Exploring auxiliary liver transplantation in the era of transplant oncology - A proposal for a new liver splitting program (ALERT-50)
2025 Gringeri, E; Furlanetto, A; Polacco, M; Perin, L; Nieddu, E; Rosso, E; De Nardi, C; Ballo, M; De Feo, T; Trapani, S; Burra, P; Spada, M; Colledan, M; Lauterio, A; Romagnoli, R; Feltrin, G; De Carlis, L; Cillo, U
Living Donor Lung Transplantation After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation From the Same Donor: A Risk Worth Taking
2024 Camagni, S; D'Antiga, L; Di Marco, F; Grazioli, L; Bonanomi, E; Pinelli, D; Beretta, M; Tintori, V; Lucianetti, A; Colledan, M
Portal vein thrombosis and liver transplantation: management, matching, and outcomes: a retrospective multicenter cohort study
2024 Di Benedetto, F; Magistri, P; Di Sandro, S; Boetto, R; Tandoi, F; Camagni, S; Lauterio, A; Pagano, D; Nicolini, D; Violi, P; Dondossola, D; Guglielmo, N; Cherchi, V; Lai, Q; Toti, L; Bongini, M; Frassoni, S; Bagnardi, V; Mazzaferro, V; Tisone, G; Rossi, M; Baccarani, U; Ettorre, G; Caccamo, L; Carraro, A; Vivarelli, M; Gruttadauria, S; De Carlis, L; Colledan, M; Romagnoli, R; Cillo, U
Recipient hepatectomy technique may affect oncological outcomes of liver transplantation for hepatocellular carcinoma
2024 Pravisani, R; De Martino, M; Mocchegiani, F; Melandro, F; Patrono, D; Lauterio, A; Di Francesco, F; Ravaioli, M; Zambelli, M; Bosio, C; Dondossola, D; Lai, Q; Zanchetta, M; Dingfelder, J; Toti, L; Iacomino, A; Nicolae, S; Ghinolfi, D; Romagnoli, R; De Carlis, L; Gruttadauria, S; Cescon, M; Colledan, M; Carraro, A; Caccamo, L; Vivarelli, M; Rossi, M; Nadalin, S; Gyori, G; Tisone, G; Vennarecci, G; Rostved, A; De Simone, P; Isola, M; Baccarani, U
Reply to: “Outcome of in situ split liver transplantation in Italy over the last 25 years: An alternative analysis and personal view”
2024 Lauterio, A; Cillo, U; De Carlis, R; Bernasconi, D; De Carlis, L; Colledan, M; Andorno, E
Technical and Clinical Outcomes of Laparoscopic–Laparotomic Hepatocellular Carcinoma Thermal Ablation with Microwave Technology: Case Series and Review of Literature
2024 Muglia, R; Marra, P; Pinelli, D; Dulcetta, L; Carbone, F; Barbaro, A; Celestino, A; Colledan, M; Sironi, S
Waiting list mortality and 5-year transplant survival benefit of patients with MASLD: An Italian liver transplant registry study
2024 Vitale, A; Trapani, S; Russo, F; Miele, L; Svegliati Baroni, G; Marchesini, G; Burra, P; Ottoveggio, M; Romagnoli, R; Martini, S; De Simone, P; Carrai, P; Cescon, M; Morelli, M; De Carlis, L; Belli, L; Gruttadauria, S; Volpes, R; Colledan, M; Fagiuoli, S; Di Benedetto, F; De Maria, N; Rossi, G; Caccamo, L; Donato, F; Vennarecci, G; Di Costanzo, G; Vivarelli, M; Carraro, A; Sacerdoti, D; Ettorre, G; Giannelli, V; Agnes, S; Gasbarrini, A; Rossi, M; Ginanni Corradini, S; Mazzaferro, V; Bhoori, S; Manzia, T; Lenci, I; Zamboni, F; Mameli, L; Baccarani, U; Toniutto, P; Lupo, L; Tandoi, F; Rendina, M; Andorno, E; Giannini, E; Spada, M; Billato, I; Marchini, A; Romano, P; Brancaccio, G; D'Amico, F; Ricci, A; Cardillo, M; Cillo, U
