The pricing of environmental risk: An empirical analysis of the European industry portfolios
In corso di stampa Morana, C; Cassola, N; Ossola, E
Common factors behind companies’ Environmental ratings
2025 Gucciardi, G; Ossola, E; Parisio, L; Pelagatti, M
Climate change risk pricing in the European stock market
2024 Cassola, N; Morana, C; Ossola, E
When do investors go green? Evidence from a time-varying asset-pricing model.
2023 Alessi, L; Ossola, E; Panzica, R
Financial Integration in the EU28 Equity Market: measures and drivers
2022 Nardo, M; Ossola, E; Papanagiotou, E
Stock price effects of climate activism: Evidence from the first Global Climate Strike
2021 Ramelli, S; Ossola, E; Rancan, M
What greenium matters in the stock market? The role of greenhouse gas emissions and environmental disclosures
2021 Alessi, L; Ossola, E; Panzica, R
Estimation of large dimensional conditional factor models in finance
2020 Gagliardini, P; Ossola, E; Scaillet, O
A diagnostic Criterion for Approximate Factor Structure
2019 Gagliardini, P; Ossola, E; Scaillet, O
Monitoring financial integration by using price-based indicators
2018 Nardo, M; Ossola, E; Papanagiotou, E; Rossi, E
Financial integration with realized measures
2017 Ossola, E; Rossi, E
Measures and drivers of financial integration in Europe
2017 Nardo, M; Ndacyayisenga, N; Ossola, E; Papanagiotou, E; Rossi, E
Estimation of potential benefits of the implementation of the fundamental review of the trading book and leverage ratio
2016 Alessi, L; Cannas, G; DI GIROLAMO, F; Papanagiotou, E; Ossola, E; PETRACCO GIUDICI, M; Rossi, E
Time-Varying Risk Premium in Large Cross-Sectional Equity Data Sets
2016 Gagliardini, P; Ossola, E; Scaillet, O
Do jumps matter in emerging market portfolio strategies?
2009 Guidolin, M; Ossola, E