COVID-19 pandemic impact on mental health in a large representative sample of older adults from the Lombardy region, Italy
2023 Amerio, A; Stival, C; Lugo, A; Fanucchi, T; D'Oro, L; Iacoviello, L; Odone, A; Stuckler, D; Zucchi, A; Serafini, G; Gallus, S; Bosetti, C; Jarach, C; Santucci, C; Amore, M; De Sena, R; Ghislandi, S; Wang, Y; Bonaccio, M; Gianfagna, F; Signorelli, C; Mosconi, G; Vigezzi, G; Rognoni, M; Paroni, L; Ciampichini, R
A real world analysis of COVID-19 impact on hospitalizations in older adults with chronic conditions from an Italian region
2022 Bosetti, C; Rognoni, M; Ciampichini, R; Paroni, L; Scala, M; D'Oro, L; Zucchi, A; Amerio, A; Iacoviello, L; Ghislandi, S; Odone, A; Stuckler, D; Gallus, S; Bosetti, C; Gallus, S; Jarach, C; Lugo, A; Stival, C; Amerio, A; Amore, M; Serafini, G; De Sena, R; Ghislandi, S; Stuckler, D; Wang, Y; Bonaccio, M; Gianfagna, F; Mosconi, G; Odone, A; Signorelli, C; Vigezzi, G; D'Oro, L; Paroni, L; Sala, M; Rognoni, M; Ciampichini, R; Zucchi, A
Changes in a Mediterranean lifestyle during the COVID-19 pandemic among elderly Italians: an analysis of gender and socioeconomic inequalities in the “LOST in Lombardia” study
2022 Bonaccio, M; Gianfagna, F; Stival, C; Amerio, A; Bosetti, C; D'Oro, L; Odone, A; Stuckler, D; Zucchi, A; Gallus, S; Iacoviello, L; Jarach, C; Lugo, A; Serafini, G; Amore, M; De Sena, R; Ghislandi, S; Wang, Y; Ghulam, A; Signorelli, C; Mosconi, G; Vigezzi, G; Paroni, L; Rognoni, M; Ciampichini, R
COVID-19 confinement impact on weight gain and physical activity in the older adult population: Data from the LOST in Lombardia study
2022 Stival, C; Lugo, A; Bosetti, C; Amerio, A; Serafini, G; Cavalieri d'Oro, L; Odone, A; Stuckler, D; Iacoviello, L; Bonaccio, M; van den Brandt, P; Zucchi, A; Gallus, S; Jarach, C; Amore, M; De Sena, R; Ghislandi, S; Wang, Y; Gianfagna, F; Ghulam, A; Signorelli, C; Mosconi, G; Vigezzi, G; Rognoni, M; Scala, M; Ciampichini, R
COVID-19 pandemic impact on people with diabetes: results from a large representative sample of Italian older adults
2022 Vigezzi, G; Bertuccio, P; Bossi, C; Amerio, A; D'Oro, L; Derosa, G; Iacoviello, L; Stuckler, D; Zucchi, A; Lugo, A; Gallus, S; Odone, A; Amerio, A; Amore, M; Bertuccio, P; Bonaccio, M; Bosetti, C; Cavalieri d'Oro, L; Ciampichini, R; De Sena, R; Gallus, S; Gianfagna, F; Ghislandi, S; Ghulam, A; Jarach, C; Mosconi, G; Odone, A; Rognoni, M; Serafini, G; Scala, M; Signorelli, C; Stival, C; Stuckler, D; Wang, Y; Zucchi, A
Determinants of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in the Older Adult Population: Data from the LOST in Lombardia Study
2022 Mosconi, G; Stival, C; Lugo, A; Signorelli, C; Amerio, A; Cavalieri D'Oro, L; Iacoviello, L; Stuckler, D; Zucchi, A; Odone, A; Gallus, S; Amore, M; Bonaccio, M; Bosetti, C; Ciampichini, R; De Sena, R; Gallus, S; Ghislandi, S; Gianfagna, F; Jarach, C; Rognoni, M; Santucci, C; Scala, M; Serafini, G; Stival, C; Vigezzi, G; Wang, Y
Older Adults’ Access to Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from the LOckdown and LifeSTyles (LOST) in Lombardia Project
2022 Vigezzi, G; Bertuccio, P; Amerio, A; Bosetti, C; Gori, D; Cavalieri D'Oro, L; Iacoviello, L; Stuckler, D; Zucchi, A; Gallus, S; Odone, A; Amore, M; Bertuccio, P; Bonaccio, M; Ciampichini, R; De Sena, R; Gianfagna, F; Ghislandi, S; Ghulam, A; Jarach, C; Lugo, A; Mosconi, G; Rognoni, M; Serafini, G; Scala, M; Signorelli, C; Stival, C; Wang, Y
The Impact of COVID-19 Confinement on Tinnitus and Hearing Loss in Older Adults: Data From the LOST in Lombardia Study
