Using Innovative Qualitative Research Methods in Vulnerable Populations: Image-Based Research as Culturally Sensitive Approach
2024 Pepe, A; Addimando, L
Psychological distress, job satisfaction and work engagement: a cross-sectional mediation study with a sample of Palestinian teachers
2021 Pepe, A; Addimando, L; Dagdukee, J; Veronese, G
Wellbeing, symptoms of trauma, and personal resources in Palestinian professional helpers: a cross-sectional quantitative survey
2021 Pepe, A; Cavazzoni, F; Addimando, L; Jaradah, A; Obaid, H; Veronese, G
“It’s paradise there, I saw it on TV”: Psychological wellbeing, migratory motivators, and expectations of return among West African migrants
2020 Veronese, G; Pepe, A; Addimando, L; Sala, G; Vigliaroni, M
Psychological distress, job satisfaction, and work engagement among Palestinian teachers: a cross-sectional study
2019 Pepe, A; Addimando, L; Dagdukee, J; Veronese, G
Job Satisfaction, Work Engagement, and Psychological Distress: A Mediation Study in a Sample of Palestinian Teachers
2018 Pepe, A; Addimando, L; Veronese, G
Psychological distress, Job satisfaction and work engagement: a mediation study in a sample of Palestinian teachers
2018 Pepe, A; Addimando, L; Dagdukee, J; Yaghi, S; Veronese, G
Qualità di vita professionale, work engagement e benessere soggettivo: uno studio esplorativo con gli operatori sociali dei servizi di accoglienza integrata (CAS e SPRAR)
2018 Pepe, A; Addimando, L; Scartozzi, E; Veronese, G
Teaching in conflict contexts: dimensions of subjective wellbeing in Palestinian teachers living in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory
2018 Pepe, A; Addimando, L; Dagduke, J; Yaghi, S; Veronese, G
“C’è il paradiso lì, l’ho visto in televisione”: benessere psicologico e aspettative personali in un campione di migranti di ritorno nell’Africa Occidentale
2018 Veronese, G; Pepe, A; Sala, G; Addimando, L; Vigliaroni, M
Measuring teacher job satisfaction: Assessing invariance in the teacher job satisfaction scale (TJSS) across six countries
2017 Pepe, A; Addimando, L; Veronese, G
Measuring Well-Being in Israel and Palestine: The Subjective Well-Being Assessment Scale
2017 Veronese, G; Pepe, A; Dagdouke, J; Addimando, L; Yaghi, S
Misurare il benessere in Israele, Cisgiordania e Gaza: le proprietà psicometriche del Subjective Well-being Assessment Scale (SWBAS).
2017 Pepe, A; Addimando, L; Veronese, G; Dagdouke, J
Subjective well-being, work engagement e full engagement nei contesti di conflitto a bassa intensità: pattern associativi in un campione di insegnanti palestinesi
2017 Pepe, A; Addimando, L; Dagdoke, J; Veronese, G
Teaching in conflict contexts: dimensions of subjective well-being in Arab teachers living in Israel and Palestine
2017 Pepe, A; Addimando, L; Dagdukee, J; Yagi, S; Veronese, G
Measuring subjective well-being: development of the Subjective Well-being Assessment Scale in West Bank and Gaza Strip
2016 Pepe, A; Veronese, G; Dagduki, J; Addimando, L
Misurare il benessere nella striscia di Gaza e in West Bank: le proprietà psicometriche del Subjective Well-being Assessment Scale (SWBAS)
2016 Pepe, A; Addimando, L; Veronese, G; Dagduki, J
Exploring challenging classroom behaviors from teachers’ perspective: a mixed-method study
2015 Castelli, S; Addimando, L; Pepe, A
Teacher-parent relationships: influence of gender and education on organizational parents’ counterproductive behaviors
2014 Pepe, A; Addimando, L
Comparison of Occupational Stress in Response to Challenging Behaviours between General and Special Education Primary Teachers in Northern Italy
2013 Pepe, A; Addimando, L