AFP score and metroticket 2.0 perform similarly and could be used in a “within-ALL” clinical decision tool
2023 Piñero, F; Costentin, C; Degroote, H; Notarpaolo, A; Boin, I; Boudjema, K; Baccaro, C; Chagas, A; Bachellier, P; Ettorre, G; Poniachik, J; Muscari, F; Dibenedetto, F; Duque, S; Salame, E; Cillo, U; Marciano, S; Vanlemmens, C; Fagiuoli, S; Carrilho, F; Cherqui, D; Burra, P; Van Vlierberghe, H; Lai, Q; Silva, M; Rubinstein, F; Duvoux, C; Conti, F; Scatton, O; Bernard, P; Francoz, C; Durand, F; Dharancy, S; Woehl, M; Laurent, A; Radenne, S; Dumortier, J; Abergel, A; Barbier, L; Houssel-Debry, P; Pageaux, G; Chiche, L; Deledinghen, V; Hardwigsen, J; Gugenheim, J; Altieri, M; Hilleret, M; Decaens, T; Costa, P; de Ataide, E; Quiñones, E; Anders, M; Varón, A; Zerega, A; Soza, A; Machaca, M; Arufe, D; Menéndez, J; Zapata, R; Vilatoba, M; Muñoz, L; Menéndez, R; Maraschio, M; Podestá, L; Mccormack, L; Mattera, J; Gadano, A; Parente García, J; Magini, G; Miglioresi, L; Gambato, M; D'Ambrosio, C; Vitale, A; Colledan, M; Pinelli, D; Magistri, P; Vennarecci, G; Colasanti, M; Giannelli, V; Pellicelli, A; Eduard, C; Samuele, I; Jeroen, D; Jonas, S; Jacques, P; Chris, V; Dirk, Y; Peter, M; Valerio, L; Christophe, M; Olivier, D; Jean, D; Roberto, T; Paul, L
Current Endovascular Management of Arterial Complications After Pediatric Liver Transplantation in a Tertiary Center
2023 Marra, P; Muglia, R; Capodaglio, C; Dulcetta, L; Carbone, F; Sansotta, N; Pinelli, D; Celestino, A; Muscogiuri, G; Bonanomi, E; Fagiuoli, S; D'Antiga, L; Colledan, M; Sironi, S
Evolution of minimally invasive techniques and surgical outcomes of ALPPS in Italy: a comprehensive trend analysis over 10 years from a national prospective registry
2023 Serenari, M; Ratti, F; Guglielmo, N; Zanello, M; Mocchegiani, F; Lenzi, J; Colledan, M; Mazzaferro, V; Cillo, U; Ferrero, A; Cescon, M; Di Benedetto, F; Massani, M; Grazi, G; Valle, R; Vivarelli, M; Ettorre, G; Aldrighetti, L; Jovine, E
Extended criteria liver donation after circulatory death with prolonged warm ischemia: a pilot experience of normothermic regional perfusion and no subsequent ex-situ machine perfusion
2023 Camagni, S; Amaduzzi, A; Grazioli, L; Ghitti, D; Pasulo, L; Pinelli, D; Fagiuoli, S; Colledan, M
Identifying the Aetiology of Acute Liver Failure Is Crucial to Impact Positively on Outcome
2023 Di Giorgio, A; Gamba, S; Sansotta, N; Nicastro, E; Colledan, M; D'Antiga, L
Improving Outcome of Selected Patients With Non-Resectable Hepatic Metastases From Colorectal Cancer With Liver Transplantation: A Prospective Parallel Trial (COLT trial)
2023 Sposito, C; Pietrantonio, F; Maspero, M; Di Benedetto, F; Vivarelli, M; Tisone, G; De Carlis, L; Romagnoli, R; Gruttadauria, S; Colledan, M; Agnes, S; Ettorre, G; Baccarani, U; Torzilli, G; Di Sandro, S; Pinelli, D; Caccamo, L; Sartore Bianchi, A; Spreafico, C; Torri, V; Mazzaferro, V
Improving outcomes of in situ split liver transplantation in Italy over the last 25 years
