Transition to Online Transference-Focused Psychotherapy During the COVID-19 Pandemic
2024 Preti, E; Casini, E; Bazan, M; Blüml, V; Torres, M; Lendvay, J; Normandin, L; Nowacki, H; Snigur, V; Doering, S; Yeomans, F; Clarkin, J
The dynamics of self-injurious and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in adolescence: a narrative review and critical evaluation of ambulatory assessment studies
2023 Casini, E; Di Pierro, R; Preti, E; Madeddu, F; Calati, R
The Moderating Role of Neuroticism on Evaluative Conditioning: New Insights on the Processes Underlying This Relationship
2023 Casini, E; Richetin, J; Sava, F; Perugini, M
Videoconferencing psychotherapy from a psychodynamic point of view. A qualitative analysis
2023 Laczkovics, C; Bluml, V; Kapusta, N; Hoffmann-Lamplmair, D; Casini, E; Bazan, M; Torres, M; Lendvay, J; Normandin, L; Nowacki, H; Snigur, V; Doering, S; Yeomans, F; Clarkin, J; Preti, E
The mediating role of emotion regulation strategies on the association between rejection sensitivity, aggression, withdrawal, and prosociality
2022 Casini, E; Glemser, C; Premoli, M; Preti, E; Richetin, J
Personality traits in social interactions: A tutorial on network analysis of personality dynamics
2021 Costantini, G; Richetin, J; Preti, E; Casini, E; Perugini, M
Short-term psychological consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic: Results of the first wave of an ecological daily study in the Italian population
2021 Preti, E; Di Pierro, R; Perego, G; Bottini, M; Casini, E; Ierardi, E; Madeddu, F; Mazzetti, M; Riva-Crugnola, C; Taranto, P; Di Mattei, V
The “emotional thermometer [termometro emotivo]” project: mental health and daily emotional states in Italian adults during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak.
2021 DI PIERRO, R; Casini, E; Fanti, E; Madeddu, F; Preti, E
Cognitive and Emotional Components of Rejection Sensitivity: Independent Contributions to Adolescent Self- and Interpersonal Functioning
2020 Preti, E; Casini, E; Richetin, J; De Panfilis, C; Fontana, A
Many Labs 5: Registered Replication Report of Payne, Burkley, & Stokes (2008), Study 4
2020 Ebersole, C; Andrighetto, L; Casini, E; Chiorri, C; Dalla Rosa, A; Domaneschi, F; Ferguson, I; Fryberger, E; Giacomantonio, M; Grahe, J; Joy-Gaba, J; Langford, E; Nichols, A; Panno, A; Parks, K; Preti, E; Richetin, J; Vianello, M
Many Labs 5: Testing Pre-Data-Collection Peer Review as an Intervention to Increase Replicability
2020 Ebersole, C; Mathur, M; Baranski, E; Bart-Plange, D; Buttrick, N; Chartier, C; Corker, K; Corley, M; Hartshorne, J; Ijzerman, H; Lazarević, L; Rabagliati, H; Ropovik, I; Aczel, B; Aeschbach, L; Andrighetto, L; Arnal, J; Arrow, H; Babincak, P; Bakos, B; Baník, G; Baskin, E; Belopavlović, R; Bernstein, M; Białek, M; Bloxsom, N; Bodroža, B; Bonfiglio, D; Boucher, L; Brühlmann, F; Brumbaugh, C; Casini, E; Chen, Y; Chiorri, C; Chopik, W; Christ, O; Ciunci, A; Claypool, H; Coary, S; Čolić, M; Collins, W; Curran, P; Day, C; Dering, B; Dreber, A; Edlund, J; Falcão, F; Fedor, A; Feinberg, L; Ferguson, I; Ford, M; Frank, M; Fryberger, E; Garinther, A; Gawryluk, K; Ashbaugh, K; Giacomantonio, M; Giessner, S; Grahe, J; Guadagno, R; Hałasa, E; Hancock, P; Hilliard, R; Hüffmeier, J; Hughes, S; Idzikowska, K; Inzlicht, M; Jern, A; Jiménez-Leal, W; Johannesson, M; Joy-Gaba, J; Kauff, M; Kellier, D; Kessinger, G; Kidwell, M; Kimbrough, A; King, J; Kolb, V; Kołodziej, S; Kovacs, M; Krasuska, K; Kraus, S; Krueger, L; Kuchno, K; Lage, C; Langford, E; Levitan, C; de Lima, T; Lin, H; Lins, S; Loy, J; Manfredi, D; Markiewicz, Ł; Menon, M; Mercier, B; Metzger, M; Meyet, V; Millen, A; Miller, J; Montealegre, A; Moore, D; Muda, R; Nave, G; Nichols, A; Novak, S; Nunnally, C; Orlić, A; Palinkas, A; Panno, A; Parks, K; Pedović, I; Pękala, E; Penner, M; Pessers, S; Petrović, B; Pfeiffer, T; Pieńkosz, D; Preti, E; Purić, D; Ramos, T; Ravid, J; Razza, T; Rentzsch, K; Richetin, J; Rife, S; Rosa, A; Rudy, K; Salamon, J; Saunders, B; Sawicki, P; Schmidt, K; Schuepfer, K; Schultze, T; Schulz-Hardt, S; Schütz, A; Shabazian, A; Shubella, R; Siegel, A; Silva, R; Sioma, B; Skorb, L; de Souza, L; Steegen, S; Stein, L; Sternglanz, R; Stojilović, D; Storage, D; Sullivan, G; Szaszi, B; Szecsi, P; Szöke, O; Szuts, A; Thomae, M; Tidwell, N; Tocco, C; Torka, A; Tuerlinckx, F; Vanpaemel, W; Vaughn, L; Vianello, M; Viganola, D; Vlachou, M; Walker, R; Weissgerber, S; Wichman, A; Wiggins, B; Wolf, D; Wood, M; Zealley, D; Žeželj, I; Zrubka, M; Nosek, B
Predictive Validity of the Three-Factor Model of Impulsivity for Risky Behaviors
2020 Casini, E; Preti, E; Sergi, I; Gnisci, A; Richetin, J
Shame behind the corner? A daily diary investigation of pathological narcissism
2020 Di Sarno, M; Zimmermann, J; Madeddu, F; Casini, E; Di Pierro, R
Using the time-varying vector autoregressive model to study dynamic changes in situation perceptions and emotional reactions
2020 Casini, E; Richetin, J; Preti, E; Bringmann, L
2019 Casini, E
Stability and variability of personality networks. A tutorial on recent developments in network psychometrics
2019 Costantini, G; Richetin, J; Preti, E; Casini, E; Epskamp, S; Perugini, M
Rejection sensitivity and psychopathology symptoms in early adolescence: The moderating role of personality organization
2018 Fontana, A; De Panfilis, C; Casini, E; Preti, E; Richetin, J; Ammaniti, M
Using the time-varying vector autoregressive model to study dynamic changes in situation perceptions and emotional reactions
2018 Casini, E; Richetin, J; Preti, E; Bringmann, L
Daily relational affective and behavioral dynamics, rejection sensitivity, and borderline personality disorder traits
2017 Casini, E; Richetin, J; Cain, N; Meehan, K; Clarkin, J; Preti, E
Emerging personality structure in adolescence: assessment and association with psychopathological functioning.
2017 Fontana, A; Casini, E; Preti, E; Richetin, J; De Panfilis, C; Ammaniti, M; Clarkin, A