2024 roadmap on membrane desalination technology at the water-energy nexus
2024 Politano, A; Al-Juboori, R; Alnajdi, S; Alsaati, A; Athanassiou, A; Bar-Sadan, M; Beni, A; Campi, D; Cupolillo, A; D'Olimpio, G; D'Andrea, G; Estay, H; Fragouli, D; Gurreri, L; Ghaffour, N; Gilron, J; Hilal, N; Occhiuzzi, J; Carvajal, M; Ronen, A; Santoro, S; Tedesco, M; Tufa, R; Ulbricht, M; Warsinger, D; Xevgenos, D; Zaragoza, G; Zhang, Y; Zhou, M; Curcio, E
Advances in Nuclear Data and Software Development for the HighNESS Project
2024 Ramic, K; Damian, J; Di Julio, D; Kittelmann, T; Campi, D; Bernasconi, M; Gosh, A; Gorini, G; Rizzi, N; Klinkby, E; Santoro, V
Atomistic Study of the Configurational Entropy and the Fragility of Supercooled Liquid GeTe
2024 Chen, Y; Campi, D; Bernasconi, M; Mazzarello, R
Crystallization kinetics of nanoconfined GeTe slabs in GeTe/TiTe2-like superlattices for phase change memories
2024 Acharya, D; Abou El Kheir, O; Campi, D; Bernasconi, M
High-throughput screening of Weyl semimetals
2024 Grassano, D; Marzari, N; Campi, D
HighNESS conceptual design report: Volume II. the NNBAR experiment
2024 Santoro, V; Abou El Kheir, O; Acharya, D; Akhyani, M; Andersen, K; Barrow, J; Bentley, P; Bernasconi, M; Bertelsen, M; Beßler, Y; Bianchi, A; Brooijmans, G; Broussard, L; Brys, T; Busi, M; Campi, D; Chambon, A; Chen, J; Czamler, V; Deen, P; Dijulio, D; Dian, E; Draskovits, L; Dunne, K; El Barbari, M; Ferreira, M; Fierlinger, P; Fröst, V; Folsom, B; Friman-Gayer, U; Gaye, A; Gorini, G; Gustafsson, A; Gutberlet, T; Happe, C; Han, X; Hartl, M; Holl, M; Jackson, A; Kemp, E; Kamyshkov, Y; Kittelmann, T; Klinkby, E; Kolevatov, R; Laporte, S; Lauritzen, B; Lejon, W; Linander, R; Lindroos, M; Marko, M; Márquez Damián, J; Mcclanahan, T; Meirose, B; Mezei, F; Michel, K; Milstead, D; Muhrer, G; Nepomuceno, A; Neshvizhevsky, V; Nilsson, T; Odén, U; Plivelic, T; Ramic, K; Rataj, B; Remec, I; Rizzi, N; Rogers, J; Rosenthal, E; Rosta, L; Rücker, U; Samothrakitis, S; Schreyer, A; Selknaes, J; Shuai, H; Silverstein, S; Snow, W; Strobl, M; Strothmann, M; Takibayev, A; Wagner, R; Willendrup, P; Xu, S; Yiu, S; Yngwe, L; Young, A; Wolke, M; Zakalek, P; Zavorka, L; Zanini, L; Zimmer, O
Physical model of neutron scattering by clathrate hydrate and C 60 hosting paramagnetic oxygen molecules
2024 Xu, S; Dijulio, D; Marquez Damian, J; Kittelmann, T; Bernasconi, M; Campi, D; Abou El Kheir, O; Laporte, S; Rataj, B; Czamler, V; Zimmer, O; Gorini, G; Santoro, V; Muhrer, G
Purely anharmonic charge density wave in the two-dimensional Dirac semimetal SnP
2024 Gutierrez-Amigo, M; Yuan, F; Campi, D; Schoop, L; Vergniory, M; Errea, I
Searching for the Thinnest Metallic Wire
2024 Cignarella, C; Campi, D; Marzari, N
The HighNESS Project at the European Spallation Source: Current Status and Future Perspectives
