A Longitudinal RCT on the Effectiveness of a Psychological Intervention for Hospital Healthcare Workers During the COVID-19 Pandemic: What We Learned to Date
2024 Rizzi, D; Monaci, M; Gambini, G; Benzi, I; Perlini, S; De Silvestri, A; Klersy, C; Barone, L
Mentalized Affectivity, Helicopter Parenting, and Psychopathological Risk in Emerging Adults: A Network Analysis
2024 Cruciani, G; Fontana, A; Benzi, I; Sideli, L; Parolin, L; Muzi, L; Carone, N
The Influence of Childhood Emotional Abuse and Neglect on Love Addiction: The Indirect Effect of Vulnerable Narcissism Among Female and Male Emerging Adults
2024 Carone, N; Muzi, L; Benzi, I; Cacioppo, M; Parolin, L; Santona, A; Fontana, A
Unpacking the p-factor. Associations Between Maladaptive Personality Traits and General Psychopathology in Female and Male Adolescents
2024 Benzi, I; Fontana, A; Di Pierro, R; Parolin, L; Ensink, K
Associations of mentalization and epistemic trust with internalizing and externalizing problems in adolescence: A gender-sensitive structural equation modeling approach
2023 Locati, F; Benzi, I; Milesi, A; Campbell, C; Midgley, N; Fonagy, P; Parolin, L
Different epistemic stances for different traumatic experiences: implications for mentalization
2023 Benzi, I; Carone, N; Parolin, L; Martin-Gagnon, G; Ensink, K; Fontana, A
eCONNECT Parent Group: An Online Attachment-Based Intervention to Reduce Attachment Insecurity, Behavioral Problems, and Emotional Dysregulation in Adolescence
2023 Benzi, I; Carone, N; Moretti, M; Ruglioni, L; Tracchegiani, J; Barone, L
Emerging personality in adolescence: developmental trajectories, internalizing and externalizing problems, and the role of mentalizing abilities
2023 Benzi, I; Fontana, A; Barone, L; Preti, E; Parolin, L; Ensink, K
Exploring Patterns of Alcohol Consumption in Adolescence: the Role of Health Complaints and Psychosocial Determinants in an Italian Sample
2023 Benzi, I; Stival, C; Gallus, S; Odone, A; Barone, L
How can I trust you? The role of facial trustworthiness in the development of Epistemic and Interpersonal Trust
2023 Milesi, A; De Carli, P; Locati, F; Benzi, I; Campbell, C; Fonagy, P; Parolin, L
Maladaptive personality traits and internalizing and externalizing problems: the role of borderline and narcissistic features in adolescence
2023 Benzi, I; Fontana, A; Di Pierro, R
Narcissistic traits and problematic internet use among youths: A latent change score model approach
2023 Fontana, A; Benzi, I; Ghezzi, V; Cianfanelli, B; Sideli, L
Problematic internet use as a moderator between personality dimensions and internalizing and externalizing symptoms in adolescence
2023 Fontana, A; Benzi, I; Cipresso, P
Problematic Internet use in emerging adulthood to escape from maternal helicopter parenting: defensive functioning as a mediating mechanism
2023 Carone, N; Benzi, I; Muzi, L; Parolin, L; Fontana, A
Problematic Internet Use in Emerging Adulthood: The Interplay Between Narcissistic Vulnerability and Environmental Sensitivity
2023 Benzi, I; Carone, N; Fontana, A; Barone, L
PsyCARE study: assessing impact, cost-effectiveness, and transdiagnostic factors of the Italian ministry of health’s “psychological bonus” policy
2023 Benzi, I; Compare, A; Tona, A; Di Nuovo, S; Lazzari, D; Lingiardi, V; Coco, G; Parolin, L
Psychosocial determinants of sleep difficulties in adolescence: the role of perceived support from family, peers, and school in an Italian HBSC sample
2023 Benzi, I; Gallus, S; Santoro, E; Barone, L; Cavallo, F; Coppola, L; Celata, C; Delle Fave, A; Nigris, E; Vecchio, L; Terraneo, M; Tognetti, M; Salvatore, S; Capolongo, S; Marta, E; Lozza, E; Torbica, A; Russo, V; Crottogini, L; Lobascio, C; Veneruso, M; Gelmi, G; Scuffi, C; Velasco, V; Rocca, G; Ghidini, P; Perego, O; Pacchetti, R; Bellesi, M; Maggi, S; Nichetti, E; Giannellini, A; Di Cosimo, F; Veneruso, M; Montani, D; Ghislanzoni, M; Torri, C; Scarpanti, E; Stampini, L; Scaglione, C; Sacchi, A; Casalini, M
Two-Wave Stability of Grandiose and Vulnerable Narcissism During Adolescence: The Mediating Role of Empathy
2023 Fontana, A; Cianfanelli, B; Verbaro, R; Cuzzocrea, G; Benzi, I; Sideli, L
Working with adolescents through an intervention for parents: a pilot study on the implementation of the attachment-based econnect intervention program [Lavorare con gli adolescenti attraverso un intervento per i genitori Uno studio pilota sull’implementazione del programma d’intervento eConnect basato sull’attaccamento]
2023 Barone, L; Tracchegiani, J; Benzi, I; Carone, N; Moretti, M; Ruglioni, L
“Don’t Leave me Behind!” Problematic Internet Use and Fear of Missing Out Through the Lens of Epistemic Trust in Emerging Adulthood
2023 Benzi, I; Fontana, A; Lingiardi, V; Parolin, L; Carone, N