DIPARTIMENTO DI FISICA "GIUSEPPE OCCHIALINI" (attivo dal 01/01/1999 al 30/09/2012)
Response of microchannel plates in ionization mode to single particles and electromagnetic showers
2018 Barnyakov, A; Barnyakov, M; Brianza, L; Cavallari, F; Cipriani, M; Ciriolo, V; del Re, D; Gelli, S; Ghezzi, A; Gotti, C; Govoni, P; Katcin, A; Malberti, M; Martelli, A; Marzocchi, B; Meridiani, P; Organtini, G; Paramatti, R; Pigazzini, S; Preiato, F; Prisekin, V; Rahatlou, S; Rovelli, C; Santanastasio, F; Tabarelli de Fatis, T
Beam test evaluation of electromagnetic calorimeter modules made from proton-damaged PbWO4 crystals
2016 Adams, T; Adzic, P; Ahuja, S; Anderson, D; Andrews, M; Antropov, I; Antunovic, Z; Arcidiacono, R; Arenton, M; Argirò, S; Askew, A; Attikis, A; Auffray, E; Baccaro, S; Baffioni, S; Bailleux, D; Baillon, P; Barney, D; Barone, L; Bartoloni, A; Bartosik, N; Becheva, E; Bein, S; Beirāo Da Cruz E. Silva, C; Bell, K; Benaglia, A; Bendavid, J; Berry, D; Besancon, M; Betev, B; Bialas, W; Bianchini, L; Biino, C; Bitioukov, S; Bornheim, A; Brianza, L; Brinkerhoff, A; Brown, R; Brummitt, A; Busson, P; Candelise, V; Montoya, C; Cartiglia, N; Cavallari, F; Chang, Y; Chen, K; Chevenier, G; Chipaux, R; Clement, E; Cockerill, D; Corpe, L; Couderc, F; Courbon, B; Cox, B; Cucciati, G; Cussans, D; D'Imperio, G; Calafiori, D; Dafinei, I; Daguin, J; Daskalakis, G; Mendes, A; Guio, F; Degano, A; Dejardin, M; Re, D; Ricca, G; Denegri, D; Depasse, P; Dev, N; Deyrail, D; Marco, E; Diamond, B; Diemoz, M; Dissertori, G; Dittmar, M; Djambazov, L; Doan, T; Dobrzynski, L; Dolgopolov, A; Donegà, M; Dordevic, M; Dröge, M; Durkin, T; Dutta, D; Mamouni, H; Elliott Peisert, A; Elmalis, E; Fabbro, B; Fasanella, G; Faure, J; Fay, J; Fedorov, A; Ferri, F; Francis, B; Frank, N; Franzoni, G; Funk, W; Ganjour, S; Gascon, S; Gastal, M; Geerebaert, Y; Gelli, S; Gerosa, R; Ghezzi, A; Giakoumopoulou, V; Givernaud, A; Gninenko, S; Godinovic, N; Goeckner Wald, N; Golubev, N; Govoni, P; Gras, P; Guilloux, F; Haller, C; de Monchenault, G; Hansen, M; Hansen, P; Hardenbrook, J; Heath, H; Hill, J; Hirosky, R; Hobson, P; Holme, O; Honma, A; Hou, W; Hsiung, Y; Iiyama, Y; Ille, B; Ingram, Q; Jain, S; Jarry, P; Jessop, C; Jovanovic, D; Kachanov, V; Kalafut, S; Kao, K; Kellams, N; Kesisoglou, S; Khatiwada, A; Konoplyannikov, A; Konstantinov, D; Korzhik, M; Kovac, M; Kubota, Y; Kucher, I; Kumar, A; Kumar, A; Kuo, C; Kyberd, P; Kyriakis, A; Latyshev, G; Lecoq, P; Ledovskoy, A; Lei, Y; Lelas, D; Lethuillier, M; Li, H; Lin, W; Liu, Y; Locci, E; Longo, E; Loukas, D; Lu, R; Lucchini, M; Lustermann, W; Mackay, C; Magniette, F; Malcles, J; Malhotra, S; Mandjavidze, I; Maravin, Y; Margaroli, F; Marinelli, N; Marini, A; Martelli, A; Marzocchi, B; Massironi, A; Matveev, V; Mechinsky, V; Meng, F; Meridiani, P; Micheli, F; Milosevic, J; Mousa, J; Musella, P; Nessi