DIPARTIMENTO DI PSICOLOGIA (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 30/09/2012)
Risultati 1 - 6 di 6 (tempo di esecuzione: 0.008 secondi).
Manual actions cover symbolic distances at different speed
2016 Girelli, L; Perrone, G; Croccolo, F; Roman, E; Bricolo, E; Mancin, M; Rinaldi, L
The number-space interaction at the perceptual and the reppresentational level
2011 Perrone, G
Numbers can move our hands: A spatial representation effect in digits handwriting
2010 Perrone, G; de Hevia, M; Bricolo, E; Girelli, L
Interactions between number and space: Further evidence for a cognitive illusion
2009 Ranzini, M; Perrone, G; Girelli, L
Numbers impact on motion speed
2009 Perrone, G; Bricolo, E; Girelli, L
The influence of Number and Magnitude Information on Space representation in Children
2009 Girelli, L; Perrone, G; Pisacane, A; MACCHI CASSIA, V