A novel self-adaptive SIS model based on the mutual interaction between a graph and its line graph
2024 Bartesaghi, P; Clemente, G; Grassi, R
A Self-Adaptive Centrality Measure for Asset Correlation Networks
2024 Bartesaghi, P; Clemente, G; Grassi, R
Clustering coefficients as measures of the complex interactions in a directed weighted multilayer network
2023 Bartesaghi, P; Clemente, G; Grassi, R
Notes on resonant and synchronized states in complex networks
2023 Bartesaghi, P
Taxonomy of cohesion coefficients for weighted and directed multilayer networks
2023 Bartesaghi, P; Clemente, G; Grassi, R
A tensor-based unified approach for clustering coefficients in financial multiplex networks
2022 Bartesaghi, P; Clemente, G; Grassi, R
Community structure in the World Trade Network based on communicability distances
2022 Bartesaghi, P; Clemente, G; Grassi, R
From networked SIS model to the Gompertz function
2022 Estrada, E; Bartesaghi, P
The multilayer architecture of the global input-output network and its properties
2022 Bartesaghi, P; Clemente, G; Grassi, R; Luu, D
Community detection, risk exposure and multilayer structure in economic and financial complex networks.
2021 Bartesaghi, P
Multi-Attribute Community Detection in International Trade Network
2021 Grassi, R; Bartesaghi, P; Benati, S; Clemente, G
Where to cut to delay a pandemic with minimum disruption? mathematical analysis based on the SIS model
2021 Bartesaghi, P; Estrada, E
Risk-Dependent Centrality in Economic and Financial Networks
2020 Bartesaghi, P; Benzi, M; Clemente, G; Grassi, R; Estrada, E
Come viaggeremo nel tempo. Una guida scientifica alle scorciatoie del nostro universo
2016 Bartesaghi, P
Storia dei simboli matematici. Il potere dei numeri da Babilonia e Leibniz
2015 Bartesaghi, P
Computer e cervello
2014 Bartesaghi, P
Higgs e il suo bosone. La caccia alla particella di Dio
2013 Bartesaghi, P
Dirac fields and thermal effects in the de Sitter universe
2001 Bartesaghi, P; Gazeau, J; Moschella, U; Takook, M