Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 8.794
EU - Europa 4.544
AS - Asia 1.487
SA - Sud America 13
OC - Oceania 9
AF - Africa 8
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 4
Totale 14.859
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 8.629
DE - Germania 1.904
SE - Svezia 596
CN - Cina 538
IE - Irlanda 493
UA - Ucraina 457
SG - Singapore 400
RU - Federazione Russa 323
IT - Italia 303
VN - Vietnam 234
HK - Hong Kong 206
GB - Regno Unito 177
CA - Canada 160
FI - Finlandia 110
FR - Francia 53
IN - India 36
NL - Olanda 31
TR - Turchia 29
AT - Austria 26
BE - Belgio 22
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 12
JP - Giappone 11
KR - Corea 11
AU - Australia 9
BR - Brasile 9
CH - Svizzera 9
ID - Indonesia 7
IR - Iran 6
LT - Lituania 5
EU - Europa 4
MX - Messico 4
CL - Cile 3
DK - Danimarca 3
NO - Norvegia 3
RO - Romania 3
BG - Bulgaria 2
EG - Egitto 2
ES - Italia 2
GR - Grecia 2
HU - Ungheria 2
PT - Portogallo 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AZ - Azerbaigian 1
BD - Bangladesh 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BW - Botswana 1
GH - Ghana 1
HR - Croazia 1
IL - Israele 1
JO - Giordania 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
LY - Libia 1
MA - Marocco 1
MU - Mauritius 1
MY - Malesia 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PA - Panama 1
PH - Filippine 1
PK - Pakistan 1
PL - Polonia 1
RS - Serbia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 14.859
Città #
Ann Arbor 2.624
Frankfurt am Main 1.766
Woodbridge 984
Houston 555
Fairfield 550
Jacksonville 527
Chandler 479
Dublin 468
Ashburn 303
Singapore 283
Dearborn 261
Seattle 240
Santa Clara 221
Wilmington 219
Hong Kong 206
Cambridge 197
Princeton 182
New York 179
Dong Ket 126
Milan 108
Nanjing 106
Lachine 89
Shanghai 71
Beijing 63
Lawrence 61
Altamura 60
Boardman 45
San Diego 42
Toronto 39
Nanchang 34
Shenyang 32
Ottawa 26
Huizen 25
Fremont 24
Guangzhou 24
Hebei 23
Tianjin 22
Vienna 22
Brussels 20
Jiaxing 19
Helsinki 18
University Park 17
Zhengzhou 17
Andover 16
Changsha 16
Mountain View 16
Norwalk 15
Hangzhou 14
Los Angeles 13
Jinan 11
Auburn Hills 10
Brno 10
Falls Church 10
Ningbo 9
London 8
San Mateo 8
St Petersburg 7
Nürnberg 6
Philadelphia 6
Simi Valley 6
Taizhou 6
Washington 6
Dallas 5
Gatchina 5
Jakarta 5
Moscow 5
Prescot 5
Rozzano 5
Zurich 5
Alboussiere 4
Bergamo 4
Bologna 4
Hefei 4
Munich 4
Rostov-on-Don 4
Tokyo 4
Yekaterinburg 4
Brescia 3
Fredericton 3
Hanoi 3
Kilburn 3
Kunming 3
Kuopio 3
Leipzig 3
Melzo 3
Monterrey 3
Monza 3
Nuremberg 3
Omsk 3
Redmond 3
San Francisco 3
Tappahannock 3
Terracina 3
Torino 3
Verona 3
Zanjan 3
Albino 2
Amsterdam 2
Aveiro 2
Bandung 2
Totale 11.702
Nome #
The Knowledge-Stream Model A comprehensive model for knowledge circulation in communities of knowledgeable practitioners 256
Leveraging underspecification in knowledge artifacts to foster collaborative activities in professional communities 243
User-driven prioritization of features for a prospective InterPersonal Health Record: Perceptions from the Italian context 240
When the web supports communities of place: The 'Social Street' case in Italy 236
"... and do it the usual way": Fostering awareness of work conventions in document-mediated collaboration 235
A Pervasive Computing Architecture Fostering Integration in Patient Centered Communities of Care 227
Being at one with things: The interconnection metaphor for intelligent environments 227
“Drops Hollowing the Stone”: Workarounds as Resources for Better Task-Artifact Fit 224
Moving western neighborliness to east a study on local exchange in Bangladesh 224
Awareness Information To Support Collaboration Among Heterogeneous Communities: The Case Of Care Networks 222
Supporting artifact-mediated discourses through a recursive annotation tool 222
Reference Architecture and Framework 220
Computational Coordination Mechanisms: A tale of a struggle for flexibility 218
Supporting practices of positive redundancy for seamless care 216
Knowledge artifacts as bridges between theory and practice: The Clinical pathway case 215
When once is not enough: The role of redundancy in a hospital ward setting 211
Leveraging coordinative conventions to promote collaboration awareness: The case of clinical records 208
WOAD: A Framework to Enable the End-User Development of Coordination Oriented Functionalities 206
LWOAD: A specification language to enable the end-user develoment of coordinative functionalities 206
Providing End-Users with a Visual Editor to Make their Electronic Documents Active 199
Tell Me Another Story, Granpa! Requirements for Sharing Lived Lives Online 199
Tuning production processes through a case based reasoning approach 198
CASMAS: Supporting collaboration in pervasive environments 198
A community-centered architecture for the deployment of ubiquitous telemedicine systems 193
PRODOC: an Electronic Patient Record to Foster Process-Oriented Practices 191
Repetita Iuvant: Exploring and Supporting Redundancy in Hospital Practices 191
Worth a thousand fields. Arguing for a visual turn in computer-supported general practice 189
Torres, a Conceptual Framework for Articulation Work across Boundaries 188
Affording Mechanisms: An Integrated View of Coordination and Knowledge Management 187
Through the glassy box: supporting appropriation in user communities 187
