Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 9.562
NA - Nord America 7.764
AS - Asia 2.411
SA - Sud America 141
AF - Africa 85
OC - Oceania 52
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 20.024
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 7.580
IT - Italia 5.800
DE - Germania 747
CN - Cina 692
SG - Singapore 620
SE - Svezia 553
IE - Irlanda 433
FR - Francia 357
RU - Federazione Russa 333
GB - Regno Unito 230
HK - Hong Kong 218
UA - Ucraina 191
ID - Indonesia 168
CA - Canada 144
ES - Italia 129
NL - Olanda 126
KR - Corea 109
TR - Turchia 97
CH - Svizzera 91
DK - Danimarca 86
AT - Austria 84
FI - Finlandia 81
IN - India 81
IR - Iran 77
BR - Brasile 74
VN - Vietnam 71
PH - Filippine 67
PL - Polonia 59
BE - Belgio 56
TW - Taiwan 52
AU - Australia 47
RO - Romania 35
MX - Messico 32
GR - Grecia 27
PK - Pakistan 25
CL - Cile 23
PT - Portogallo 23
LT - Lituania 22
JP - Giappone 21
PE - Perù 19
SA - Arabia Saudita 19
TH - Thailandia 18
KE - Kenya 16
ZA - Sudafrica 16
IL - Israele 14
IS - Islanda 14
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 13
NO - Norvegia 13
MY - Malesia 12
HR - Croazia 11
LV - Lettonia 10
EG - Egitto 8
ET - Etiopia 8
PS - Palestinian Territory 8
TN - Tunisia 8
CO - Colombia 7
SI - Slovenia 7
AR - Argentina 6
EE - Estonia 6
EU - Europa 5
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 5
RS - Serbia 5
SC - Seychelles 5
VE - Venezuela 5
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 4
CY - Cipro 4
IQ - Iraq 4
LB - Libano 4
MV - Maldive 4
PY - Paraguay 4
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 4
TZ - Tanzania 4
AL - Albania 3
BG - Bulgaria 3
DZ - Algeria 3
EC - Ecuador 3
GH - Ghana 3
HU - Ungheria 3
KZ - Kazakistan 3
LK - Sri Lanka 3
LU - Lussemburgo 3
NG - Nigeria 3
PA - Panama 3
QA - Qatar 3
UG - Uganda 3
BD - Bangladesh 2
CR - Costa Rica 2
JO - Giordania 2
KG - Kirghizistan 2
MM - Myanmar 2
MU - Mauritius 2
PR - Porto Rico 2
UZ - Uzbekistan 2
ZM - Zambia 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 1
BJ - Benin 1
BY - Bielorussia 1
FO - Isole Faroe 1
JM - Giamaica 1
Totale 20.014
Città #
Ann Arbor 2.154
Milan 921
Chandler 580
Singapore 510
Frankfurt am Main 479
Wilmington 463
Dublin 416
Fairfield 411
Houston 357
Rome 332
Ashburn 317
Dearborn 254
New York 219
Jacksonville 208
Woodbridge 208
Hong Kong 204
Princeton 169
Santa Clara 136
Seattle 128
Cambridge 123
Boardman 116
Monza 113
Shanghai 112
Jakarta 101
Nanjing 99
Bologna 87
Lissone 70
Naples 70
Turin 70
Vienna 67
Altamura 66
Beijing 64
Dallas 58
Genoa 56
Lawrence 54
Guangzhou 53
Padova 51
Como 43
Florence 43
Bergamo 39
San Diego 39
Torino 39
Bari 38
Lachine 35
Castellanza 34
Helsinki 33
Sesto San Giovanni 32
Council Bluffs 31
Dong Ket 30
Brescia 29
Chicago 29
Udine 28
Andover 27
Palermo 27
Catania 26
Nanchang 26
London 25
Toronto 25
Desio 24
Los Angeles 24
Shenyang 23
Falls Church 22
Hebei 22
Kocaeli 22
Pune 22
Brussels 21
Changsha 21
Napoli 21
Tianjin 21
Zhengzhou 21
Jinan 20
Redmond 20
Rho 20
Trento 20
Athens 19
Cinisello Balsamo 19
Madrid 19
Pavia 19
Trieste 19
Segrate 17
Taipei 17
Verona 17
Vilnius 17
Cantu 16
Fremont 16
Legnano 16
Lima 16
Warsaw 16
Zurich 16
Busto Arsizio 15
Chapel Hill 15
Gallarate 15
Kaohsiung City 15
Modena 15
Ottawa 15
Parma 15
Rimini 15
Seveso 15
Varese 15
Jiaxing 14
Totale 11.341
Nome #
Protecting Emergency Room Nurses from Burnout: The Role of Dispositional Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, and Empathy 1.888
La strutturazione del quesito clinico per reperire le prove di efficacia: una revisione della letteratura 1.765
Il Modello assistenziale dei processi umani 2018: un quadro teorico per l’assistenza infermieristica di fronte alla sfida della complessità 742
L'impiego dell'ICNP con il Modello assistenziale dei processi umani: un quadro teorico per l'assistenza infermieristica di fronte alla sfida della complessità 455
Predictors of psychological distress amongst nursing students: A multicenter cross-sectional study 401
