Assessing the carbon stock in the Alps: Considerations on three different approaches
2024 Rota, N; Canedoli, C; Ferrè, C; Comolli, R; Abu El Khair, D; Padoa Schioppa, E
Microbiomes of urban trees: unveiling contributions to atmospheric pollution mitigation
2024 Gandolfi, I; Canedoli, C; Rosatelli, A; Covino, S; Cappelletti, D; Sebastiani, B; Tatangelo, V; Corengia, D; Pittino, F; Padoa Schioppa, E; Báez-Matus, X; Hernández, L; Seeger, M; Saati-Santamaría, Z; García-Fraile, P; López-Mondéjar, R; Ambrosini, R; Papacchini, M; Franzetti, A
Review of indicators for mountain ecosystem services: Are the most frequently used also the best?
2024 Canedoli, C; Rota, N; Vogiatzakis, I; Zanch, I; Drius, M; Nagendra, H; Padoa Schioppa, E
How Do People Experience the Alps? Attitudes and Perceptions in Two Protected Areas in Italy
2023 Rota, N; Canedoli, C; Azzimonti, O; Padoa Schioppa, E
Introducing children in the primary school to the concept of ecosystem services
2023 Rota, N; Canedoli, C; Fava, M; Padoa Schioppa, E
Acoustic monitoring to evaluate the effect of anthropogenic noise within a park
2022 Zambon, G; Potenza, A; Confalonieri, C; Bisceglie, A; Canedoli, C; Padoa Schioppa, E; Benocci, R
Integrating landscape ecology and the assessment of ecosystem services in the study of karst areas
2022 Canedoli, C; Ficetola, G; Corengia, D; Tognini, P; Ferrario, A; Padoa-Schioppa, E
Long term analysis of social structure: evidence of age-based consistent associations in male Alpine ibex
2022 Brambilla, A; von Hardenberg, A; Canedoli, C; Brivio, F; Sueur, C; Stanley, C
ReptIslands: Mediterranean islands and the distribution of their reptile fauna
2022 Bonardi, A; Ficetola, G; Razzetti, E; Canedoli, C; Falaschi, M; Lo Parrino, E; Rota, N; Padoa‐schioppa, E; Sindaco, R
Towards an environmental sound map at Parco Nord of Milan, Italy
2022 Benocci, R; Potenza, A; Bisceglie, A; Confalonieri, C; Canedoli, C; Padoa Schioppa, E; Zambon, G; Roman, H
Biodiversità urbana in Italia
2021 Padoa Schioppa, E; Canedoli, C; Rota, N
Linee guida volontarie per l'uso sostenibile del suolo per i professionisti dell'area tecnica. Indirizzi per la tutela del suolo dai processi di impermeabilizzazione e dalla perdita di materia organica
2021 Arcidiacono, A; Canedoli, C; di Martino, V; Ronchi, S; Munafò, M; Di Simine, D; Brenna, S
Evaluation of ecosystem services in a protected mountain area: Soil organic carbon stock and biodiversity in alpine forests and grasslands
2020 Canedoli, C; Ferre, C; Abu El Khair, D; Comolli, R; Liga, C; Mazzucchelli, F; Proietto, A; Rota, N; Colombo, G; Bassano, B; Viterbi, R; Padoa Schioppa, E
Evaluation of soil biodiversity in alpine habitats through eDNA metabarcoding and relationships with environmental features
2020 Rota, N; Canedoli, C; Ferre, C; Ficetola, G; Guerrieri, A; Padoa Schioppa, E
Plant-microorganisms interaction promotes removal of air pollutants in Milan (Italy) urban area
2020 Franzetti, A; Gandolfi, I; Bestetti, G; Padoa Schioppa, E; Canedoli, C; Brambilla, D; Cappelletti, D; Sebastiani, B; Federici, E; Papacchini, M; Ambrosini, R
Soil organic carbon stock in different urban land uses: high stock evidence in urban parks
2020 Canedoli, C; Ferre, C; El Khair, D; Padoa Schioppa, E; Comolli, R
Anthropocene challenges for landscape ecology
2019 Canedoli, C; Rota, N; Padoa Schioppa, E
Causes and consequences of crayfish extinction: Stream connectivity, habitat changes, alien species and ecosystem services
2019 Manenti, R; Ghia, D; Fea, G; Ficetola, G; Padoa-Schioppa, E; Canedoli, C
La Ricerca nei Parchi Naturali - Best practice: i servizi ecosistemici
2019 Padoa Schioppa, E; Canedoli, C
The Racovitzan impediment and the hidden biodiversity of unexplored environments
2019 Ficetola, G; Canedoli, C; Stoch, F