2022 Jarach, C; Lugo, A; Stival, C; Bosetti, C; Amerio, A; Cavalieri d'Oro, L; Iacoviello, L; Odone, A; Stuckler, D; Zucchi, A; Van den Brandt, P; Garavello, W; Cederroth, C; Schlee, W; Gallus, S; Serafini, G; Amore, M; De Sena, R; Ghislandi, S; Wang, Y; Bonaccio, M; Gianfagna, F; Signorelli, C; Mosconi, G; Vigezzi, G; Rognoni, M; Paroni, L; Ciampichini, R
The impact of COVID-19 lockdown announcements on mental health: Quasi-natural experiment in Lombardy, Italy
2022 Wang, Y; Lugo, A; Amerio, A; D'Oro, L; Iacoviello, L; Odone, A; Zucchi, A; Gallus, S; Stuckler, D; Gallus, S; Bosetti, C; Jarach, C; Stival, C; Serafini, G; Amerio, A; Amore, M; Stuckler, D; De Sena, R; Ghislandi, S; Wang, Y; Bonaccio, M; Gianfagna, F; Ghulam, A; Odone, A; Signorelli, C; Bertuccio, P; Mosconi, G; Vigezzi, G; D'Oro, L; Rognoni, M; Scala, M; Zucchi, A; Ciampichini, R
Valutazione dell’impatto della pandemia sugli accessi al sistema sanitario nei territori di Bergamo e Brescia
2022 Conti, S; Fornari, C; Ferrara, P; Madotto, F; Antonazzo, I; Gambioli, A; Zucchi, A; Ciampichini, R; Crotti, G; Maifredi, G; Gasparotti, C; Mazzaglia, G; Mantovani, L
Psoriasis severity matters when dealing with all-cause mortality in psoriasis patients: a record linkage analysis in Northern Italy
2021 Pezzolo, E; Ciampichini, R; Cazzaniga, S; Sampietro, G; Zucchi, A; Naldi, L
High seroprevalence of SARS_COV-2 in Bergamo: evidence for herd immunity or reason to be cautious?
2020 Signorelli, C; Zucchi, A; Tersalvi, C; Ciampichini, R; Beato, E; Balzarini, F; Odone, A; Middleton, J
Magnitude and time-course of excess mortality during COVID-19 outbreak: population-based empirical evidence from highly impacted provinces in northern Italy
2020 Conti, S; Ferrara, P; Mazzaglia, G; D'Orso, M; Ciampichini, R; Fornari, C; Madotto, F; Magoni, M; Sampietro, G; Silenzi, A; Sileo, C; Zucchi, A; Cesana, G; Manzoli, L; Mantovani, L
Theory and practice to integrating health in environmental assessment: Synthesis of an experience with stakeholders to deliver a national HIA guideline
2019 Linzalone, N; Bianchi, F; Curzio, O; Serasini, L; Natali, M; Ballarini, A; Cadum, E; Capetta, C; Ciampichini, R; Conti, S; Cori, L; Cornaggia, N; Costa, G; Di Benedetto, A; Fiorletti, P; Imbrogno, P; La SAla, L; Musmeci, L; Paladini, A; Piccinelli, C; Soggiu, M; Rieti, S
Peripheral arterial disease in diabetic patients: A long-term population-based study on occurrence, outcomes and cost
2018 Marone, E; Cozzolino, P; Ciampichini, R; Chiodini, V; Ferraresi, R; Rinaldi, L; Mantovani, L; Cesana, G
The use of administrative data for the evaluation of healthcare interventions in chronic disease related to HCV
2017 Ciampichini, R
Long-term costs and outcomes in psoriatic arthritis patients not responding to conventional therapy treated with tumour necrosis factor inhibitors: An extension of the Psoriatic Arthritis Cost Evaluation (PACE) study
2016 Olivieri, I; Cortesi, P; de Portu, S; Salvarani, C; Cauli, A; Lubrano, E; Spadaro, A; Cantini, F; Ciampichini, R; Cutro, M; Mathieu, A; Matucci Cerinic, M; Punzi, L; Scarpa, R; Mantovani, L
Cost-Effectiveness and Cost-Utility Analysis of Spinal Cord Stimulation in Patients With Failed Back Surgery Syndrome: Results From the PRECISE Study
2015 Zucco, F; Ciampichini, R; Lavano, A; Costantini, A; De Rose, M; Poli, P; Fortini, G; Demartini, L; De Simone, E; Menardo, V; Cisotto, P; Meglio, M; Scalone, L; Mantovani, L
Efficacy of an Italian psychosocial intervention for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients
2015 Muscio, C; Tiraboschi, P; Chitò, E; Nicoli, P; Sala, M; Greco, A; Ciampichini, R; Zucchi, A; Defanti, C
Efficacy of an Italian psychosocial intervention for caregivers of Alzheimer’s patients
2015 Muscio, C; Tiraboschi, P; Chitò, E; Nicoli, P; Sala, M; Greco, A; Ciampichini, R; Zucchi, A; Defanti, C