BAR-Seq clonal tracking of gene-edited cells
2021 Ferrari, S; Beretta, S; Jacob, A; Cittaro, D; Albano, L; Merelli, I; Naldini, L; Genovese, P
Modeling, optimization, and comparable efficacy of T cell and hematopoietic stem cell gene editing for treating hyper-IgM syndrome
2021 Vavassori, V; Mercuri, E; Marcovecchio, G; Castiello, M; Schiroli, G; Albano, L; Margulies, C; Buquicchio, F; Fontana, E; Beretta, S; Merelli, I; Cappelleri, A; Rancoita, P; Lougaris, V; Plebani, A; Kanariou, M; Lankester, A; Ferrua, F; Scanziani, E; Cotta-Ramusino, C; Villa, A; Naldini, L; Genovese, P
Oncogene-induced senescence in hematopoietic progenitors features myeloid restricted hematopoiesis, chronic inflammation and histiocytosis
2021 Biavasco, R; Lettera, E; Giannetti, K; Gilioli, D; Beretta, S; Conti, A; Scala, S; Cesana, D; Gallina, P; Norelli, M; Basso-Ricci, L; Bondanza, A; Cavalli, G; Ponzoni, M; Dagna, L; Doglioni, C; Aiuti, A; Merelli, I; Di Micco, R; Montini, E
Premature Senescence and Increased Oxidative Stress in the Thymus of Down Syndrome Patients
2021 Marcovecchio, G; Ferrua, F; Fontana, E; Beretta, S; Genua, M; Bortolomai, I; Conti, A; Montin, D; Cascarano, M; Bergante, S; D'Oria, V; Giamberti, A; Amodio, D; Cancrini, C; Carotti, A; Di Micco, R; Merelli, I; Bosticardo, M; Villa, A
Efficient gene editing of human long-term hematopoietic stem cells validated by clonal tracking
2020 Ferrari, S; Jacob, A; Beretta, S; Unali, G; Albano, L; Vavassori, V; Cittaro, D; Lazarevic, D; Brombin, C; Cugnata, F; Kajaste-Rudnitski, A; Merelli, I; Genovese, P; Naldini, L
Hematopoietic stem cell function in b-thalassemia is impaired and is rescued by targeting the bone marrow niche
2020 Aprile, A; Gulino, A; Storto, M; Villa, I; Beretta, S; Merelli, I; Rubinacci, A; Ponzoni, M; Marktel, S; Tripodo, C; Lidonnici, M; Ferrari, G
γ-TRIS: A graph-algorithm for comprehensive identification of vector genomic insertion sites
2020 Calabria, A; Beretta, S; Merelli, I; Spinozzi, G; Brasca, S; Pirola, Y; Benedicenti, F; Tenderini, E; Bonizzoni, P; Milanesi, L; Montini, E; Berger, B
Algorithms for strings and sequences: Pairwise alignment
2019 Beretta, S
Comparing Deep and Machine Learning Approaches in Bioinformatics: A miRNA-Target Prediction Case Study
2019 Giansanti, V; Castelli, M; Beretta, S; Merelli, I
Graph theory and definitions
2019 Beretta, S; Denti, L; Previtali, M
Network properties
2019 Beretta, S; Denti, L; Previtali, M
Overlap graphs and de Bruijn graphs: data structures for de novo genome assembly in the big data era
2019 Rizzi, R; Beretta, S; Patterson, M; Pirola, Y; Previtali, M; Della Vedova, G; Bonizzoni, P
Parallel Computing in Deep Learning: Bioinformatics Case Studiesa
2019 Giansanti, V; Beretta, S; Cesini, D; D'Agostino, D; Merelli, I
Precise Gene Editing Preserves Hematopoietic Stem Cell Function following Transient p53-Mediated DNA Damage Response
2019 Schiroli, G; Conti, A; Ferrari, S; della Volpe, L; Jacob, A; Albano, L; Beretta, S; Calabria, A; Vavassori, V; Gasparini, P; Salataj, E; Ndiaye-Lobry, D; Brombin, C; Chaumeil, J; Montini, E; Merelli, I; Genovese, P; Naldini, L; Di Micco, R
A scalable genetic programming approach to integrate miRNA-target predictions: Comparing different parallel implementations of M3GP
2018 Beretta, S; Castelli, M; Muñoz, L; Trujillo, L; Martínez, Y; Popovič, A; Milanesi, L; Merelli, I
ASGAL: Aligning RNA-Seq Data to a Splicing Graph to Detect Novel Alternative Splicing Events
2018 Denti, L; Rizzi, R; Beretta, S; Della Vedova, G; Previtali, M; Bonizzoni, P
ASGAL: Aligning RNA-Seq data to a splicing graph to detect novel alternative splicing events
2018 Denti, L; Rizzi, R; Beretta, S; Vedova, G; Previtali, M; Bonizzoni, P
Computing Empirical P-Values for Estimating Gene-Gene Interactions in Genome-Wide Association Studies: A Parallel Computing Approach
2018 Giansant, V; D'Agostino, D; Maj, C; Beretta, S; Merelli, I
HapCHAT: Adaptive haplotype assembly for efficiently leveraging high coverage in long reads
2018 Beretta, S; Patterson, M; Zaccaria, S; Della Vedova, G; Bonizzoni, P
Improving eQTL Analysis Using a Machine Learning Approach for Data Integration: A Logistic Model Tree Solution
2018 Beretta, S; Castelli, M; Gonçalves, I; Kel, I; Giansanti, V; Merelli, I