Tedaldi, F; Neu, C; Newman, H; Nicolaou, C; Nourbakhsh, S; Obertino, M; Organtini, G; Orimoto, T; Paganini, P; Paganis, E; Paganoni, M; Pandolfi, F; Panov, V; Paramatti, R; Parracho, P; Pastrone, N; Paulini, M; Pauss, F; Pauwels, K; Pellegrino, F; Pena, C; Perniè, L; Peruzzi, M; Petrakou, E; Petyt, D; Pigazzini, S; Piroué, P; Planer, M; Plestina, R; Polic, D; Prosper, H; Ptochos, F; Puljak, I; Quittnat, M; Ragazzi, S; Rahatlou, S; Rander, J; Ranjan, K; Silva, J; Razis, P; Romanteau, T; Rosowsky, A; Rovelli, C; Rusack, R; Salerno, R; Santanastasio, F; Santra, A; Schönenberger, M; Seez, C; Sharma, V; Shepherd Themistocleous, C; Shiu, J; Shivpuri, R; Singovsky, A; Sinthuprasith, T; Sirois, Y; Smiljkovic, N; Soffi, L; Sun, M; Symonds, P; TABARELLI DE FATIS, T; Tambe, N; Tarasov, I; Taroni, S; Lima, R; Thea, A; Theofilatos, K; Thiant, F; Titov, M; Torbet, M; Trapani, P; Tropea, P; Tsai, J; Tsirou, A; Turkewitz, J; Tyurin, N; Tzeng, Y; Uzunian, A; Valls, N; Varela, J; Veeraraghavan, V; Verdini, P; Vichoudis, P; Vlassov, E; Wang, J; Wang, T; Weinberg, M; Wolfe, E; Wood, J; Zabi, A; Zahid, S; Zelepoukine, S; Zghiche, A; Zhang, L; Zhu, K; Zhu, R; Zuyeuski, R
Response of microchannel plates to single particles and to electromagnetic showers
2015 Brianza, L; Cavallari, F; Del Re, D; Gelli, S; Ghezzi, A; Gotti, C; Govoni, P; Jorda Lopez, C; Martelli, A; Marzocchi, B; Meridiani, P; Organtini, G; Paramatti, R; Pernié, L; Pigazzini, S; Rahatlou, S; Rovelli, C; Santanastasio, F; TABARELLI DE FATIS, T; Trevisani, N
Energy resolution of the barrel of the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter
2007 Adzic, P; Alemany-Fernandez, R; Almeida, C; Almeida, N; Anagnostou, G; Anfreville, M; Anicin, I; Antunovic, Z; Auffray, E; Baccaro, S; Baffioni, S; Baillon, P; Barney, D; Barone, L; Barrillon, P; Bartoloni, A; Beauceron, S; Beaudette, F; Bell, K; Benetta, R; Bercher, M; Berthon, U; Betev, B; Beuselinck, R; Bhardwaj, A; Bialas, W; Biino, C; Bimbot, S; Blaha, J; Bloch, P; Blyth, S; Bordalo, P; Bornheim, A; Bourotte, J; Britton, D; Brown, R; Bruneliere, R; Busson, P; Camporesi, T; Cartiglia, N; Cavallari, F; Cerutti, M; Chamont, D; Chang, P; Chang, Y; Charlot, C; Chatterji, S; Chen, E; Chipaux, R; Choudhary, B; Cockerill, D; Collard, C; Combaret, C; Cossutti, F; Da