A Design Strategy for Highly Active Oxide Electrocatalysts by Incorporation of Oxygen-Vacancies
2024 Acharya, N; Karki, S; Giordano, L; Ramezanipour, F
Elucidating the Li-ion solvation structure in quasi-solid electrolytes by first principles calculations
2024 Ceribelli, N; DI LIBERTO, G; Giordano, L
Host–Guest Interactions and Transport Mechanism in Poly(vinylidene fluoride)-Based Quasi-Solid Electrolytes for Lithium Metal Batteries
2024 Vallana, N; Carena, E; Ceribelli, N; Mezzomo, L; Di Liberto, G; Mauri, M; Ferrara, C; Lorenzi, R; Giordano, L; Ruffo, R; Mustarelli, P
Predicting the Stability of Single-Atom Catalysts in Electrochemical Reactions
2024 Di Liberto, G; Giordano, L; Pacchioni, G
PVDF-HFP Based, Quasi-Solid Nanocomposite Electrolytes for Lithium Metal Batteries
2024 Carena, E; Mezzomo, L; Vallana, N; Ceribelli, N; Di Liberto, G; Mostoni, S; Ferrara, C; Mauri, M; Lorenzi, R; Giordano, L; Ruffo, R; Mustarelli, P
Regulating Oxygen Activity of Perovskites to Promote Activity and Selectivity for Methanol Oxidation to Formaldehyde
2024 Akkiraju, K; Rao, R; Hwang, J; Giordano, L; Wang, X; Crumlin, E; Weinberger, D; Shao-Horn, Y
Role of Li Electrode Redox Potential and Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) Species on the Coulombic Efficiency of LiFSI-DME and LiFSI-FEC Electrolytes
2024 Wang, D; Orlando Plaza Rivera, C; Iriawan, H; Ceribelli, N; Giordano, L; Shao-Horn, Y
Role of solvation model on the stability of oxygenates on Pt(111): A comparison between microsolvation, extended bilayer, and extended metal/water interface
2024 Di Liberto, G; Giordano, L
Stability and Solvation of Key Intermediates of Oxygen Evolution on TiO2, RuO2, IrO2 (110) Surfaces: A Comparative DFT Study
2024 Inico, E; Di Liberto, G; Giordano, L
Design principles for transition metal nitride stability and ammonia generation in acid
2023 Peng, J; Giner-Sanz, J; Giordano, L; Mounfield, W; Leverick, G; Yu, Y; Román-Leshkov, Y; Shao-Horn, Y
Influence of Sr-Site Deficiency, Ca/Ba/La Doping on the Exsolution of Ni from SrTiO3
2023 O'Leary, W; Giordano, L; Park, J; Nonnenmann, S; Shao-Horn, Y; Rupp, J
Investigation of the key role of DMF solvent in PVDF-based electrolytes
2023 Ceribelli, N; Di Liberto, G; Giordano, L
Role of Water Solvation on the Key Intermediates Catalyzing Oxygen Evolution on RuO2
2023 Di Liberto, G; Pacchioni, G; Shao-Horn, Y; Giordano, L
Single-atom electrocatalysis from first principles: Current status and open challenges
2023 Di Liberto, G; Barlocco, I; Giordano, L; Tosoni, S; Pacchioni, G
Tuning reduction conditions to understand and control Ni exsolution from Sr0.8La0.1Ca0.1Ti0.94Ni0.06O3−δ
2023 O'Leary, W; Giordano, L; Rupp, J
Alkali Metal Salt Interference on the Salicylate Method for Quantifying Ammonia from Nitrogen Reduction
2022 Giner-Sanz, J; Leverick, G; Giordano, L; Perez-Herranz, V; Shao-Horn, Y
Electronic Structure-Based Descriptors for Oxide Properties and Functions
2022 Giordano, L; Akkiraju, K; Jacobs, R; Vivona, D; Morgan, D; Shao-Horn, Y
Human- and machine-centred designs of molecules and materials for sustainability and decarbonization
2022 Peng, J; Schwalbe-Koda, D; Akkiraju, K; Xie, T; Giordano, L; Yu, Y; John Eom, C; Lunger, J; Zheng, D; Rao, R; Muy, S; Grossman, J; Reuter, K; Gómez-Bombarelli &, R; Shao-Horn, Y
Implications of Nonelectrochemical Reaction Steps on the Oxygen Evolution Reaction: Oxygen Dimer Formation on Perovskite Oxide and Oxynitride Surfaces
2022 Vonruti, N; Rao, R; Giordano, L; Shao-Horn, Y; Aschauer, U
Nitrate-mediated four-electron oxygen reduction on metal oxides for lithium-oxygen batteries
2022 Zhu, Y; Leverick, G; Giordano, L; Feng, S; Zhang, Y; Yu, Y; Tatara, R; Lunger, J; Shao-Horn, Y