Delirium assessment in hospitalized elderly patients: Italian translation and validation of the nursing delirium screening scale 388
Developing a subset of ICNP nursing diagnoses for medical and surgical hospital settings, informed by an italian nursing conceptual model: A multicenter crosssectional study 378
Self-care Of patient and caregiver DyAds in multiple chronic conditions: a LongITudinal studY (SODALITY) protocol 347
Assessing nurses’ competencies: a validation study of the Nurse Competence Scale 343
The SIPI for measuring complexity in nursing care: Evaluation study 324
Monitoraggio degli esiti sensibili dell’assistenza: la contenzione fisica della persona adulta nella media intensità di cura ospedaliera 318
Psychometric properties of the clei-19 scale to assess clinical learning environment in nursing students: a multicenter observational study [Proprietà psicometriche della scala CLEI-19 nella valutazione dell’apprendimento clinico degli studenti infermieri: studio osservazionale multicentrico] 307
Self-care in adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus: an interpretive phenomenological analysis. 302
Le cure palliative per i pazienti con malattia renale allo stadio terminale 298
Development and psychometric testing of a theory-based tool to measure self-care in diabetes patients: The Self-Care of Diabetes Inventory 297
How Do Basic Human Values Affect Self-Care of Type 2 Diabetes Patients? A Multicentre Observational Study 296
Clinical and socio-demographic determinants of inadequate self-care in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus: the leading role of self-care confidence 284
Moral distress in nurses in oncology and haematology units 267
Livelli di autonomia dei pazienti sottoposti a impianto di pacemaker cardiaco: studio pilota sugli effetti della mobilizzazione precoce 265
Socio-demographic and clinical determinants of self-care in adults with type 2 diabetes: a multicentre observational study 252
Development of a subset of ICNP Nursing Diagnoses for the promotion of self-care in people with diabetes mellitus: A multi-center observational study 252
L’esperienza di un modello di insegnamento clinico innovativo: l’Unità Educativa Dedicata 247
Self-care in People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Research Protocol of a Multicenter Mixed Methods Study (SCUDO) 246
Development and psychometric testing of a new theory-based tool to measure self-care of diabetes: the Self-Care of Diabetes Inventory®. 241
How do self-care maintenance, self-care monitoring, and self-care management affect glycated haemoglobin in adults with type 2 diabetes? A multicentre observational study 237
[Waiting time between acute event and rehabilitation: continuity of nursing care and rehabilitation. Analysis and suggestions for a Service of Protected Discharge] 236
Intravenous enzyme replacement therapy: Hospital vs home 228
I nuovi farmaci anticoagulanti orali: prospettive sulla qualità di vita e sull'assistenza infermieristica 227
Personal values among undergraduate nursing students: A cross-sectional study 221
Complexity of nursing care at 24 h from admission predicts in-hospital mortality in medical units: A cohort study 220
Self-care and caregiver contribution to self-care in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus: a pilot cross-sectional study 218
La valutazione dell'ambiente di apprendimento clinico attraverso il CLEI (Clinical Learning Environment Inventory) in un Ateneo italiano. 210
Self-care, quality of life and clinical outcomes of type 2 diabetes patients: an observational cross-sectional study 208
Using ICNP® to describe nursing phenomena of older persons discharged from hospital: a point prevalence survey 201
Self-care is Renouncement, Routine, and Control: The Experience of Adults with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 201
Sex-related differences in self-care behaviors of adults with type 2 diabetes mellitus 196
A literature review on self-care of chronic illness: definition, assessment and related outcomes 193
