DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE DELLA SALUTE (attivo dal 01/10/2012 al 30/09/2015)
Drinking alcohol in moderation is associated with lower rate of all-cause mortality in individuals with higher rather than lower educational level: findings from the MORGAM project
2023 Di Castelnuovo, A; Bonaccio, M; Costanzo, S; Mcelduff, P; Linneberg, A; Salomaa, V; Männistö, S; Ferrières, J; Dallongeville, J; Thorand, B; Brenner, H; Ferrario, M; Veronesi, G; Tamosiunas, A; Grimsgaard, S; Drygas, W; Malyutina, S; Söderberg, S; Nordendahl, M; Kee, F; Grassi, G; Dabboura, S; Borchini, R; Westermann, D; Schrage, B; Zeller, T; Kuulasmaa, K; Blankenberg, S; Donati, M; Iacoviello, L; de Gaetano, G
Exploring the interplay between job strain and different domains of physical activity on the incidence of coronary heart disease in adult men
2019 Ferrario, M; Veronesi, G; Roncaioli, M; Holtermann, A; Krause, N; Clays, E; Borchini, R; Grassi, G; Cesana, G
Cardiovascular disease prevention at the workplace: assessing the prognostic value of lifestyle risk factors and job-related conditions
2018 Veronesi, G; Borchini, R; Landsbergis, P; Iacoviello, L; Gianfagna, F; Tayoun, P; Grassi, G; Cesana, G; Ferrario, M
Differing associations for sport versus occupational physical activity and cardiovascular risk
2018 Ferrario, M; Roncaioli, M; Veronesi, G; Holtermann, A; Clays, E; Borchini, R; Cavicchiolo, M; Grassi, G; Cesana, G; Sega, R; Gussoni, M; Duzioni, F; Bolognesi, S; Fornari, C; Bertù, L; Mancia, G; Bombelli, M; Facchetti, R; Vivaldi, A; Bertù, L; Brambilla, P; Signorini, S
Patterns of circulating biomarkers across occupational classes: results from the MONICA–Brianza cohort study
2017 Gianfagna, F; Riva, M; Veronesi, G; Iacoviello, L; Borchini, R; Cesana, G; Ferrario, M
Job stress in the service industry. Evaluation of the Italian version of the Job Content Questionnaire [La percezione dello stress nel terziario: Utilità e indicazioni del Job Content Questionnaire]
2005 Ferrario, M; Fornari, C; Borchini, R; Merluzzi, F; Cesana, G
Recent trends in myocardial infarction rates in northern Italy. Results of the IM MONICA and CAMUNI registers in Brianza: 1993-1994 versus 1997-1998 [Recenti andamenti temporali dei tassi di infarto miocardico in nord Italia. Risultati dei registri IM MONICA e CAMUNI in Brianza: 1993-1994 versus 1997-1998]
2003 Ferrario, M; Fornari, C; Bolognesi, L; Gussoni, M; Benedetti, M; Sega, R; Borchini, R; Cesana, G