei, M; Pranzini, E; Mancini, C; Anceschi, C; Madiai, S; Sacco, E; Rota, S; Trapani, A; Agrimi, G; Ramazzotti, M; Ostano, P; Peraldo Neia, C; Parri, M; Carli, F; Sabatini, S; Gastaldelli, A; Marra, F; Raggi, C
Early consequences of the phospholamban mutation PLN-R14del+/- in a transgenic mouse model
2024 Maniezzi, C; Eskandr, M; Florindi, C; Ferrandi, M; Barassi, P; Sacco, E; Pasquale, V; Maione, A; Pompilio, G; Teixeira, V; de Boer, R; Silljé, H; Lodola, F; Zaza, A
Early consequences of the phospholamban mutation PLN-R14del+/− in a transgenic mouse model
2024 Maniezzi, C; Eskandr, M; Florindi, C; Ferrandi, M; Barassi, P; Sacco, E; Pasquale, V; Maione, A; Pompilio, G; Teixeira, V; de Boer, R; Silljé, H; Lodola, F; Zaza, A
Glucagon-like peptide 1 receptor is a T cell negative costimulatory molecule
2024 Ben Nasr, M; Usuelli, V; Dellepiane, S; Seelam, A; Fiorentino, T; D’Addio, F; Fiorina, E; Xu, C; Xie, Y; Balasubramanian, H; Castillo-Leon, E; Loreggian, L; Maestroni, A; Assi, E; Loretelli, C; Abdelsalam, A; El Essawy, B; Uccella, S; Pastore, I; Lunati, M; Sabiu, G; Petrazzuolo, A; Ducci, G; Sacco, E; Centofanti, L; Venturini, M; Mazzucchelli, S; Mattinzoli, D; Ikehata, M; Castellano, G; Visner, G; Kaifeng, L; Lee, K; Wang, Z; Corradi, D; La Rosa, S; Danese, S; Yang, J; Markmann, J; Zuccotti, G; Abdi, R; Folli, F; Fiorina, P
Progranulin Oncogenic Network in Solid Tumors
2023 Ventura, E; Ducci, G; Benot Dominguez, R; Ruggiero, V; Belfiore, A; Sacco, E; Vanoni, M; Iozzo, R; Giordano, A; Morrione, A
Tumor heterogeneity: preclinical models, emerging technologies, and future applications
2023 Proietto, M; Crippa, M; Damiani, C; Pasquale, V; Sacco, E; Vanoni, M; Gilardi, M
An Optimized Workflow for the Analysis of Metabolic Fluxes in Cancer Spheroids Using Seahorse Technology
2022 Campioni, G; Pasquale, V; Busti, S; Ducci, G; Sacco, E; Vanoni, M
Cannabidiol Antiproliferative Effect in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer MDA-MB-231 Cells Is Modulated by Its Physical State and by IGF-1
2022 D’Aloia, A; Ceriani, M; Tisi, R; Stucchi, S; Sacco, E; Costa, B
Extraction of methylxanthines by pressurized hot water extraction from cocoa shell by-product as natural source of functional ingredient
2022 Pagliari, S; Celano, R; Rastrelli, L; Sacco, E; Arlati, F; Labra, M; Campone, L
Liraglutide preserves CD34+ stem cells from dysfunction Induced by high glucose exposure
2022 Sforza, A; Vigorelli, V; Rurali, E; Perrucci, G; Gambini, E; Arici, M; Metallo, A; Rinaldi, R; Fiorina, P; Barbuti, A; Raucci, A; Sacco, E; Rocchetti, M; Pompilio, G; Genovese, S; Vinci, M
Mitochondrial oxidative metabolism contributes to a cancer stem cell phenotype in cholangiocarcinoma
2021 Raggi, C; Taddei, M; Sacco, E; Navari, N; Correnti, M; Piombanti, B; Pastore, M; Campani, C; Pranzini, E; Iorio, J; Lori, G; Lottini, T; Peano, C; Cibella, J; Lewinska, M; Andersen, J; di Tommaso, L; Vigano, L; Di Maira, G; Madiai, S; Ramazzotti, M; Orlandi, I; Arcangeli, A; Chiarugi, P; Marra, F
RalGPS2 interacts with AKT and PDK1 promoting tunneling nanotubes formation in bladder cancer and kidney cells microenvironment
2021 D'Aloia, A; Arrigoni, E; Costa, B; Berruti, G; Martegani, E; Sacco, E; Ceriani, M
The Multi-Level Mechanism of Action of a Pan-Ras Inhibitor Explains its Antiproliferative Activity on Cetuximab-Resistant Cancer Cells
2021 Tisi, R; Spinelli, M; Palmioli, A; Airoldi, C; Cazzaniga, P; Besozzi, D; Nobile, M; Mazzoleni, E; Arnhold, S; De Gioia, L; Grandori, R; Peri, F; Vanoni, M; Sacco, E
Natural products attenuating biosynthesis, processing, and activity of ras oncoproteins: State of the art and future perspectives
2020 Tisi, R; Gaponenko, V; Vanoni, M; Sacco, E
Profiling and Targeting of Energy and Redox Metabolism in Grade 2 Bladder Cancer Cells with Different Invasiveness Properties
2020 Pasquale, V; Ducci, G; Campioni, G; Ventrici, A; Assalini, C; Busti, S; Vanoni, M; Vago, R; Sacco, E
Systems metabolomics: from metabolomic snapshots to design principles
2020 Damiani, C; Gaglio, D; Sacco, E; Alberghina, L; Vanoni, M
Omics and Clinical Data Integration
2018 De Sanctis, G; Colombo, R; Damiani, C; Sacco, E; Vanoni, M