Physiotherapy Screening for Referral of a Patient with Patent Foramen Ovale Presenting with Neck Pain as Primary Complaint: A Case Report
2023 Lopez, G; Cataldi, F; Bellin, G; Dunning, J; Fernández-de-las-Peñas, C; Galeno, E; Meroni, R; Maselli, F; Mourad, F
Balance control in unstable sitting in individuals with an acute episode of low back pain
2022 van den Hoorn, W; Meroni, R; Klyne, D; Alshehri, M; Hodges, P
Combined Motor and Cognitive Rehabilitation: The Impact on Motor Performance in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment. Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2022 Kiper, P; Richard, M; Stefanutti, F; Pierson-Poinsignon, R; Cacciante, L; Perin, C; Mazzucchelli, M; Vigano, B; Meroni, R
Exercise countermeasure preferences of three male astronauts, a preliminary qualitative study
2022 Laws, J; Bruce-Martin, C; Caplan, N; Meroni, R; Winnard, A
Feasibility of a standardized protocol for respiratory training with intermitted positive pressure breathing ventilator application in dysphonia and dysarthria
2022 Perin, C; Mazzucchelli, M; Piscitelli, D; Braghetto, G; Meroni, R; Cornaggia, C; Cerri, C
Knowledge, beliefs, and attitudes of spinal manipulation: a cross-sectional survey of Italian physiotherapists
2022 Mourad, F; Yousif, M; Maselli, F; Pellicciari, L; Meroni, R; Dunning, J; Puentedura, E; Taylor, A; Kerry, R; Hutting, N; Kranenburg, H
More than one third of clinical practice guidelines on low back pain overlap in AGREE II appraisals. Research wasted?
2022 Gianola, S; Bargeri, S; Cinquini, M; Iannicelli, V; Meroni, R; Castellini, G
Developing, Implementing, and Applying Novel Techniques During Systematic Reviews of Primary Space Medicine Data
2021 Winnard, A; Caplan, N; Bruce-Martin, C; Swain, P; Velho, R; Meroni, R; Wotring, V; Damann, V; Weber, T; Evetts, S; Laws, J
Evidence for managing chronic low back pain in primary care: a review of recommendations from high-quality clinical practice guidelines
2021 Meroni, R; Piscitelli, D; Ravasio, C; Vanti, C; Bertozzi, L; De Vito, G; Perin, C; Guccione, A; Cerri, C; Pillastrini, P
Prevalence and associated factors of COVID-19 across Italian regions: a secondary analysis from a national survey on physiotherapists
2021 Gambazza, S; Bargeri, S; Campanini, I; Meroni, R; Turolla, A; Castellini, G; Gianola, S; Bertozzi, L; Cattaneo, D; Chiarotto, A; Corbetta, D; Costi, S; Mezzarobba, S; Innocenti, T; Pelosin, E; Petrarca, M; Rossettini, G; Testa, M; Vanti, C
The Spread of COVID-19 Among 15,000 Physical Therapists in Italy: A Cross-Sectional Study
2021 Gianola, S; Bargeri, S; Campanini, I; Corbetta, D; Gambazza, S; Innocenti, T; Meroni, R; Castellini, G; Turolla, A
Cohort profile: why do people keep hurting their back?
2020 Klyne, D; van den Hoorn, W; Barbe, M; Cholewicki, J; M. Hall, L; Khan, A; Meroni, R; Moseley, G; Nicholas, M; O'Sullivan, L; Park, R; Russell, G; Sterling, M; Hodges, P
Differences in Rehabilitation Needs after Stroke: A Similarity Analysis on the ICF Core Set for Stroke
2020 Perin, C; Bolis, M; Limonta, M; Meroni, R; Ostasiewicz, K; Cornaggia, C; Alouche, S; da Silva Matuti, G; Cerri, C; Piscitelli, D
Non-invasive current stimulation in vision recovery: a review of the literature
2020 Perin, C; Vigano', B; Piscitelli, D; Matteo, B; Meroni, R; Cerri, C
Physiological profile assessment of posture in children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder and typically developing peers
2020 Perin, C; Valagussa, G; Mazzucchelli, M; Gariboldi, V; Cerri, C; Meroni, R; Grossi, E; Cornaggia, C; Menant, J; Piscitelli, D
Reliability of the gross motor function classification system and the manual ability classification system in children with cerebral palsy in Tanzania
2019 Piscitelli, D; Vercelli, S; Meroni, R; Zagnoni, G; Pellicciari, L
Allergia a veleno di imenotteri in lavoratori outdoor. Valutazione di efficacia terapeutica a 10 anni, cost-efficacia e obblighi del medico competente.
2018 De Vito, G; Marinelli, M; Sormani, M; Meroni, R; Vitale, A; Napolitano, M; Valsecchi, E; Belingheri, M; Riva, M
Direct access in physical therapy: a systematic review
2018 Piscitelli, D; Furmanek, M; Meroni, R; De Caro, W; Pellicciari, L
La variabilità inter-operatore nell’ambito della norma tecnica ISO 11228-2/traino e spinta. Analisi del sovraccarico biomeccanico e indicatori di processo
2018 De Vito, G; Marinelli, M; Meroni, R; Vitale, A; Belingheri, M; Napolitano, M; Bernabeo, F; Riva, M
Morbillo, rosolia e varicella: copertura vaccinale e rispondenza allo screening.
2018 Vitale, A; Napolitano, M; Marinelli, M; Meroni, R; Turato, M; Belingheri, M; Riva, M; De Vito, G