Bacterial community diversity in sparse debris and cryoconite holes on nearby glaciers
In corso di stampa Pittino, F; Azzoni, R; Rossi, M; Diolaiuti, G; Franzetti, A; Ambrosini, R
Ecological interactions in glacier environments: a review of studies on a model Alpine glacier
2025 Crosta, A; Valle, B; Caccianiga, M; Gobbi, M; Ficetola, F; Pittino, F; Franzetti, A; Azzoni, R; Lencioni, V; Senese, A; Corlatti, L; Buda, J; Poniecka, E; Novotná Jaroměřská, T; Zawierucha, K; Ambrosini, R
Cryoconite holes: islands into islands
2024 Pittino, F; Crosta, A; Ambrosini, R; Ficetola, F; Zawierucha, K; Poniecka, E; Azzoni, R; Diolaiuti, G; Franzetti, A
Isotopic signature of plutonium accumulated in cryoconite on glaciers worldwide
2024 Łokas, E; Baccolo, G; Cwanek, A; Buda, J; Kołtonik, K; Takeuchi, N; Wachniew, P; Clason, C; Zawierucha, K; Beard, D; Ambrosini, R; Pittino, F; Franzetti, A; Owens, P; Nastasi, M; Sisti, M; Di Mauro, B
Microbiomes of urban trees: unveiling contributions to atmospheric pollution mitigation
2024 Gandolfi, I; Canedoli, C; Rosatelli, A; Covino, S; Cappelletti, D; Sebastiani, B; Tatangelo, V; Corengia, D; Pittino, F; Padoa Schioppa, E; Báez-Matus, X; Hernández, L; Seeger, M; Saati-Santamaría, Z; García-Fraile, P; López-Mondéjar, R; Ambrosini, R; Papacchini, M; Franzetti, A
The development of terrestrial ecosystems emerging after glacier retreat
2024 Ficetola, G; Marta, S; Guerrieri, A; Cantera, I; Bonin, A; Cauvy-Fraunié, S; Ambrosini, R; Caccianiga, M; Anthelme, F; Azzoni, R; Almond, P; Alviz Gazitúa, P; Ceballos Lievano, J; Chand, P; Chand Sharma, M; Clague, J; Cochachín Rapre, J; Compostella, C; Encarnación, R; Dangles, O; Deline, P; Eger, A; Erokhin, S; Franzetti, A; Gielly, L; Gili, F; Gobbi, M; Hågvar, S; Kaufmann, R; Khedim, N; Meneses, R; Morales-Martínez, M; Peyre, G; Pittino, F; Proietto, A; Rabatel, A; Sieron, K; Tielidze, L; Urseitova, N; Yang, Y; Zaginaev, V; Zerboni, A; Zimmer, A; Diolaiuti, G; Taberlet, P; Poulenard, J; Fontaneto, D; Thuiller, W; Carteron, A
The surface of small glaciers as radioactive hotspots: Concentration of radioisotopes during predicted intensive melting in the Alps
2024 Buda, J; Błażej, S; Ambrosini, R; Scotti, R; Pittino, F; Sala, D; Zawierucha, K; Łokas, E
Geographical variability of bacterial communities of cryoconite holes of Andean glaciers
2023 Pittino, F; Ambrosini, R; Seeger, M; Azzoni, R; Diolaiuti, G; Alviz Gazitua, P; Franzetti, A
Global variability and controls on the accumulation of fallout radionuclides in cryoconite
2023 Clason, C; Baccolo, G; Łokas, E; Owens, P; Wachniew, P; Millward, G; Taylor, A; Blake, W; Beard, D; Poniecka, E; Selmes, N; Bagshaw, E; Cook, J; Fyfe, R; Hay, M; Land, D; Takeuchi, N; Nastasi, M; Sisti, M; Pittino, F; Franzetti, A; Ambrosini, R; Di Mauro, B
Impact of anthropogenic contamination on glacier surface biota
2023 Pittino, F; Buda, J; Ambrosini, R; Parolini, M; Crosta, A; Zawierucha, K; Franzetti, A
Is Oxygenation Related to the Decomposition of Organic Matter in Cryoconite Holes?
