Astrophysical and relativistic modeling of the recoiling black hole candidate in quasar 3C 186
2024 Boschini, M; Gerosa, D; Salafia, O; Dotti, M
Calibrating signal-to-noise ratio detection thresholds using gravitational-wave catalogs
2024 Mould, M; Moore, C; Gerosa, D
Catalog variance of testing general relativity with gravitational-wave data
2024 Pacilio, C; Gerosa, D; Bhagwat, S
Classifying binary black holes from Population III stars with the Einstein Telescope: A machine-learning approach
2024 Santoliquido, F; Dupletsa, U; Tissino, J; Branchesi, M; Iacovelli, F; Iorio, G; Mapelli, M; Gerosa, D; Harms, J; Pasquato, M
Minimum gas mass accreted by spinning intermediate-mass black holes in stellar clusters
2024 Kritos, K; Reali, L; Gerosa, D; Berti, E
pAGN: the one-stop solution for AGN disc modelling
2024 Gangardt, D; Trani, A; Bonnerot, C; Gerosa, D
Quick recipes for gravitational-wave selection effects
2024 Gerosa, D; Bellotti, M
Residual eccentricity as a systematic uncertainty on the formation channels of binary black holes
2024 Fumagalli, G; Romero-Shaw, I; Gerosa, D; De Renzis, V; Kritos, K; Olejak, A
Astrophysics with the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna
2023 Amaro-Seoane, P; Andrews, J; Arca Sedda, M; Askar, A; Baghi, Q; Balasov, R; Bartos, I; Bavera, S; Bellovary, J; Berry, C; Berti, E; Bianchi, S; Blecha, L; Blondin, S; Bogdanović, T; Boissier, S; Bonetti, M; Bonoli, S; Bortolas, E; Breivik, K; Capelo, P; Caramete, L; Cattorini, F; Charisi, M; Chaty, S; Chen, X; Chruślińska, M; Chua, A; Church, R; Colpi, M; D’Orazio, D; Danielski, C; Davies, M; Dayal, P; De Rosa, A; Derdzinski, A; Destounis, K; Dotti, M; Duţan, I; Dvorkin, I; Fabj, G; Foglizzo, T; Ford, S; Fouvry, J; Franchini, A; Fragos, T; Fryer, C; Gaspari, M; Gerosa, D; Graziani, L; Groot, P; Habouzit, M; Haggard, D; Haiman, Z; Han, W; Istrate, A; Johansson, P; Khan, F; Kimpson, T; Kokkotas, K; Kong, A; Korol, V; Kremer, K; Kupfer, T; Lamberts, A; Larson, S; Lau, M; Liu, D; Lloyd-Ronning, N; Lodato, G; Lupi, A; Ma, C; Maccarone, T; Mandel, I; Mangiagli, A; Mapelli, M; Mathis, S; Mayer, L; Mcgee, S; Mckernan, B; Miller, M; Mota, D; Mumpower, M; Nasim, S; Nelemans, G; Noble, S; Pacucci, F; Panessa, F; Paschalidis, V; Pfister, H; Porquet, D; Quenby, J; Ricarte, A; Röpke, F; Regan, J; Rosswog, S; Ruiter, A; Ruiz, M; Runnoe, J; Schneider, R
Black-hole mergers in disklike environments could explain the observed q−χeff correlation
2023 Santini, A; Gerosa, D; Cotesta, R; Berti, E
Eccentricity or spin precession? Distinguishing subdominant effects in gravitational-wave data
2023 Romero-Shaw, I; Gerosa, D; Loutrel, N
Efficient multi-timescale dynamics of precessing black-hole binaries
2023 Gerosa, D; Fumagalli, G; Mould, M; Cavallotto, G; Monroy, D; Gangardt, D; De Renzis, V
Extending black-hole remnant surrogate models to extreme mass ratios
2023 Boschini, M; Gerosa, D; Varma, V; Armaza, C; Boyle, M; Bonilla, M; Ceja, A; Chen, Y; Deppe, N; Giesler, M; Kidder, L; Kumar, P; Lara, G; Long, O; Ma, S; Mitman, K; James Nee, P; Pfeiffer, H; Ramos-Buades, A; Scheel, M; Vu, N; Yoo, J
Glitch systematics on the observation of massive black-hole binaries with LISA
2023 Spadaro, A; Buscicchio, R; Vetrugno, D; Klein, A; Gerosa, D; Vitale, S; Dolesi, R; Joseph Weber, W; Colpi, M
Inferring, not just detecting: Metrics for high-redshift sources observed with third-generation gravitational-wave detectors
2023 Mancarella, M; Iacovelli, F; Gerosa, D
One to many: comparing single gravitational-wave events to astrophysical populations
2023 Mould, M; Gerosa, D; Dall’Amico, M; Mapelli, M
Parameter estimation of binary black holes in the endpoint of the up-down instability
2023 De Renzis, V; Gerosa, D; Mould, M; Buscicchio, R; Zanga, L
Spin-eccentricity interplay in merging binary black holes
2023 Fumagalli, G; Gerosa, D
The Bardeen–Petterson effect, disc breaking, and the spin orientations of supermassive black hole binaries
2023 Steinle, N; Gerosa, D
Characterization of merging black holes with two precessing spins
2022 DE RENZIS, V; Gerosa, D; Pratten, G; Schmidt, P; Mould, M