Silva, J; Dafinei, I; Daskalakis, G; Davatz, G; Decotigny, D; De Min, A; Deiters, K; Dejardin, M; Del Re, D; Della Negra, R; Della Ricca, G; Depasse, P; Descamp, J; Dewhirst, G; Dhawan, S; Diemoz, M; Dissertori, G; Dittmar, M; Djambazov, L; Dobrzynski, L; Drndarevic, S; Dupanloup, M; Dzelalija, M; Ehlers, J; El Mamouni, H; Elliott-Peisert, A; Evangelou, I; Fabbro, B; Faure, J; Fay, J; Ferri, F; Flower, P; Franzoni, G; Funk, W; Gaillac, A; Gargiulo, C; Shotkin, S; Geerebaert, Y; Gentit, F; Ghezzi, A; Gilly, J; Giolo-Nicollerat, A; Givernaud, A; Gninenko, S; Go, A; Godinovic, N; Golubev, N; Golutvin, I; Gomez-Reino, R; Covoni, P; Grahl, J; Gras, P; Greenhalgh, J; Guillaud, J; Haguenauer, M; De Montechenault, G; Hansen, M; Heath, H; Hill, J; Hobson, P; Holmes, D; Holzner, A; Hou, G; Ille, B; Ingram, Q; Jain, A; Jarry, P; Jauffret, C; Jha, M; Karar, M; Katarla, S; Katchanov, V; Kennedy, B; Kloukinas, K; Kokkas, P; Korjik, M; Krasnikov, N; Krpic, D; Kyriakis, A; Lebeau, M; Lecomte, P; Lecoq, P; Lemaire, M; Lethuillier, M; Lin, W; Lintern, A; Lister, A; Litvin, V; Locci, E; Lodge, A; Longo, E; Loukas, D; Luckey, D; Lustermann, W; Lynch, C; Mackay, C; Malberti, M; Maletic, D; Mandjavidze, I; Manthos, N; Markou, A; Mathez, H; Mathieu, A; Matveev, V; Maurelli, G; Menichetti, E; Meridiani, P; Milenovic, P; Milleret, G; Mine, P; Mur, M; Musienko, Y; Nardulli, A; Nash, J; Neal, H; Nedelec, P; Negri, P; Nessi-Tedaldi, F; Newman, H; Nikitenko, A; Oberino, M; Ofierzynski, R; Organtini, G; Paganini, P; Paganoni, M; Papadopoulos, I; Paramatti, R; Pastrone, N; Pauss, F; Puljak, I; Pullia, A; Puzovic, J; Ragazzi, S; Ramos, S; Rahatlou, S; Rander, J; Ranjan, K; Ravat, O; Raymond, M; Razis, P; Redaelli, N; Renker, D; Reucroft, S; Reymond, J; Reynaud, M; Reynaud, S; Romanteau, T; Rondeaux, F; Rosowsky, A; Rovelli, C; Rumerio, P; Rusack, R; Rusakov, S; Ryan, M; Rykaczewski, H; Sakhelashvili, T; Salerno, R; DOS SANTOS, C; Seez, C; Semeniouk, I; Sharif, O; Sharp, P; Themistocleous, C; Shevchenko, S; Shivpuri, R; Sidiropoulos, G; Sillou, D; Singovski, A; Sirois, Y; Sirunyan, A; Smith, B; Smith, V; Sproston, M; Suter, H; Swain, J; De Fatis, T; Takahashi, M; Tapper, R; Tcheremoukhine, A; Teixeira, I; Teixeira, J; Teller, O; Timlin, C; Triantis, F; Troshin, S; Tyurin, N; Ueno, K; Uzunian, A; Varela, J; Vaz Cardoso, N; Verrecchia, P; Vichoudis, P; Vigano', S; Viertel, G; Virdee, T; Vlassov, E; Wang, M; Weinstein, A; Williams, J; Yaselli, I; Zabi, A; Zamiatin, N; Zelepoukine, S; Zeller, M; Zhang, L; Zhang, J; Zhang, Y; Zhu, K; Zhu, R