Automating Resume Analysis: Knowledge Graphs via Prompt Engineering
2025 Lazzarinetti, G; Manzoni, S; Zoppis, I
An AI-empowered energy-efficient portable NIRS solution for precision agriculture: A pilot study on a citrus fruit
2024 Cisotto, G; Tegegn, D; Zancanaro, A; Reguzzoni, I; Lotti, E; Manzoni, S; Zoppis, I
An Attention-Based Method for the Minimum Vertex Cover Problem on Complex Networks
2024 Lazzarinetti, G; Dondi, R; Manzoni, S; Zoppis, I
FastMinTC+: A Fast and Effective Heuristic for Minimum Timeline Cover on Temporal Networks
2024 Lazzarinetti, G; Manzoni, S; Zoppis, I; Dondi, R
hvEEGNet: a novel deep learning model for high-fidelity EEG reconstruction
2024 Cisotto, G; Zancanaro, A; Zoppis, I; Manzoni, S
vEEGNet: Learning Latent Representations to Reconstruct EEG Raw Data via Variational Autoencoders
2024 Zancanaro, A; Cisotto, G; Zoppis, I; Manzoni, S
hvEEGNet: exploiting hierarchical VAEs on EEG data for neuroscience applications
2023 Cisotto, G; Zancanaro, A; Zoppis, I; Manzoni, S
vEEGNet: A New Deep Learning Model to Classify and Generate EEG
2023 Zancanaro, A; Zoppis, I; Manzoni, S; Cisotto, G
When Attention Turn To Be Explanation. A Case Study in Recommender Systems
2023 Matamoros Aragon, R; Zoppis, I; Manzoni, S
Variational Autoencoder for Early Stress Detection in Smart Agriculture: A Pilot Study
2022 Zancanaro, A; Cisotto, G; Tegegn, D; Manzoni, S; Reguzzoni, I; Lotti, E; Zoppis, I
Convolutional Neural Networks for Quantitative Prediction of Different Organic Materials using Near-Infrared Spectrum
2021 Tegegn, D; Zoppis, I; Manzoni, S; Sas, C; Lotti, E
Enhancing Teachers-AI Collaboration: Human Computer Interaction Techniques for Recommender Systems in Educational Platforms
2021 Matamoros Aragon, R; Marconi, L; Zoppis, I; Manzoni, S; Mauri, G; Musiu, E
Explainable Attentional Neural Recommendations for Personalized Social Learning
2021 Marconi, L; Matamoros Aragon, R; Zoppis, I; Manzoni, S; Mauri, G; Epifania, F
Rapid Analysis of Powders Based on Deep Learning, Near-Infrared and Derivative Spectroscopy
2021 Delelegn, T; Zoppis, I; Manzoni, S; Mognato, A; Reguzzoni, I; Lotti, E
An attention-based architecture for EEG classification
2020 Mauri, G; Stella, F; Morreale, A; Cisotto, G; Manzoni, S; Zanga, A; Zoppis, I
Approaching explainable recommendations for personalized social learning the current stage of the educational platform”WhoTeach”
2020 Marconi, L; Matamoros Aragon, R; Zoppis, I; Manzoni, S; Mauri, G; Epifania, F
Attentional neural mechanisms for social recommendations in educational platforms
2020 Epifania, F; Marconi, L; Aragon, R; Mauri, G; Manzoni, S; Zoppis, I
Online social space identification. A computational tool for optimizing social recommendations
2020 Zoppis, I; Trentini, A; Manzoni, S; Micucci, D; Mauri, G; Pietrabissa, G; Castelnuovo, G
Towards Explainable AI for Personalized Teaching: results on experimental activities on the “ WhoTeach ” educational platform
2020 Marconi, L; Matamoros Aragon, R; Fossati, S; Zoppis, I; Actis Grosso, R; Manzoni, S; Mauri, G; Epifania, F
A computational model for promoting targeted communication and supplying social explainable recommendations
2019 Zoppis, I; Manzoni, S; Mauri, G