Lawn management promoting tall herbs, flowering species and urban park attributes enhance insect biodiversity in urban green areas
2025 Biella, P; Borghesan, S; Colombo, B; Galimberti, A; Guzzetti, L; Maggioni, D; Pioltelli, E; Ramazzotti, F; Ranalli, R; Tommasi, N; Labra, M
The invasive tropical planaria Bipalium kewense invades urban subterranean habitats in the city of Catania (Sicily, Italy)
2025 Nicolosi, G; Galimberti, A; Tommasi, N; Isaia, M
Buzzing in the concrete jungle: Unraveling wild bees’ health in urban contexts through different molecular and morphological analysis
2024 Colombo, B; Tommasi, N; Galimberti, A
The One Health approach in urban ecosystem rehabilitation: An evidence-based framework for designing sustainable cities
2024 Bruno, A; Arnoldi, I; Barzaghi, B; Boffi, M; Casiraghi, M; Colombo, B; Di Gennaro, P; Epis, S; Facciotti, F; Ferrari, N; Fesce, E; Ficetola, G; Fumagalli, S; Galimberti, A; Ghisleni, G; Guidi Nissim, W; Mainardi, L; Manenti, R; Messina, V; Negri, A; Palm, E; Piga, B; Rainisio, N; Tommasi, N; Labra, M
Transcriptomic response to urbanization in two wild bee species, Bombus pascuorum (Scopoli, 1763) and Osmia cornuta (Latreille, 1805)
2024 Maggioni, D; Tommasi, N; Colombo, B; Galimberti, A
Unraveling Bumblebee Adaptation to Urban Living through Multi-omics Analysis
2024 Colombo, B; Tommasi, N; Maggioni, D; Guzzetti, L; Galimberti, A
Urbanisation reduced body size but potentially improved flight performance in bees and wasps
2024 Ferrari, A; Tommasi, N; Polidori, C
Città a misura di chi? Valutazione del danno ossidativo in diverse specie di api selvatiche in risposta agli ostacoli del contesto urbano
2023 Tommasi, N; Colombo, B; De Felice, B; Galimberti, A
DNA metabarcoding unveils the effects of habitat fragmentation on pollinator diversity, plant-pollinator interactions, and pollination efficiency in Maldive islands
2023 Tommasi, N; Biella, P; Maggioni, D; Fallati, L; Agostinetto, G; Labra, M; Galli, P; Galimberti, A
La frammentazione delle aree verdi in ambiente urbano e le risorse fiorali influenzano la presenza di parassiti intestinali in due specie del genere Bombus
2023 Colombo, B; Galimberti, A; Tommasi, N
Mimicking orchids lure bees from afar with exaggerated ultraviolet signals
2023 Scaccabarozzi, D; Lunau, K; Guzzetti, L; Cozzolino, S; Dyer, A; Tommasi, N; Biella, P; Galimberti, A; Labra, M; Bruni, I; Pattarini, G; Brundrett, M; Gagliano, M
Predator-prey traits and foraging habitat shape the diet of a common insectivorous bat
2023 Ancillotto, L; Falanga, A; Agostinetto, G; Tommasi, N; Garonna, A; de Benedetta, F; Bernardo, U; Galimberti, A; Conti, P; Russo, D
Urban habitat fragmentation and floral resources shape the occurrence of gut parasites in two bumblebee species
2023 Tommasi, N; Colombo, B; Pioltelli, E; Biella, P; Casiraghi, M; Galimberti, A
Bats as suppressors of agroforestry pests in beech forests
2022 Ancillotto, L; Rummo, R; Agostinetto, G; Tommasi, N; Garonna, A; de Benedetta, F; Bernardo, U; Galimberti, A; Russo, D
City climate and landscape structure shape pollinators, nectar and transported pollen along a gradient of urbanization
2022 Biella, P; Tommasi, N; Guzzetti, L; Pioltelli, E; Labra, M; Galimberti, A
2022 Tommasi, N
Effect of urbanization and its environmental stressors on the intraspecific variation of flight functional traits in two bumblebee species
2022 Tommasi, N; Pioltelli, E; Biella, P; Labra, M; Casiraghi, M; Galimberti, A
Updating the list of flower-visiting bees, hoverflies and wasps in the central atolls of Maldives, with notes on land-use effects
2022 Biella, P; Ssymank, A; Galimberti, A; Galli, P; Perlik, M; Ramazzotti, F; Rota, A; Tommasi, N
Assessment of Dietary Bioactive Phenolic Compounds and Agricultural Sustainability of an African Leafy Vegetable Corchorus olitorius L
2021 Guzzetti, L; Panzeri, D; Ulaszewska, M; Sacco, G; Forcella, M; Fusi, P; Tommasi, N; Fiorini, A; Campone, L; Labra, M
Combined impact of no-till and cover crops with or without short-term water stress as revealed by physicochemical and microbiological indicators
2021 Taskin, E; Boselli, R; Fiorini, A; Misci, C; Ardenti, F; Bandini, F; Guzzetti, L; Panzeri, D; Tommasi, N; Galimberti, A; Labra, M; Tabaglio, V; Puglisi, E