Improving Children’s Logical and Mathematical Performance via a Pragmatic Approach
2020 Bagassi, M; Salerni, N; Castoldi, V; Sala, V; Caravona, L; Poli, F; Macchi, L
Children’s acceptance of underinformative sentences: the case of some as a determiner
2009 Bagassi, M; D'Addario, M; Macchi, L; Sala, V
Misleading communication and biased evaluation of probabilities: The case of the ratio bias
2009 Macchi, L; Bagassi, M; Passerini, G; D'Addario, M; Sala, V
Biased communication and misleading intuition of probabilities
2008 Passerini, G; Sala, V; Macchi, L; Bagassi, M; D'Addario, M
Children’s interpretation of some as a determiner in underinformative sentences
2008 Bagassi, M; Macchi, L; D'Addario, M; Sala, V
Risk perception and Affect: statistical formats and different interpretations
2008 D'Addario, M; Manfroi, A; Sala, V; Passerini, G; Bagassi, M; Macchi, L
Risk perception and Affect: when percentages and frequencies tell different things
2008 D'Addario, M; Manfroi, A; Moizio, A; Sala, V; Passerini, G; Macchi, L
A critical analysis on pseudodiagnosticity
2007 D'Addario, M; Macchi, L; Bagassi, M; Passerini, G; Sala, V
A pragmatic approach to the Ratio Bias
2007 Passerini, G; Sala, V; D'Addario, M; Macchi, L; Bagassi, M
Il ruolo dell’attrattività dello stimolo nell’effetto Sunk Cost in età evolutiva
2007 Sala, V; Passerini, G; Macchi, L; Bagassi, M; D'Addario, M
Sunk Cost Effect in children
2007 Sala, V; Passerini, G; Macchi, L; Bagassi, M; D'Addario, M
The influence of rarity and expertise on pseudodiagnosticity
2007 D'Addario, M; Macchi, L; Bagassi, M; Passerini, G; Sala, V
The role of Attractiveness of the Stimuli in the Sunk Cost Effect in Children
2007 Sala, V; Passerini, G; Macchi, L; Bagassi, M; D'Addario, M
I bambini sono davvero "più logici" degli adulti? Il caso del quantificatore "Alcuni"
2006 Sala, V; Macchi, L; Bagassi, M; D'Addario, M