Providing awareness through situated process maps: the hospital care case 184
Enabling Integration across Heterogeneous Care Networks 184
Promoting Process-Based Collaborative Awareness to Integrate Care Teams 182
Online Lifebooks - depicting lived lives to foster personalized images of one's own aging and health 182
Modelling heterogeneity in multi agent systems 180
Active artifacts as bridges between context and community knowledge sources 179
Cooperation and Ubiquitous Computing: an Architecture Towards their Integration 179
Back to the future of EUD: the Logic of Bricolage for the paving of EUD roadmaps 179
Designing computational places for communities within organizations 179
Middleware and Architectural Reflection 178
"You Taste Its Quality": Making sense of quality standards on situated artifacts 174
Adaptability of Classification Schemes in Cooperation: What does it mean? 171
Enhancing cellular spaces by multilayered multi agent situated systems 170
Grounding ecologies on multiple spaces 170
Situated cellular agents in non-uniform spaces 168
Supporting the application of Situated Cellular Agents in non-uniform spaces 167
Heterogeneous agents situated in heterogeneous spaces 167
The Knowledge Artifact Metaphor to Bridge the Gap Between IS and KM 166
Supporting valorization of cultural heritage documentation: The TIVal portal approach 163
Investigating the role of a web-based tool to promote collective knowledge in medical communities 161
Reactive agents for a systemic approach to the construction of coordination mechanisms 156
Knowledge artifacts within Knowing communities to foster Collective Knowledge 156
Negotiating propagation of changes in interorganizational workflows 154
Supporting document augmentation to leverage representations in knowledge work 152
Challenges in promoting digital Communities in rural coopetitive settings (chap. 7) 152
Whatever Works: Making Sense of Information Quality on Information System Artifacts 151
CASMAS-WOAD to Achieve Integrated Care and Coordination among Heterogeneous Care Communities 148
LWOAD: a Notation for the Executable Specification of Coordinative Mechanisms 146
Collocated Social Practices Surrounding Photo Usage in Archaeology 146
WOAD, A Platform to Deploy Flexible EPRs in Full Control of End-Users 145
Supporting articulation with the reconciler 144
A language for the executable specification of coordinative functionalities for electronic document systems 141
Collocated Social Practices Surrounding Photo Usage in Archaeology 140
Supporting Care Networks through an Ubiquitous Collaborative Environment 138
A language for situated multi-agents systems 138
The need to move away from agential-AI: Empirical investigations, useful concepts and open issues 136
A community based metaphor supporting EUD within communities 134
Challenges in promoting communities with ict in a widely scattered and heterogeneous setting 133
Parallel simulation of reaction-diffusion phenomena in percolation processes: a model based on cellular automata 132
A Parallel Model Based on Cellular Automata for the Simulation of Pesticide Percolation in the Soil 130
An Integrated Approach to the Valorization of Cultural Heritage 127
Dealing with space in multi-agent system: a model for situated MAS 127
Computing with a Distributed Reaction-Diffusion Model 124
Conceptual and concrete architectures in the design of CSCW applications 124
From actors to applications: interpreting user centered design of coordination supports 124
CA based computational models and percolation: the generation of porous media and filler networks 121
Cooperative systems design: scenario-based design of collaborative systems. Proceedings of the COOP2004 Conference 121
Supporting the sense of presence in control environments 118
The Reconciler: supporting actors in meaning negotiation 118
Reconciling different perspectives: an experiment on technology support for articulation 118
The Role of Knowledge Artifacts in Innovation Management: the Case of a Chemical Compound Designers CoP 118
Recursive Articulation work in Ariadne: the alignment of meanings 116
Structured case base organizational memories to manage experiential knowledge 107
Proceedings of the 2nd Communities and Technologies Conference, C and T 2005 103
WWW in the small - Towards sustainable adaptivity 102
Perceiving awareness information through 3D representations 95
MMASS: Past, Present and Future Research Directions on the Multilayered Multi-Agent Situated System 92
Special issue on heterogeneous facets of CSCW 91
Kowledge Management in Action 85
Integrating forms of interaction in a distributed model 83
EUD as Integration of Components-off-the Shelf The role of Software Professionals Knowledge Artefacts 80
Totale 15.025
Categoria #
all - tutte 52.676
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 52.676

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020561 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 135 199 67 126 34
2020/20211.242 106 62 116 132 67 71 104 62 87 147 30 258
2021/20222.208 31 84 106 57 36 68 60 247 359 332 426 402
2022/20233.309 544 838 486 406 231 285 19 94 198 57 102 49
2023/20241.329 87 35 67 83 161 283 329 30 89 10 23 132
2024/20251.270 173 354 74 138 244 142 120 25 0 0 0 0
Totale 15.025