The latent structure of the adult attachment interview: Large sample evidence from the collaboration on attachment transmission synthesis
2022 Lee Raby, K; Verhage, M; Pasco Fearon, R; Chris Fraley, R; Roisman, G; van IJzendoorn, M; Schuengel, C; Madigan, S; Oosterman, M; Bakermans-Kranenburg, M; Bernier, A; Ensink, K; Hautamaki, A; Mangelsdorf, S; Priddis, L; Wong, M; Aviezer, O; Behrens, K; Brisch, K; Cassibba, R; Cassidy, J; Coppola, G; Costantini, A; Dozier, M; Duschinsky, R; Ierardi, E; Finger, B; de Millan, S; Harder, S; Hazen, N; Jin, M; Myung, S; Jongenelen, I; Leerkes, E; Lionetti, F; Lyons-Ruth, K; Mcmahon, C; Meins, E; Pace, C; Pederson, D; Riva Crugnola, C; Sagi-Schwartz, A; Schoppe-Sullivan, S; Speranza, A; Steele, H; Tarabulsy, G; Vaever, M; Ward, M; Arnott, B; Bailey, H; Behringer, J; Brice, P; Castoro, G; Costantino, E; Cyr, C; George, C; Gloger-Tippelt, G; Howes, C; Jacobsen, H; Jacobvitz, D; Juffer, F; Kazui, M; Koppe, S; Millan, S; Murray, L; Simonelli, A; Solomon, J; Steele, M; Teti, D; Monique van Londen-Barentsen, W