Facing the Golem: Disruptive Technologies vs Democracy in the EU Digital Single Market
2024 Zaccaroni, G
Intelligenza artificiale e principio democratico: riflessioni a margine dell’emersione di un quadro normativo europeo
2024 Zaccaroni, G
Polygamous Marriages and Reunification of Families on the Move Under EU Law: An Overview
2024 Zaccaroni, G
The non-ratification of the reform of the ESM by the Italian Parliament and the dilemma of the vincolo esterno
2024 Zaccaroni, G
La recente proposta di regolamento sull’euro digitale: problemi giuridici e caratteristiche tecniche
2023 Zaccaroni, G
Op-Ed: “ ‘Probably the oddest thing in the Universe!’ The language regime of the EU institutions (once again) in Front of the Court of Justice: Commission v. Italy (C-623/20 P) and Commission v. Spain and Italy (C-635/20 P)”
2023 Zaccaroni, G
Responsabilità dello Stato membro per la qualità dell’aria: nessun risarcimento del danno, perché le norme contenute nella Direttiva 2008/50 non attribuiscono diritti ai singoli
2023 Zaccaroni, G
‘All that glisters is not gold?’ The digital euro between myth and reality
2023 Zaccaroni, G
Decentralized Finance and EU Law: The Regulation on a Pilot Regime for Market Infrastructures Based on Distributed Ledger Technology
2022 Zaccaroni, G
Le Roi est Mort, Vive le Roi – La blockchain e il diritto dell’Unione europea
2022 Zaccaroni, G
Migration Policies in the Central Mediterranean Sea between EU and International law
2022 Zaccaroni, G
Regulation of Crypto Assets in the EU and in the rest of the World: a Pluri-Focal Approach
2022 Siracusa, E; Zaccaroni, G
The Economic and Monetary Union, International Law, and the Vienna Convention on the Law of the Treaties
2022 Zaccaroni, G
The Reform of the ESM Within a Hybrid EMU Law
2022 Zaccaroni, G
Equality and Non-Discrimination in the EU: The Foundations of the EU Legal Order
2021 Zaccaroni, G
La Giurisprudenza della Crisi Economica davanti alla Corte di Giustizia dell’Unione Europea
2021 Zaccaroni, G
The Conference on the Future of Europe and Economic Governance: is there Hope for Reform?
2021 Zaccaroni, G
The Future EU-UK Relationship: The EU Ambitions for a Comprehensive Partnership
2021 Fabbrini, F; Zaccaroni, G
Brexit Phase 2: the Negotiating Directives of the European Commission
2020 Zaccaroni, G
Chronique de l’Activité du Parlement Européenne
2020 Gatti, M; Silga, J; Petscko, M; Zaccaroni, G