Climatic Forcing of Plio-Pleistocene Formation of the Modern Limpopo River, South Africa
2021 Yang, J; Nie, J; Garzanti, E; Limonta, M; Ando, S; Vermeesch, P; Zhang, H; Hu, X; Wang, Z; Zhao, B; Ncube, L; Stevens, T; Li, M; Li, H; Chen, T; Miao, Y; Pan, B
The Congo deep-sea fan: Mineralogical, REE, and ND-isotope variability in Quartzose passive-margin sand
2021 Garzanti, E; Bayon, G; Dennielou, B; Barbarano, M; Limonta, M; Vezzoli, G
Transcontinental retroarc sediment routing controlled by subduction geometry and climate change (Central and Southern Andes, Argentina)
2021 Garzanti, E; Capaldi, T; Vezzoli, G; Limonta, M; Sosa, N
Comparability of heavy mineral data – The first interlaboratory round robin test
2020 Dunkl, I; von Eynatten, H; Andò, S; Lünsdorf, K; Morton, A; Alexander, B; Aradi, L; Augustsson, C; Bahlburg, H; Barbarano, M; Benedictus, A; Berndt, J; Bitz, I; Boekhout, F; Breitfeld, T; Cascalho, J; Costa, P; Ekwenye, O; Fehér, K; Flores-Aqueveque, V; Führing, P; Giannini, P; Goetz, W; Guedes, C; Gyurica, G; Hennig-Breitfeld, J; Hülscher, J; Jafarzadeh, M; Jagodziński, R; Józsa, S; Kelemen, P; Keulen, N; Kovacic, M; Liebermann, C; Limonta, M; Lužar-Oberiter, B; Markovic, F; Melcher, F; Miklós, D; Moghalu, O; Mounteney, I; Nascimento, D; Novaković, T; Obbágy, G; Oehlke, M; Omma, J; Onuk, P; Passchier, S; Pfaff, K; Lincoñir, L; Power, M; Razum, I; Resentini, A; Sági, T; Salata, D; Salgueiro, R; Schönig, J; Sitnikova, M; Sternal, B; Szakmány, G; Szokaluk, M; Thamó-Bozsó, E; Tóth, Á; Tremblay, J; Verhaegen, J; Villaseñor, T; Wagreich, M; Wolf, A; Yoshida, K
Focused erosion at the core of the Greater Caucasus: Sediment generation and dispersal from Mt. Elbrus to the Caspian Sea
2020 Vezzoli, G; Garzanti, E; Limonta, M; Radeff, G
The exhumation of the Indo-Burman Ranges, Myanmar
2020 Najman, Y; Sobel, E; Millar, I; Stockli, D; Govin, G; Lisker, F; Garzanti, E; Limonta, M; Vezzoli, G; Copley, A; Zhang, P; Szymanski, E; Kahn, A
Congo River sand and the equatorial quartz factory
2019 Garzanti, E; Vermeesch, P; Vezzoli, G; Ando, S; Botti, E; Limonta, M; Dinis, P; Hahn, A; Baudet, D; De Grave, J; Yaya, N
Provenance of bengal shelf sediments: 2. petrology and geochemistry of sand
2019 Garzanti, E; Vezzoli, G; Ando, S; Limonta, M; Borromeo, L; France-Lanord, C
Diagenetic control on mineralogical suites in sand, silt, and mud (Cenozoic Nile Delta): Implications for provenance reconstructions
2018 Garzanti, E; Ando, S; Limonta, M; Fielding, L; Najman, Y
Dynamic uplift, recycling, and climate control on the petrology of passive-margin sand (Angola)
2018 Garzanti, E; Dinis, P; Vermeesch, P; Andò, S; Hahn, A; Huvi, J; Limonta, M; Padoan, M; Resentini, A; Rittner, M; Vezzoli, G
Insights into the provenance of the Chinese Loess Plateau from joint zircon U-Pb and garnet geochemical analysis of last glacial loess
2018 Fenn, K; Stevens, T; Bird, A; Limonta, M; Rittner, M; Vermeesch, P; Andò, S; Garzanti, E; Lu, H; Zhang, H; Lin, Z
Sedimentary processes controlling ultralong cells of littoral transport: Placer formation and termination of the Orange sand highway in southern Angola
2018 Garzanti, E; Dinis, P; Vermeesch, P; Andò, S; Hahn, A; Huvi, J; Limonta, M; Padoan, M; Resentini, A; Rittner, M; Vezzoli, G
Provenance of oligocene Andaman sandstones (Andaman-Nicobar Islands): Ganga-Brahmaputra or Irrawaddy derived?
2017 Limonta, M; Resentini, A; Carter, A; Bandopadhyay, P; Garzanti, E
Tracing transcontinental sand transport: From anatolia-zagros to the rub' al khali sand sea
2017 Garzanti, E; Vermeesch, P; Al-Ramadan, K; Ando, S; Limonta, M; Rittner, M; Vezzoli, G
Erosion patterns in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) catchment revealed by bulk-sample versus single-mineral provenance budgets
2016 Vezzoli, G; Garzanti, E; Limonta, M; Ando', S; Yang, S
Quantitative Provenance Analysis of Sediments in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River (China)
2016 Vezzoli, G; Limonta, M; Garzanti, E; Yang, S
The Euphrates-Tigris-Karun river system: Provenance, recycling and dispersal of quartz-poor foreland-basin sediments in arid climate
2016 Garzanti, E; Al Juboury, A; Zoleikhaei, Y; Vermeesch, P; Jotheri, J; Akkoca, D; Obaid, A; Allen, M; Ando', S; Limonta, M; Padoan, M; Resentini, A; Rittner, M; Vezzoli, G
Tracing provenance and sediment fluxes in the Irrawaddy River basin (Myanmar)
2016 Garzanti, E; Wang, J; Vezzoli, G; Limonta, M
Loess plateau storage of northeastern Tibetan plateau-derived yellow river sediment
2015 Nie, J; Stevens, T; Rittner, M; Stockli, D; Garzanti, E; Limonta, M; Bird, A; Ando', S; Vermeesch, P; Saylor, J; Lu, H; Breecker, D; Hu, X; Liu, S; Resentini, A; Vezzoli, G; Peng, W; Carter, A; Ji, S; Pan, B
Multicyclic sediment transfer along and across convergent plate boundaries (Barbados, Lesser Antilles)
2015 Limonta, M; Garzanti, E; Resentini, A; Ando', S; Boni, M; Bechstädt, T