Clinical and socio-demographic determinants of self-care in type 2 diabetes patients: a multi-centre cross-sectional study 190
Using ICNP® in nursing education: an action research study 179
La qualita’ di vita nei pazienti neodializzati: due interventi di pre-dialisi a confronto 177
La soddisfazione dei bisogni di assistenza infermieristica del bambino attraverso l'attività di gioco: una revisione della letteratura [Nursing care of children by game-playing: a review of the literature] 176
«Violence towards nurses and factors affecting violence in hospital settings: An Italian cross-sectional study» 164
The association between dispositional mindfulness and empathy among undergraduate nursing students: A multicenter cross-sectional study 162
An Introduction to Qualitative Health Research 160
The epilepsy specialist nurse: A mixed-methods case study on the role and activities 160
Aver cura di chi si prende cura: l'impatto del lutto nell'infermiere di pronto soccorso 158
Clinical and socio-demographic determinants of self-care behaviours in patients with heart failure and diabetes mellitus: A multicentre cross-sectional study 155
Personal values among first-year medical and nursing students: A cross-sectional comparative study 154
Sex-related differences in determinants of self-care behaviors in adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus 152
Over-Under Triage in Trauma Team Activation: A retrospective analysis in Asst Monza [Over-Under Triage nell’attivazione del Trauma Team: un’analisi retrospettiva nella ASST Monza] 151
L'impiego dell'ICNP® nella formazione infermieristica con modelli teorici infermieristici: una revisione della letteratura 150
Self-care assessment in type-2 diabetes: the Italian translation and validation of the Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities 149
How do values affect self-care of type 2 diabetes patients? Results from a multi-centre observational study 147
Rilevazione sistematica degli interventi infermieristici in ambito pediatrico: studio di prevalenza in due ospedali lombardi 147
“The light at the end of the tunnel”. Discharge experience of older patients with chronic diseases: A multi-centre qualitative study 138
Valutare e promuovere la partecipazione attiva alle cure da parte delle persone che accedono al pronto soccorso: traduzione e validazione del Patient Participation in Emergency Department Questionnarie 137
Sleep disorders and night-shift work in nursing students: a cross-sectional study 136
Becoming nurses: a multi-centric four years cohort study on students' professional identity development 134
La realtà virtuale: un viaggio lontano dai sintomi della chemioterapia 133
Adults Living With a Retro-auricular Left Ventricular Assist Device as Destination Therapy: An Interpretive Description 131
Clinical outcomes associated to self-care behaviours of type 2 diabetes patients: a cross-sectional study 130
Il contributo allo sviluppo della professione infermieristica delle congregazioni religiose del XX secolo [Contribution of 19th-century religious congregations in the development of the nursing profession] 130
Complessita’ assistenziale e l’appropriatezza organizzativa assistenziale: indagine conoscitiva nelle Unità di Medicina di nove ospedali di Regione Lombardia - [Complexity of care and organizational effectiveness: a survey among medical care units in nine Lombardy region hospitals] 127
Ricerca storica sul contributo di Cristina Trivulzio di Belgiojoso all'assistenza infermieristica 126
Attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccine and reasons for adherence or not among nursing students 125
Association between sleep quality and self-care in adults with heart failure: A systematic review 123
Valutazione dell'apprendimento del processo di assistenza infermieristica 120
Carico di lavoro infermieristico ed assenze per malattia in ospedale 119
Il problema dell'aderenza alla terapia antiretrovirale tra gli adolescenti sieropositivi 118
Occupational health nurse's role in health surveillance and workers' education: National and international state 118
