Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.535
EU - Europa 1.049
AS - Asia 603
SA - Sud America 75
AF - Africa 12
OC - Oceania 3
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 1
Totale 3.278
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.523
IT - Italia 490
SG - Singapore 224
HK - Hong Kong 125
DE - Germania 119
CN - Cina 113
RU - Federazione Russa 106
IE - Irlanda 96
BR - Brasile 71
FR - Francia 68
SE - Svezia 63
ID - Indonesia 34
IN - India 21
GB - Regno Unito 20
UA - Ucraina 18
FI - Finlandia 15
VN - Vietnam 12
ES - Italia 11
JP - Giappone 11
TR - Turchia 11
NL - Olanda 10
AT - Austria 9
CA - Canada 9
IR - Iran 7
PH - Filippine 7
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 6
IL - Israele 6
BE - Belgio 5
MY - Malesia 5
PK - Pakistan 5
AM - Armenia 4
DZ - Algeria 4
AR - Argentina 3
UZ - Uzbekistan 3
AU - Australia 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
KR - Corea 2
MA - Marocco 2
PA - Panama 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
TW - Taiwan 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AL - Albania 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
CH - Svizzera 1
CI - Costa d'Avorio 1
CR - Costa Rica 1
EE - Estonia 1
EG - Egitto 1
ET - Etiopia 1
EU - Europa 1
GR - Grecia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
IQ - Iraq 1
IS - Islanda 1
JO - Giordania 1
KG - Kirghizistan 1
KW - Kuwait 1
LT - Lituania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LV - Lettonia 1
NO - Norvegia 1
NP - Nepal 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
OM - Oman 1
PL - Polonia 1
SN - Senegal 1
TN - Tunisia 1
VE - Venezuela 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 3.278
Città #
Ann Arbor 577
Singapore 176
Milan 142
Hong Kong 122
Dublin 92
Frankfurt am Main 83
Chandler 74
New York 72
Fairfield 71
Santa Clara 69
Woodbridge 61
Wilmington 57
Ashburn 50
Seattle 47
Houston 43
Shanghai 43
Jakarta 34
Princeton 27
Cambridge 19
Padova 19
Seregno 17
Guangzhou 13
Jacksonville 13
Monza 13
Munich 13
Pune 13
Dong Ket 12
Rome 12
Dearborn 11
Altamura 10
Lawrence 10
Sacramento 9
São Paulo 9
Barcelona 8
Bergamo 8
Falls Church 8
Gallarate 8
Kocaeli 8
Rho 8
Boardman 7
Dallas 7
Los Angeles 7
Matsuyama 7
San Diego 7
Cagliari 6
Chennevières-sur-Marne 6
Chignolo d'Isola 6
Gorla Maggiore 6
Helsinki 6
Kochi 6
Turin 6
Vienna 6
Acquaviva delle Fonti 5
Binghamton 5
Bologna 5
Brno 5
Kuala Lumpur 5
Monopoli 5
Paris 5
Amizour 4
Andover 4
Brussels 4
Council Bluffs 4
Kunming 4
London 4
Nuremberg 4
Paderno Dugnano 4
Pisa 4
Rio de Janeiro 4
Trieste 4
Yerevan 4
Zhengzhou 4
Évry 4
Americana 3
Amsterdam 3
Ancona 3
Antrodoco 3
Besagno 3
Broseley 3
Cagayan de Oro 3
Cesano Maderno 3
Jinan 3
Lappeenranta 3
Newark 3
Old Bridge 3
Sesto San Giovanni 3
Tagbilaran 3
Tashkent 3
Toronto 3
Vantaa 3
Verona 3
West Palm Beach 3
Wuhan 3
Arnesano 2
Banqiao 2
Bonnyrigg 2
Bratislava 2
Brescia 2
Brugherio 2
Bucchianico 2
Totale 2.329
Nome #
Infants’ Learning of Rule-Based Visual Sequences Predicts Language Outcome at 2 Years 224
The Impact of School Climate on Well-Being Experience and School Engagement: A Study With High-School Students 200
ERP responses to lexical-semantic processing in typically developing toddlers, in adults, and in toddlers at risk for language and learning impairment 187
Paternal autistic traits are predictive of infants visual attention 175
Dysfunctions in Infants’ Statistical Learning are Related to Parental Autistic Traits 164
Paternal autistic traits are predictive of infants visual attention. 163
Infants’ learning of non‐adjacent regularities from visual sequences 163
