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A Fast and Simple DNA Mini-barcoding and RPA Assay Coupled with Lateral Flow Assay for Fresh and Canned Mackerel Authentication 01 - Articolo su rivista 2023 Frigerio J.De Mattia F.Labra M.Mezzasalma V. +
Check Your Shopping Cart: DNA Barcoding and Mini-Barcoding for Food Authentication 01 - Articolo su rivista 2023 Gorini T.Mezzasalma V.De Mattia F.Campone L.Labra M.Frigerio J. +
Anticholesterolemic Activity of Three Vegetal Extracts (Artichoke, Caigua, and Fenugreek) and Their Unique Blend 01 - Articolo su rivista 2021 Frigerio J.Mezzasalma V.Pagliari S.Labra M.Campone L. +
BambApp: A citizen science project for the re-evaluation of the invasive potential of bamboo species in North-West Italy 01 - Articolo su rivista 2021 Mezzasalma V.Frigerio J.Lonati M. +
Dna‐based herbal teas’ authentication: An its2 and psba‐trnh multi‐marker dna metabarcoding approach 01 - Articolo su rivista 2021 Frigerio J.Agostinetto G.Mezzasalma V.De Mattia F.Labra M.Bruno A.
The hidden ‘plant side’ of insect novel foods: A DNA-based assessment 01 - Articolo su rivista 2020 Frigerio J.Agostinetto G.Sandionigi A.Mezzasalma V.Berterame N. M.Casiraghi M.Labra M.Galimberti A.
Development of a DNA barcoding-like approach to detect mustard allergens in wheat flours 01 - Articolo su rivista 2019 Frigerio J.Mezzasalma V.De Mattia F.Galimberti A.Labra M. +
DNA barcoding to trace medicinal and aromatic plants from the field to the food supplement 01 - Articolo su rivista 2019 Frigerio J.Galimberti A.Bruni I.Tommasi N.Mezzasalma V.Labra M. +
Notulae to the Italian alien vascular flora: 8 01 - Articolo su rivista 2019 De Mattia, FabrizioFrigerio, JessicaGuzzetti, LorenzoMezzasalma, Valerio +
Food molecular identification and characterization: towards geographical traceability 07 - Tesi di dottorato Bicocca post 2009 2018 MEZZASALMA, VALERIO
Geographical and cultivar features differentiate grape microbiota in Northern Italy and Spain vineyards 01 - Articolo su rivista 2018 Mezzasalma, VSandionigi, AGUZZETTI, LORENZOGalimberti, ALabra, M +
A DNA barcoding approach for identifying species in Amazonian traditional medicine: The case of Piri-Piri 01 - Articolo su rivista 2017 MEZZASALMA, VALERIOBRUNI, ILARIAGALIMBERTI, ANDREAMAGONI, CHIARALABRA, MASSIMO +
DNA Barcoding Meets Nanotechnology: Development of a Universal Colorimetric Test for Food Authentication 01 - Articolo su rivista 2017 GALIMBERTI, ANDREAMEZZASALMA, VALERIOCASIRAGHI, MAURIZIOLABRA, MASSIMO +
Grape microbiome as a reliable and persistent signature of field origin and environmental conditions in Cannonau wine production 01 - Articolo su rivista 2017 Mezzasalma, VSandionigi, ABruni, IBruno, ACasiraghi, MLabra, M. +
Orally administered multispecies probiotic formulations to prevent uro-genital infections: a randomized placebo-controlled pilot study 01 - Articolo su rivista 2017 MEZZASALMA, VALERIOFERRI, EMANUELEDI GENNARO, PATRIZIALABRA, MASSIMO +
Poisonous or non-poisonous plants? DNA-based tools and applications for accurate identification 01 - Articolo su rivista 2017 Mezzasalma, VGalimberti, AFerri, ELabra, M +
A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial: The Efficacy of Multispecies Probiotic Supplementation in Alleviating Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Associated with Constipation 01 - Articolo su rivista 2016 MEZZASALMA, VALERIOFERRI, EMANUELESANDIONIGI, ANNALA FERLA, BARBARALABRA, MASSIMODI GENNARO, PATRIZIA +
Chemical, molecular, and proteomic analyses of moss bag biomonitoring in a petrochemical area of Sardinia (Italy) 01 - Articolo su rivista 2016 DE MATTIA, FABRIZIOMEZZASALMA, VALERIOLABRA, MASSIMO +
Evaluating the efficacy of restoration plantings through DNA barcoding of frugivorous bird diets 01 - Articolo su rivista 2016 GALIMBERTI, ANDREASPINELLI, SARABRUNO, ANTONIAMEZZASALMA, VALERIODE MATTIA, FABRIZIOLABRA, MASSIMO +
From grapes to a deep knowledge of wine production: sardinian cultivars and the case study of Cannonau 02 - Intervento a convegno 2016 MEZZASALMA, VALERIOBRUNI, ILARIADE MATTIA, FABRIZIOLABRA, MASSIMO +