Implementing ICNPTM into practice after Snomed-I agreement: an italian educational experience 115
The contribution of nurses in integrated primary cares for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease outpatient: first results from an ongoing trial in a health district in Northen Italy 111
ICNP nursing diagnoses associated to elderly patients’ hospital 30-days readmission: an observational longitudinal study 108
Further Evidence of Psychometric Performance of the Self-care of Diabetes Inventory in Adults with Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes 108
Socio-demographic and clinical determinants of poor self-care in patients with heart failure and diabetes mellitus 107
Le pubblicazioni degli infermieri italiani sulle riviste internazionali: uno studio bibliometrico. Italian Nurses' publications on international journals: a bibliometric study. 106
Self-Care of Adults with Type 2 Diabetes During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Interpretive Description Study 100
Development of an ICNP™ Subset for intensive Care Units: a multi-center retrospective study 98
Psychometric characteristics of the caregiver contribution to self-care of chronic illness inventory 93
Association between coping strategies and professional quality of life in nurses and physicians during COVID-19: A cross-sectional study 92
On the way to a family-centred care in neonatal units 92
Development and psychometric testing of the self-care in COVID-19 (SCOVID) scale, an instrument for measuring self-care in the COVID-19 pandemic 89
"Jumping into the COVID-19 arena": The professional transition into clinical practice of new graduate nurses in Italy at time of COVID-19 82
Aspetti normativi, utilità ed efficacia della attività infermieristica in Medicina del Lavoro. La situazione in Lombardia nei servizi territoriali pubblici e privati 81
Diagnostic Accuracy of the Recognizing Acute Delirium as Part of Your Routine (RADAR) Scale for Delirium Assessment in Hospitalized Older Adults: A Cross-Sectional Study 78
A DNA damage response-like phenotype defines a third of colon cancers at onset 76
Accuracy of hospital nursing documentation: a multi-center observational study 75
Alle radici della professione infermieristica. Gli hospitales lariani lungo l’antica Via Regina nel tardo Medioevo 74
Self-care in Adults With a Retro-auricular Left Ventricular Assist Device: An Interpretive Description 74
Information before discharge in geriatric patients in Italy: cultural adaptation and validation of the Patient Continuity of Care Questionnaire 73
How to critically appraise a qualitative health research study 71
Caring for students is caring for patients: Associations between nursing students’ caring and the perception of clinical mentors’ caring 70
[Honorary degree in nursing sciences and obstetrics awarded to Marisa Cantarelli] 67
Caring for nursing students is caring for patients: A multicentre cross-sectional study on the relationship between nursing students' caring and the perception of instructors' caring 66
Developing an ICNP™ subset for Pediatric & Neonatal intensive care unit. A retrospective multicentric study 56
How Are Diagnosis-Related Groups and Staffing Allocation Systems Associated with the Complexity of Nursing Care? An Observational Study 43
The role of personality, empathy, and the perception of the instructor's caring on nursing students' burnout: A cross-sectional study 31
Totale 20.972
Categoria #
all - tutte 58.713
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 58.713

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.087 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 218 265 245 269 90
2020/20213.438 156 107 373 318 347 378 340 298 310 285 250 276
2021/20221.771 193 218 192 211 54 140 114 102 92 123 117 215
2022/20233.414 238 647 270 347 208 459 157 220 323 151 217 177
2023/20243.863 193 224 270 309 516 582 471 270 232 238 207 351
2024/20253.072 352 527 298 469 566 314 331 215 0 0 0 0
Totale 20.972