Role of Common Cell Culture Media Supplements on Citrate-Stabilized Gold Nanoparticle Protein Corona Formation, Aggregation State, and the Consequent Impact on Cellular Uptake
2022 Barbero, F; Michelini, S; Moriones, O; Patarroyo, J; Rosell, J; F. Gusta, M; Vitali, M; Martín, L; Canals, F; Duschl, A; Horejs-Hoeck, J; Mondragón, L; Bastús, N; Puntes, V
Antibody cooperative adsorption onto AuNPs and its exploitation to force natural killer cells to kill HIV-infected T cells
2021 Astorga-Gamaza, A; Vitali, M; Borrajo, M; Suárez-López, R; Jaime, C; Bastus, N; Serra-Peinado, C; Luque-Ballesteros, L; Blanch-Lombarte, O; Prado, J; Lorente, J; Pumarola, F; Pellicer, M; Falcó, V; Genescà, M; Puntes, V; Buzon, M
Conformational properties of intrinsically disordered proteins bound to the surface of silica nanoparticles
2018 Vitali, M; Rigamonti, V; Natalello, A; Colzani, B; Avvakumova, S; Brocca, S; Santambrogio, C; Narkiewicz, J; Legname, G; Colombo, M; Prosperi, D; Grandori, R
Dynamics of nanoparticle-protein corona: formation, evolution and insight on protein structure
2018 Vitali, M
Formation of the Protein Corona: The Interface between Nanoparticles and the Immune System
2017 Barbero, F; Russo, L; Vitali, M; Piella, J; Salvo, I; Borrajo, M; Busquets-Fité, M; Grandori, R; Bastús, N; Casals, E; Puntes, V