Chemical composition of aerosol over the Arctic ocean from summer Arctic expedition (AREX) 2011-2012 cruises: Ions, amines, elemental carbon, organic matter, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, n-alkanes, metals, and rare earth elements
2019 Ferrero, L; Sangiorgi, G; Perrone, M; Rizzi, C; Cataldi, M; Markuszewski, P; Pakszys, P; Makuch, P; Petelski, T; Becagli, S; Traversi, R; Bolzacchini, E; Zielinski, T
Effetto della Zona a Traffico Limitato di Milano (Area C) sulla composizione chimica del PM
2016 Bolzacchini, E; Ferrero, L; Perrone, M; Rizzi, C; Sangiorgi, G
Effetto della ZTL di Milano sulle concentrazioni di Black Carbon
2016 Rizzi, C; Ferrero, L; Casati, M; Perrone, M; Sangiorgi, G; Bolzacchini, E
Nitration of pollen aeroallergens by nitrate ion in conditions simulating the liquid water phase of atmospheric particles
2016 Ghiani, A; Bruschi, M; Citterio, S; Bolzacchini, E; Ferrero, L; Sangiorgi, G; Asero, R; Perrone, M
Particulate-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon sources and determinants in residential homes
2016 Cattaneo, A; Fermo, P; Urso, P; Perrone, M; Piazzalunga, A; Tarlassi, J; Carrer, P; Cavallo, D
PM chemical composition and oxidative potential of the soluble fraction of particles at two sites in the urban area of Milan, Northern Italy
2016 Perrone, M; Zhou, J; Malandrino, M; Sangiorgi, G; Rizzi, C; Ferrero, L; Dommen, J; Bolzacchini, E
PM deliquescence, crystallization and hygroscopic growth: from the satellite remote sensing towards the Last Supper of Leonardo Da Vinci
2016 Ferrero, L; D'Angelo, L; Rovelli, G; Casati, M; Rizzi, C; Perrone, M; Sangiorgi, G; Bolzacchini, E
Seasonal behavior of PM2.5 deliquescence, crystallization, and hygroscopic growth in the Po Valley (Milan): Implications for remote sensing applications
2016 D'Angelo, L; Rovelli, G; Casati, M; Sangiorgi, G; Perrone, M; Bolzacchini, E; Ferrero, L
Vertical profiles of aerosol and black carbon in the Arctic: A seasonal phenomenology along 2 years (2011-2012) of field campaigns
2016 Ferrero, L; Cappelletti, D; Busetto, M; Mazzola, M; Lupi, A; Lanconelli, C; Becagli, S; Traversi, R; Caiazzo, L; Giardi, F; Moroni, B; Crocchianti, S; Fierz, M; Mocnik, G; Sangiorgi, G; Perrone, M; Maturilli, M; Vitale, V; Udisti, R; Bolzacchini, E
A new methodology to assess the performance and uncertainty of source apportionment models II: The results of two European intercomparison exercises
2015 Belis, C; Karagulian, F; Amato, F; Almeida, M; Artaxo, P; Beddows, D; Bernardoni, V; Bove, M; Carbone, S; Cesari, D; Contini, D; Cuccia, E; Diapouli, E; Eleftheriadis, K; Favez, O; El Haddad, I; Harrison, R; Hellebust, S; Hovorka, J; Jang, E; Jorquera, H; Kammermeier, T; Karl, M; Lucarelli, F; Mooibroek, D; Nava, S; Nøjgaard, J; Paatero, P; Pandolfi, M; Perrone, M; Petit, J; Pietrodangelo, A; Pokorná, P; Prati, P; Prevot, A; Quass, U; Querol, X; Saraga, D; Sciare, J; Sfetsos, A; Valli, G; Vecchi, R; Vestenius, M; Yubero, E; Hopke, P
Applicazione in campo "heritage climatology" delle misure sperimentali di deliquescenza e cristallizzazione del particolato atmosferico: il caso di Milano
2015 Casati, M; Rovelli, G; D'Angelo, L; Rizzi, C; Sangiorgi, G; Perrone, M; Bolzacchini, E; Ferrero, L
Atmospheric particles phase-transitions and time-of-wetness in Milan
2015 D'Angelo, L; Rovelli, G; Casati, M; Sangiorgi, G; Perrone, M; Rizzi, C; Goffi, G; Galimberti, M; Bolzacchini, E; Ferrero, L
Campagna di monitoraggio del black carbon dentro e fuori la ZTL di Milano tramite misure con etalometro AE31
2015 Rizzi, C; Casati, M; Perrone, M; Sangiorgi, G; Rovelli, G; D'Angelo, L; Ferrero, L; Bolzacchini, E
Caratterizzazione chimica dell’aerosol marino polare in estate (Mare Glaciale Artico, campagne oceanografiche AREX 2011-2012)
2015 Sangiorgi, G; Perrone, M; Ferrero, L; Rovelli, G; Marazzi, F; Molinelli, A; Casati, M; D'Angelo, L; Rizzi, C; Bolzacchini, E; Becagli, S; Traversi, R; Udisti, R; Walczowski, W; Zielinski, T
Characterising the U9 Milan background site that links together radiation and pollution measurements
2015 Comi, A; Degni, F; Cutellè, C; Cogliati, S; Rizzi, C; Casati, M; Sangiorgi, G; Perrone, M; DI MAURO, B; Mocnik, G; Bolzacchini, E; Ferrero, L
Deliquescence and crystallization of aerosol in the Po Valley: measurements, comparison with model outputs and applications
2015 Ferrero, L; D'Angelo, L; Rovelli, G; Casati, M; Perrone, M; Sangiorgi, G; Bolzacchini, E
Determination of aerosol deliquescence and crystallization relative humidity for energy saving in free-cooled data centers
2015 Ferrero, L; D'Angelo, L; Rovelli, G; Sangiorgi, G; Perrone, M; Moscatelli, M; Casati, M; Rozzoni, V; Bolzacchini, E
Development of a new particles deposition system on not-filtering substrates to perform corrosion studies
2015 D'Angelo, L; Casati, M; Verdingovas, V; Rovelli, G; Sangiorgi, G; Perrone, M; Rizzi, C; Bolzacchini, E; Ambat, R; Ferrero, L
Development of a “Deposition Box” for sampling Total Suspended Particles on not-filter substrates and to perform exposure studies for decay of materials
2015 Casati, M; Rovelli, G; D'Angelo, L; Rizzi, C; Sangiorgi, G; Perrone, M; Bolzacchini, E; Conti, C; Sansonetti, A; Bernardi, E; Nobili, L; Vassura, I; Ferrero, L
Evaluation of stone decay hazard due to PM pollution using an “Heritage Climatology” approach: the case study of Milan
2015 Casati, M; Rovelli, G; Sangiorgi, G; D'Angelo, L; Perrone, M; Rizzi, C; Bolzacchini, E; Ferrero, L