2022 Buda, J; Poniecka, E; Rozwalak, P; Ambrosini, R; Bagshaw, E; Franzetti, A; Klimaszyk, P; Nawrot, A; Pietryka, M; Richter, D; Zawierucha, K
Microplastic contamination of supraglacial debris differs among glaciers with different anthropic pressures
2022 Crosta, A; De Felice, B; Antonioli, D; Chiarcos, R; Perin, E; Ortenzi, M; Gazzotti, S; Azzoni, R; Fugazza, D; Gianotti, V; Laus, M; Diolaiuti, G; Pittino, F; Franzetti, A; Ambrosini, R; Parolini, M
The cloacal microbiome of a cavity-nesting raptor, the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni)
2022 Costanzo, A; Ambrosini, R; Franzetti, A; Romano, A; Cecere, J; Morganti, M; Rubolini, D; Gandolfi, I
A hole in the nematosphere: tardigrades and rotifers dominate the cryoconite hole environment, whereas nematodes are missing
2021 Zawierucha, K; Porazinska, D; Ficetola, G; Ambrosini, R; Baccolo, G; Buda, J; Ceballos, J; Devetter, M; Dial, R; Franzetti, A; Fuglewicz, U; Gielly, L; Lokas, E; Janko, K; Novotna Jaromerska, T; Koscinski, A; Kozlowska, A; Ono, M; Parnikoza, I; Pittino, F; Poniecka, E; Sommers, P; Schmidt, S; Shain, D; Sikorska, S; Uetake, J; Takeuchi, N
High phenotypic plasticity in a prominent plant invader along altitudinal and temperature gradients
2021 Gentili, R; Ambrosini, R; Augustinus, B; Caronni, S; Cardarelli, E; Montagnani, C; Muller-Scharer, H; Schaffner, U; Citterio, S
The retreat of mountain glaciers since the little ice age: A spatially explicit database
2021 Marta, S; Azzoni, R; Fugazza, D; Tielidze, L; Chand, P; Sieron, K; Almond, P; Ambrosini, R; Anthelme, F; Alviz Gazitua, P; Bhambri, R; Bonin, A; Caccianiga, M; Cauvy-Fraunie, S; Lievano, J; Clague, J; Rapre, J; Dangles, O; Deline, P; Eger, A; Encarnacion, R; Erokhin, S; Franzetti, A; Gielly, L; Gili, F; Gobbi, M; Guerrieri, A; Hagvar, S; Khedim, N; Kinyanjui, R; Messager, E; Morales-Martinez, M; Peyre, G; Pittino, F; Poulenard, J; Seppi, R; Sharma, M; Urseitova, N; Weissling, B; Yang, Y; Zaginaev, V; Zimmer, A; Diolaiuti, G; Rabatel, A; Ficetola, G
Cryoconite: an efficient accumulator of radioactive fallout in glacial environments
2020 Baccolo, G; Łokas, E; Gaca, P; Massabò, D; Ambrosini, R; Azzoni, R; Clason, C; Di Mauro, B; Franzetti, A; Nastasi, M; Prata, M; Prati, P; Previtali, E; Delmonte, B; Maggi, V
Early ecological succession patterns of bacterial, fungal and plant communities along a chronosequence in a recently deglaciated area of the Italian Alps
2020 Franzetti, A; Pittino, F; Gandolfi, I; Azzoni, R; Diolaiuti, G; Smiraglia, C; Pelfini, M; Compostella, C; Turchetti, B; Buzzini, P; Ambrosini, R
Effects of locality and stone surface structure on the distribution of Collembola inhabiting a novel habitat – the stone-ice border on an alpine glacier
2020 Buda, J; Azzoni, R; Ambrosini, R; Franzetti, A; Zawierucha, K
Plant-microorganisms interaction promotes removal of air pollutants in Milan (Italy) urban area
2020 Franzetti, A; Gandolfi, I; Bestetti, G; Padoa Schioppa, E; Canedoli, C; Brambilla, D; Cappelletti, D; Sebastiani, B; Federici, E; Papacchini, M; Ambrosini, R