Implication of tumor morphology and MRI characteristics on the accuracy of automated versus human segmentation of GBM areas
2025 Cerina, V; Rui, C; Di Cristofori, A; Ferlito, D; Carrabba, G; Giussani, C; Basso, G; De Bernardi, E
A ROI-based quantitative pipeline for 18F-FDG PET metabolism and pCASL perfusion joint analysis: Validation of the 18F-FDG PET line
2024 Cerina, V; Crivellaro, C; Morzenti, S; Pozzi, F; Bigiogera, V; Jonghi-Lavarini, L; Moresco, R; Basso, G; De Bernardi, E
Preliminary assessment of semiautomated segmentation tool for GBM neurosurgery: a BraTS-Toolkit approach
2024 Cerina, V; Rui, C; DE BERNARDI, E; Moresco, R; Giussani, C; Basso, G; DI CRISTOFORI, A
A ROI-based quantitative pipeline for 18F-FDG PET metabolism and pCASL perfusion joint analysis: validation on 18F-FDG PET data
2023 Cerina, V; DE BERNARDI, E; Crivellaro, C; Morzenti, S; Pozzi, F; Bigiogera, V; Jonghi-Lavarini, L; Moresco, R; Basso, G
Cervical Proprioception Assessed through Targeted Head Repositioning: Validation of a Clinical Test Based on Optoelectronic Measures
2023 Cerina, V; Tesio, L; Malloggi, C; Rota, V; Caronni, A; Scarano, S
Clinical applicability of pCASL as a substitute for FDG-PET in the etiological diagnosis of MCI and SCD: CAPE study protocol
2023 Pozzi, F; Cerina, V; Licciardo, D; Guo, W; Brambilla, A; Cosentino, G; Remoli, G; Da Re, F; Conti, E; Tremolizzo, L; Moresco, R; Isella, V; De Bernardi, E; Morzenti, S; Musarra, M; Crivellaro, C; Appollonio, I; Ferrarese, C; Basso, G
An optimized protocol for correlation of PET-FDG and pCASL data in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) patients
2022 Cerina, V; De Bernardi, E; Bigiogera, V; JONGHI - LAVARINI, L; Pozzi, F; Crivellaro, C; Morzenti, S; Moresco, R; Basso, G
Validation of brain 18FDG-PET and pCASL joint analysis tool: a ROI-based approach
2022 Cerina, V; De Bernardi, E; Bigiogera, V; Jonghi - Lavarini, L; Pozzi, F; Crivellaro, C; Morzenti, S; Apollonio, I; Ferrarese, C; Moresco, R; Basso, G
Dynamic asymmetries do not match spatiotemporal step asymmetries during split-belt walking
2021 Scarano, S; Tesio, L; Rota, V; Cerina, V; Catino, L; Malloggi, C
Quadriceps activation during maximal isometric and isokinetic contractions: The minimal real difference and its implications
2021 Catino, L; Malloggi, C; Scarano, S; Cerina, V; Rota, V; Tesio, L
The curvature peaks of the trajectory of the body centre of mass during walking: A new index of dynamic balance
2021 Malloggi, C; Scarano, S; Cerina, V; Catino, L; Rota, V; Tesio, L
Velocity of the Body Center of Mass during Walking on Split-Belt Treadmill
2021 Tesio, L; Scarano, S; Cerina, V; Malloggi, C; Catino, L