2023 Lauterio, A; Cillo, U; Spada, M; Trapani, S; De Carlis, R; Bottino, G; Bernasconi, D; Scalamogna, C; Pinelli, D; Cintorino, D; D'Amico, F; Spagnoletti, G; Miggino, M; Romagnoli, R; Centonze, L; Caccamo, L; Baccarani, U; Carraro, A; Cescon, M; Vivarelli, M; Mazaferro, V; Ettorre, G; Rossi, M; Vennarecci, G; De Simone, P; Angelico, R; Agnes, S; Di Benedetto, F; Lupo, L; Zamboni, F; Zefelippo, A; Patrono, D; Diviacco, P; Laureiro, Z; Gringeri, E; Di Francesco, F; Lucianetti, A; Valsecchi, M; Gruttadauria, S; De Feo, T; Cardillo, M; De Carlis, L; Colledan, M; Andorno, E
Successful Lung Transplantation From a Donor With Previous Severe COVID-19 Pneumonia
2023 Camagni, S; Di Marco, F; Sani, E; Beretta, M; Legittimo, F; Pinelli, D; Colledan, M
The Italian data on SARS-CoV-2 infection in transplanted patients support an organ specific immune response in liver recipients
2023 Rendina, M; Barone, M; Lillo, C; Trapani, S; Masiero, L; Trerotoli, P; Puoti, F; Lupo, L; Tandoi, F; Agnes, S; Grieco, A; Andorno, E; Marenco, S; Giannini, E; Baccarani, U; Toniutto, P; Carraro, A; Colecchia, A; Cescon, M; Morelli, M; Cillo, U; Burra, P; Angeli, P; Colledan, M; Fagiuoli, S; De Carlis, L; Belli, L; De Simone, P; Carrai, P; Di Benedetto, F; De Maria, N; Ettorre, G; Giannelli, V; Gruttadauria, S; Volpes, R; Corsale, S; Mazzaferro, V; Bhoori, S; Romagnoli, R; Martini, S; Rossi, G; Caccamo, L; Donato, M; Rossi, M; Ginanni Corradini, S; Spada, M; Maggiore, G; Tisone, G; Lenci, I; Vennarecci, G; Tortora, R; Vivarelli, M; Svegliati Baroni, G; Zamboni, F; Mameli, L; Tafuri, S; Simone, S; Gesualdo, L; Cardillo, M; Di Leo, A
Vaccination Recommendations in Solid Organ Transplant Adult Candidates and Recipients
2023 Vigano, M; Beretta, M; Lepore, M; Abete, R; Benatti, S; Grassini, M; Camagni, S; Chiodini, G; Vargiu, S; Vittori, C; Iachini, M; Terzi, A; Neri, F; Pinelli, D; Casotti, V; Di Marco, F; Ruggenenti, P; Rizzi, M; Colledan, M; Fagiuoli, S
Venous outflow obstruction in pediatric left lateral segment split liver transplantation
2023 Pinelli, D; Sansotta, N; Cavallin, F; Marra, P; Deiro, G; Camagni, S; Bonanomi, E; Sironi, S; Antiga, L; Colledan, M
A multicentre outcome analysis to define global benchmarks for donation after circulatory death liver transplantation
2022 Schlegel, A; van Reeven, M; Croome, K; Parente, A; Dolcet, A; Widmer, J; Meurisse, N; De Carlis, R; Hessheimer, A; Jochmans, I; Mueller, M; van Leeuwen, O; Nair, A; Tomiyama, K; Sherif, A; Elsharif, M; Kron, P; van der Helm, D; Borja-Cacho, D; Bohorquez, H; Germanova, D; Dondossola, D; Olivieri, T; Camagni, S; Gorgen, A; Patrono, D; Cescon, M; Croome, S; Panconesi, R; Flores Carvalho, M; Ravaioli, M; Caicedo, J; Loss, G; Lucidi, V; Sapisochin, G; Romagnoli, R; Jassem, W; Colledan, M; De Carlis, L; Rossi, G; Di Benedetto, F; Miller, C; van Hoek, B; Attia, M; Lodge, P; Hernandez-Alejandro, R; Detry, O; Quintini, C; Oniscu, G; Fondevila, C; Malagó, M; Pirenne, J; Ijzermans, J; Porte, R; Dutkowski, P; Taner, C; Heaton, N; Clavien, P; Polak, W; Muiesan, P
Association between Kasai portoenterostomy at low caseload centres and transplant complications in children with biliary atresia
2022 Betalli, P; Cheli, M; Colusso, M; Casotti, V; Alberti, D; Ferrari, A; Starita, G; Lucianetti, A; Pinelli, D; Colledan, M; D'Antiga, L