Tell Me a Story: Socio-Emotional Functioning, Well-Being and Problematic Smartphone Use in Adolescents With Specific Learning Disabilities 155
Electrophysiological Evidence of Space-Number Associations in 9-Month-Old Infants 143
Reduced left-lateralized pattern of event-related EEG oscillations in infants at familial risk for language and learning impairment 138
Visual Implicit Learning Abilities in Infants at Familial Risk for Language and Learning Impairments 128
A multi-lab approach to infant studies: examples from the Bicocca Child&BabyLab. 114
Rules generalization in children with dyslexia 90
Learning and generalization of repetition-based rules in autism 84
The spatial representation of serial order in infancy 71
Auditory discrimination predicts linguistic outcome in Italian infants with and without familial risk for language learning impairment 71
L’apprendimento di regole astratte da sequenze visive a 3 mesi: il ruolo della memoria di lavoro 68
The time-course of visual rule learning in preverbal infants: evidence from neural entrainment. 63
Comparison on well-being, engagement and perceived school climate in secondary school students with learning difficulties and specific learning disorders: An exploratory study 54
The multi-lab approach: challenging and opportunity in infant’s research 50
Neural entrainment as a tool to explore human cognition across development. 46
Learning and Well-Being in Multilingual Adolescents with Italian as L2: A Comparison with Monolingual Peers with and without a Learning Disorder 45
Musical training in children enhances serial order and rule learning. 45
Visual rule learning in preverbal infants and adults: Evidence from neural entrainment. 41
ERP correlates of infants’ orienting of visual-spatial attention induced by numbers. 37
Dal testing in presenza al testing in remoto: un’esperienza di ricerca sperimentale con bambini in età prescolare e scolare. 37
Visual implicit learning abilities in infants at familial risk for Development Language Disorder. 34
L’abilità di apprendimento implicito in bambini in età preverbale a rischio familiare di sviluppare disturbi del linguaggio e della comunicazione. 34
Rapid auditory processing response in Italian infants at risk for language and learning impairment. 33
Dysfunctions in infants’ statistical learning are related to subthreshold autistic social impairments in their parents. 32
Visual rule learning skills at 3 months: The role of spatial orientation and working memory load. 32
Dysfunctions in infants’ statistical learning are related to subthreshold autistic social impairments in their parents. 31
The spatial representation of serial order in pre-literate children: an online study 31
Rule learning from sequences of social and non-social stimuli in the Autism Spectrum Disorder. 31
Visual rule learning in 3-month-old infants: the role of working memory 31
Visual statistical learning in preverbal infants at a higher likelihood of autism and its association with later social communication skills 24
Brain responses to cross-modal semantic priming in Italian twenty-month-olds. 22
Infants' reorienting efficiency depends on parental autistic traits and predicts future socio-communicative behaviors 21
Totale 3.423
Categoria #
all - tutte 14.523
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 14.523

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202031 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 9 2 5 6
2020/2021665 16 11 100 51 53 87 67 46 73 44 56 61
2021/2022355 49 45 50 42 33 29 7 16 19 7 16 42
2022/2023488 44 88 54 22 27 63 23 22 18 13 42 72
2023/2024741 42 39 42 69 99 126 81 22 93 19 23 86
2024/2025918 73 149 80 87 194 113 140 82 0 0 0 0
Totale 3.423