Biodiversity-friendly practices to support urban nature across ecosystem levels in green areas at different scales
2025 Biella, P; Bani, L; Caprio, E; Cochis, F; Dondina, O; Fiorilli, V; Genre, A; Gentili, R; Orioli, V; Ranalli, R; Tirozzi, P; Labra, M
A two-step species distribution modeling to disentangle the effect of habitat and bioclimatic covariates on Psacothea hilaris, a potentially invasive species
2024 Ruzzier, E; Lupi, D; Tirozzi, P; Dondina, O; Orioli, V; Jucker, C; Bani, L
Avian responses to climate extremes: insights into abundance curves and species sensitivity using the UK Breeding Bird Survey
2024 Tirozzi, P; Massimino, D; Bani, L
Connection between ecological niche changes and population trends in the Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis) breeding in lowland and mountain areas of Southern Europe
2024 Tirozzi, P; Orioli, V; Dondina, O; Bani, L
Estimating risk to prevent damage: predicting and preventing coypu (Myocastor coypus) damage to transport infrastructure
2024 Dondina, O; Orioli, V; Tirozzi, P; Bani, L
Response of functional diversity of fish communities to habitat alterations in small lowland rivers
2024 Stefani, F; Fasola, E; Marziali, L; Tirozzi, P; Schiavon, A; Bocchi, S; Gomarasca, S
Temporal trends and effects of vegetation cover on functional and taxonomic diversity in Odonata assemblages of a protected area in northern Italy
2024 Tirozzi, P; Orioli, V; Bani, L
Ecological niche change as a strategy for survival: local adjustments shape distinct population trends in the Eurasian Skylark
2023 Tirozzi, P; Orioli, V; Dondina, O; Bani, L
Evidence of niche changes and their association with population trends and avian traits
2023 Tirozzi, P; Orioli, V; Dondina, O; Bani, L
Long-term responses of bird populations to environmental and climatic changes
2023 Tirozzi, P
New evidence on the linkage between long-term niche changes and population trends in birds
2023 Tirozzi, P; Orioli, V; Dondina, O; Bani, L
The ecological role of permanent ponds in Europe: a review of dietary linkages to terrestrial ecosystems via emerging insects
2023 Fehlinger, L; Misteli, B; Morant, D; Juvigny-Khenafou, N; Cunillera-Montcusí, D; Chaguaceda, F; Stamenković, O; Fahy, J; Kolář, V; Halabowski, D; Nash, L; Jakobsson, E; Nava, V; Tirozzi, P; Cordero, P; Mocq, J; Santamans, A; Zamora, J; Marle, P; Chonova, T; Bonacina, L; Mathieu-Resuge, M; Suarez, E; Osakpolor, S; Timoner, P; Evtimova, V; Nita, D; Carreira, B; Tapolczai, K; Martelo, J; Gerber, R; Dinu, V; Henriques, J; Selmeczy, G; Rimcheska, B
A comparative study of larval Odonata data within permanent ponds across Hungary
2022 Fehlinger, L; Rimcheska, B; Fekete4, J; Bozóki, T; Misteli, B; Balibrea, A; Kolář, V; Souto, M; Nava, V; Nash, L; Tirozzi, P; Halabowski, D; Bonacina, L; Scotti, A; Jakobsson, E; Chaguaceda, F; Morant, D; Fahy, J; Cunillera-Montcusi, D; Zamora Marín, J; Tomás Martín, M; Rubio-Ríos, J; Kuczyńska, K; Soto García, P; Haba, A; Vallefuoco, F; Stamenković, O; Suarez, E; Vanek, M; Chonova, T; Juvigny-Khenafou, N; Timoner, P; Mondav, R; Drohan, E; Vebrová, L; Dąbrowski, D; Camacho Santamans, A; Fenoy, E; Zawadzka, M; García-Girón, J; Guerrero Broton, M; Martelo, J; Llorente, A; Mathieu-Resuge, M; Marle, P; Moras, S; Münzner, K; Henriques, J; Sarkezi, M; Sowa, A; Calderó Pascual, M; Camacho-Santamans, A; Freixinos Campillo, Z; Gerber, R; Iasmina Moza, M; Englisch, C; Esosa Osakpolor, S; Nita, D; Dinu, V; Olenici, A; Labat, F; Várbíró, G
La biodiversità che non potremo conoscere
2022 Bonacina, L; Tirozzi, P
Long-term dynamic of nestedness in bird assemblages inhabiting fragmented landscapes
2022 Dondina, O; Orioli, V; Tirozzi, P; Bani, L
New Evidence on the Linkage of Population Trends and Species Traits to Long-Term Niche Changes
2022 Tirozzi, P; Orioli, V; Dondina, O; Bani, L
New Evidence on the Linkage of Population Trends and Species Traits to Long-Term Niche Changes
2022 Tirozzi, P; Orioli, V; Dondina, O; Bani, L
Odonata fauna across European ponds – a case study from the EUROPONDS project.
2022 Rimcheska, B; Fehlinger, L; Misteli, B; Balibrea, A; Kolař, V; Souto, M; Nava, V; Nash, L; Tirozzi, P; Halabowski, D; Bonacina, L; Scotti, A; Jakobsson, E; Chaguaceda, F; Morant, D; Fahy, J; Cunillera-Montcusi, D; Zamora Marin, J; Tomas Martin, M; Rubio-Rios, J; Kuczyńska, K; Soto Garcia, P; Haba, A; Vallefuoco, F; Stamenković, O; Fekete, J; Suarez, E; Vanek, M; Chonova, T; Juvigny-Khenafou, N; Timoner, P; Mondav, R; Drohan, E; Vebrova, L; Bozoki, T; Dąbrowski, D; Camacho Santamans, A; Fenoy, E; Zawadzka, M; Garcia-Giron, J; Brotons, M; Martelo, J; Llorente, A; Mathieu-Resuge, M; Marle, P; Moras, S; Munzner, K; Henriques, J; Sarkezi, M; Sowa, A; Caldero Pascual, M; Camacho-Santamans, A; Freixinos Campillo, Z; Gerber, R; Moza, M; Englisch, C; Esosa Osakpolor, S; Nita, D; Dinu, V; Olenici, A; Labat, F
Population trends from count data: Handling environmental bias, overdispersion and excess of zeroes
2022 Tirozzi, P; Orioli, V; Dondina, O; Kataoka, L; Bani, L
Species traits drive long-term population trends of common breeding birds in northern Italy
2022 Tirozzi, P; Orioli, V; Dondina, O; Kataoka, L; Bani, L