Learning in Interactive Decision-Making: The Interplay Between Cognitive Abilities and the Strategic Environment
2025 Zonca, J; Del Mauro, L; Aldo Rustichini, A; Polonio, L; Reverberi, C
Who's the deceiver? Identifying deceptive intentions in communication
2024 Blazquiz-Pulido, J; Polonio, L; Bilancini, E
Exploring the Effects of Scanpath Feature Engineering for Supervised Image Classification Models
2023 Byrne, S; Maquiling, V; Reynolds, A; Polonio, L; Castner, N; Kasneci, E
Predicting choice behaviour in economic games using gaze data encoded as scanpath images
2023 Byrne, S; Reynolds, A; Biliotti, C; Bargagli-Stoffi, F; Polonio, L; Riccaboni, M
Shaping strategic sophistication in interactive games: a mouse-tracking study
2023 Del Mauro, L; Reverberi, C; Polonio, L
Does the opponent matter? Tracking strategic sophistication adaptations in one-shot games
2022 Del Mauro, L; Reverberi, C; Simonetti, M; Zonca, J; Polonio, L
Does the opponent matter? Tracking strategic sophistication adaptations in one-shot games
2022 Del Mauro, L; Reverberi, C; Simonetti, M; Zonca, J; Polonio, L
Plasticity of strategic sophistication in interactive decision-making
2021 Marchiori, D; Di Guida, S; Polonio, L
The Effect of Evidential Impact on Perceptual Probabilistic Judgments
2021 Mangiarulo, M; Pighin, S; Polonio, L; Tentori, K
Timing of social feedback shapes observational learning in strategic interaction
2021 Zonca, J; Vostroknutov, A; Coricelli, G; Polonio, L
Gaze Data Reveal Individual Differences in Relational Representation Processes
2020 Zonca, J; Coricelli, G; Polonio, L
Gaze patterns disclose the link between cognitive reflection and sophistication in strategic interaction
2020 Zonca, J; Coricelli, G; Polonio, L
Il comportamento strategico e i suoi limiti
2020 Polonio, L; Chierchia, G
The process of choice in games
2020 Coricelli, G; Polonio, L; Vostroknutov, A
Does exposure to alternative decision rules change gaze patterns and behavioral strategies in games?
2019 Zonca, J; Coricelli, G; Polonio, L
Testing the level of consistency between choices and beliefs in games using eye-tracking
2019 Polonio, L; Coricelli, G
How do we build causal models of the future? Evidence from gaze patterns
2018 Zonca, J; Coricelli, G; Polonio, L
Poor information processing predicts non-strategic behavior in interactive games
2018 Zonca, J; Polonio, L; Coricelli, G
Rational (in)attention in observational learning.
2018 Polonio, L; Vostroknutov, A; Zonca, J; Coricelli, G
The interaction of visual attention and cognitive reflection in interactive games
2018 Zonca, J; Polonio, L; Coricelli, G