One inch LaBr3:Ce detectors, with temperature control and improved time resolution for low energy X-rays spectroscopy
2024 Bonesini, M; Benocci, R; Bertoni, R; Abba, A; Caponio, F; Menegolli, A; Prata, M; Rossella, M; Rossini, R
Status of the detector setup for the FAMU experiment at RIKEN-RAL for a precision measurement of the Zemach radius of the proton in muonic hydrogen
2024 Rossini, R; Adamczak, A; Bakalov, D; Baldazzi, G; Banfi, S; Baruzzo, M; Benocci, R; Bertoni, R; Bonesini, M; Bonvicini, V; Cabrera, H; Carsi, S; Cirrincione, D; Clemenza, M; Colace, L; Danailov, M; Danev, P; de Bari, A; de Vecchi, C; Fasci, E; Gadedjisso-Tossou, K; Gaigher, R; Gianfrani, L; Hillier, A; Ishida, K; King, P; Maggi, V; Menegolli, A; Mocchiutti, E; Moretti, L; Morgante, G; Niemela, J; Petroselli, C; Pirri, A; Pizzolotto, C; Prata, M; Pullia, A; Pullia, M; Ramponi, R; Rossella, M; Sarkar, R; Sbrizzi, A; Stoilov, M; Suarez-Vargas, J; Toci, G; Tortora, L; Vallazza, E; Yokoyama, K; Vacchi, A
A new multidisciplinary non-destructive protocol for the analysis of stony meteorites: gamma spectroscopy, neutron and muon techniques supported by Raman microscopy and SEM-EDS
2023 Rossini, R; Di Martino, D; Agoro, T; Cataldo, M; Gorini, G; Hillier, A; Laubenstein, M; Marcucci, G; Musa, M; Riccardi, M; Scherillo, A; Clemenza, M
Low-background gamma spectrometry and neutron diffraction in the study of stony meteorites
2023 Rossini, R; Clemenza, M; Di Martino, D; Laubenstein, M; Scherillo, A; Musa, M; Riccardi, M; Gorini, G