Influence of the Salmo (trutta) trutta on the population structure, the growth, and the habitat preference of a Cottus gobio population
2022 Bonacina, L; Canobbio, S; Fornaroli, R
Influence of the predator Salmo trutta trutta on the habitat preference, community structure and growth rate of a Cottus gobio population
2021 Bonacina, L; Canobbio, S; Fornaroli, R
The influence of multiple stressors on macroinvertebrate communities and ecosystem attributes in Northern Italy pre-Alpine rivers and streams
2020 Calabrese, S; Mezzanotte, V; Marazzi, F; Canobbio, S; Fornaroli, R
COD, nutrient removal and disinfection efficiency of a combined subsurface and surface flow constructed wetland: A case study
2016 Sartori, L; Canobbio, S; Fornaroli, R; Cabrini, R; Marazzi, F; Mezzanotte, V
Effects of future climate change on a river habitat in an italian alpine catchment
2016 Viganò, G; Confortola, G; Fornaroli, R; Cabrini, R; Canobbio, S; Mezzanotte, V; Bocchiola, D
Optimal flow for brown trout: Habitat – prey optimization
2016 Fornaroli, R; Cabrini, R; Sartori, L; Marazzi, F; Canobbio, S; Mezzanotte, V
Macroinvertebrate assemblages and biodiversity levels: ecological role of constructed wetlands and artificial ponds in a natural park
2015 Sartori, L; Canobbio, S; Cabrini, R; Fornaroli, R; Mezzanotte, V
Analysis of survey data with quantile regression: disentangling the limiting effects of multiple stressors on macroinvertebrate densities.
2014 Canobbio, S; Cabrini, R; Azzellino, A; Fornaroli, R; Sartori, L; Marazzi, F; Piana, A; Marchesi, V; Mezzanotte, V
Interventi per il trattamento delle acque di pioggia
2014 Sanfilippo, U; Canobbio, S; Mezzanotte, V; Pineschi, G; Torregrossa, M; Viviani, G
Long-term BOD to Assess the Effects of Ozone and UV on the Biodegradability of Organic Matter
2014 Canobbio, S; Ornaghi, P; Marazzi, F; Corti, S; Mezzanotte, V
A multivariate approach to assess habitat integrity in urban streams using benthic macroinvertebrate metrics
2013 Canobbio, S; Azzellino, A; Cabrini, R; Mezzanotte, V
Assessing physical habitat characteristics as limiting factors on brown trout (Salmo trutta) density
2013 Fornaroli, R; Canobbio, S; Sartori, L; Marazzi, F; Azzellino, A; Marchesi, V; Piana, A; Mezzanotte, V
Colour removal and carbonyl by-production in high dose ozonation for effluent polishing
2013 Mezzanotte, V; Fornaroli, R; Canobbio, S; Zoia, L; Orlandi, M
Leaf packs in impaired streams: the influence of leaf type and environmental gradients on breakdown rate and invertebrate assemblage composition
2013 Cabrini, R; Canobbio, S; Sartori, L; Fornaroli, R; Mezzanotte, V
Limiting Factors for macroinvertebrate assemblages in Lombardy streams: the quantile regression approach
2013 Cabrini, R; Fornaroli, R; Canobbio, S; Sartori, L; Marazzi, F; Azzellino, A; Marchesi, V; Piana, A; Mezzanotte, V
Searching a compromise between ecological quality targets, social and ecosystem costs for Heavily Modified Water Bodies (HMWBs): the Lambro-Seveso-Olona system case study
2013 Azzellino, A; Antonelli, M; Canobbio, S; Cervigen, S; Mezzanotte, V; Piana, A; Salvetti, R
Analisi delle alterazioni idromorfologiche come fattori limitanti allo sviluppo delle comunità biologiche nei corpi idrici fortemente modificati: una metodologia di supporto alle decisioni per la riqualificazione fluviale in situazioni complesse
2012 Canobbio, S; Azzellino, A; Piana, A; Cabrini, R; Fornaroli, R; Sartori, L; Parini, M; Salvetti, R; Mezzanotte, V
Analysis of macroinvertebrate life strategies and dispersal processes among wetlands in a natural park
2012 Sartori, L; Canobbio, S; Cabrini, R; Fornaroli, R; Mezzanotte, V
Constructed wetlands to help recovery of effluent dominated streams: application to ozonated and non ozonated treated effluents
2012 Mezzanotte, V; Canobbio, S; Malpei, F
Development of macroinvertebrate multimetric indices for a heavily modified water body using quantile regression.
2012 Canobbio, S; Cabrini, R; Fornaroli, R; Sartori, L; Piana, A; Mezzanotte, V; Azzellino, A