2024 Santoro, V; Andersen, K; Bentley, P; Bernasconi, M; Bertelsen, M; Bessler, Y; Bianchi, A; Brys, T; Campi, D; Chambon, A; Czamler, V; Di Julio, D; Dian, E; Dunne, K; Ferreira, M; Fierlinger, P; Friman-Gayer, U; Folsom, B; Gaye, A; Gorini, G; Happe, C; Holl, M; Kamyshkov, Y; Kittelmann, T; Klinkby, E; Kolevatov, R; Laporte, S; Lauritzen, B; Marquez Damian, J; Meirose, B; Mezei, F; Milstead, D; Muhrer, G; Neshvizhevsky, V; Rataj, B; Rizzi, N; Rosta, L; Samothrakitis, S; Schober, H; Selknaes, J; Silverstein, S; Strobl, M; Strothmann, M; Takibayev, A; Wagner, R; Willendrup, P; Xu, S; Yiu, S; Zanini, L; Zimmer, O
Complementary screening for quantum spin Hall insulators in two-dimensional exfoliable materials
2023 Grassano, D; Campi, D; Marrazzo, A; Marzari, N
Expansion of the Materials Cloud 2D Database
2023 Campi, D; Mounet, N; Gibertini, M; Pizzi, G; Marzari, N
Pressure-induced reversal of Peierls-like distortions elicits the polyamorphic transition in GeTe and GeSe
2023 Fujita, T; Chen, Y; Kono, Y; Takahashi, S; Kasai, H; Campi, D; Bernasconi, M; Ohara, K; Yumoto, H; Koyama, T; Yamazaki, H; Senba, Y; Ohashi, H; Inoue, I; Hayashi, Y; Yabashi, M; Nishibori, E; Mazzarello, R; Wei, S
Structure and Crystallization Kinetics of As-Deposited Films of the GeTe Phase Change Compound from Atomistic Simulations
2023 Perego, S; Dragoni, D; Gabardi, S; Campi, D; Bernasconi, M
Theoretical calculations of neutron scattering cross sections for tetrahydrofuran-containing clathrate hydrates at low temperature
2023 Xu, S; Laporte, S; Dijulio, D; Marquez Damian, J; Kittelmann, T; Bernasconi, M; Campi, D; Gorini, G; Santoro, V
Thermal scattering libraries for cold and very-cold neutron reflector materials
2023 Dijulio, D; Marquez Damian, J; Bernasconi, M; Campi, D; Gorini, G; Kittelmann, T; Klinkby, E; Muhrer, G; Ramic, K; Rizzi, N; Santoro, V
Advances in Nuclear Data and Software Development for the HighNESS Project
2022 Ramic, K; Marquez Damian, J; Di Julio, D; Kittelmann, T; Campi, D; Bernasconi, M; Gosh, A; Gorini, G; Rizzi, N; Klinkby, E; Santoro, V
Development of a High Intensity Neutron Source at the European Spallation Source: the HighNESS Project
2022 Santoro, V; Andersen, K; Bernasconi, M; Bertelsen, M; Bessler, Y; Campi, D; Czamler, V; Di Julio, D; Dian, E; Dunne, K; Fierlinger, P; Gaye, A; Gorini, G; Happe, C; Kittelmann, T; Klinkby, E; Kokai, Z; Kolevatov, R; Lauritzen, B; Linander, R; Marquez Damian, J; Meirose, B; Mezei, F; Milstead, D; Muhrer, G; Ramic, K; Rataj, B; Rizzi, N; Samothrakitis, S; Selknaes, J; Silverstein, S; Strobl, M; Strothmann, M; Takibayev, A; Wagner, R; Willendrup, P; Yiu, S; Zanini, L; Zimmer, O
Extreme Bendability of Atomically Thin MoS2 Grown by Chemical Vapor Deposition Assisted by Perylene-Based Promoter
2022 Martella, C; Campi, D; Tummala, P; Kozma, E; Targa, P; Codegoni, D; Bernasconi, M; Lamperti, A; Molle, A
Geometry of tellurene adsorbed on the Si(111)-(root 3 x root 3)R30 degrees-Sb surface from first principles calculations
2022 Isceri, S; Dragoni, D; Campi, D; Cecchi, S; Bernasconi, M