Paired Associative Stimulation: a visuomotor protocol targeting motor resonance and post-stroke motor recovery.
2025 Picardi, M
Minimal detectable change of gait and balance measures in older neurological patients: estimating the standard error of the measurement from before-after rehabilitation data thanks to the linear mixed-effects models
2024 Caronni, A; Picardi, M; Scarano, S; Rota, V; Guidali, G; Bolognini, N; Corbo, M
Action Observation Treatment for Upper Limb Rehabilitation in Patients With Stroke: Protocol for a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
2023 Tropea, P; Infarinato, F; Sterpi, I; Ottaviani, M; Antoniotti, P; Romano, P; Picardi, M; Goffredo, M; Re, R; Pournajaf, S; Seregni, A; Caronni, A; Franceschini, M; Corbo, M
Differential Item Functioning of the Mini-BESTest Balance Measure: A Rasch Analysis Study
2023 Caronni, A; Picardi, M; Scarano, S; Tropea, P; Gilardone, G; Bolognini, N; Redaelli, V; Pintavalle, G; Aristidou, E; Antoniotti, P; Corbo, M
Exploring motor resonance for complex movements: the social relevance and temporal constraints
2023 Franca, M; Guidali, G; Picardi, M; Caronni, A; Bolognini, N
G(r)asp! Deepening timing dependency, muscle specificity, and target stimulus of motor resonance for complex movements
2023 Guidali, G; Picardi, M; Franca, M; Bolognini, N
Modulating motor resonance with paired associative stimulation: Neurophysiological and behavioral outcomes
2023 Guidali, G; Picardi, M; Gramegna, C; Bolognini, N
Pay attention: you can fall! The Mini-BESTest scale and the turning duration of the TUG test provide valid balance measures in neurological patients: a prospective study with falls as the balance criterion
2023 Caronni, A; Picardi, M; Scarano, S; Malloggi, C; Tropea, P; Gilardone, G; Aristidou, E; Pintavalle, G; Redaelli, V; Antoniotti, P; Corbo, M
The social relevance and the temporal constraints of motor resonance in humans
2023 Guidali, G; Picardi, M; Franca, M; Caronni, A; Bolognini, N
Letter to the editor concerning the article: “A prospective study to establish the minimal clinically important difference of the Mini-BESTest in individuals with stroke”
2022 Caronni, A; Picardi, M
The Falls Efficacy Scale International is a valid measure to assess the concern about falling and its changes induced by treatments
2022 Caronni, A; Picardi, M; Redaelli, V; Antoniotti, P; Pintavalle, G; Aristidou, E; Gilardone, G; Carpinella, I; Lencioni, T; Arcuri, P; Corbo, M
Effects of gait rehabilitation on motor coordination in stroke survivors: an UCM-based approach
2021 Lofrumento, M; Tropea, P; Picardi, M; Antoniotti, P; Micera, S; Corbo, M; Monaco, V
The McNemar Change Index worked better than the Minimal Detectable Change in demonstrating the change at a single subject level
2021 Caronni, A; Picardi, M; Gilardone, G; Corbo, M
Bringing spatiotemporal gait analysis into clinical practice: Instrument validation and pilot study of a commercial sensorized carpet
2020 Lanzola, G; Bagarotti, R; Sacchi, L; Salvi, E; Alloni, A; Picardi, M; Sterpi, I; Boninsegna, R; Corbo, M; Quaglini, S
Comparison of models for predicting the risk of falling in the non-hospitalized elderly and evaluation of their performances on an Italian population
2020 Salvi, E; Sterpi, I; Caronni, A; Tropea, P; Picardi, M; Corbo, M; Lanzola, G; Quaglini, S; Sacchi, L
Turning and sit-to-walk measures from the instrumented Timed Up and Go test return valid and responsive measures of dynamic balance in Parkinson's disease
2020 Picardi, M; Redaelli, V; Antoniotti, P; Pintavalle, G; Aristidou, E; Sterpi, I; Meloni, M; Corbo, M; Caronni, A
How do patients improve their timed up and go test? Responsiveness to rehabilitation of the TUG test in elderly neurological patients
2019 Caronni, A; Picardi, M; Aristidou, E; Antoniotti, P; Pintavalle, G; Redaelli, V; Sterpi, I; Corbo, M
Instrumented balance and gait assessment in patients with charcot-marie-tooth peripheral neuropathy
2019 Picardi, M; Caronni, A; Tropea, P; Montesano, M; Pisciotta, C; Pareyson, D; Corbo, M
NONCADO: A system to prevent falls by encouraging healthy habits in elderly people
2019 Salvi, E; Panzarasa, S; Bagarotti, R; Picardi, M; Boninsegna, R; Sterpi, I; Corbo, M; Lanzola, G; Quaglini, S; Sacchi, L
Responsiveness to rehabilitation of balance and gait impairment in elderly with peripheral neuropathy
2019 Caronni, A; Picardi, M; Pintavalle, G; Aristidou, E; Redaelli, V; Antoniotti, P; Sterpi, I; Tropea, P; Corbo, M