At the time of the “backway”. Mobility rules and moral breakdown from the standpoint of a rural Gambian community
2024 Vitturini, E; Bellagamba, A
Routes to emancipation in West Africa
2024 Bellagamba, A
Indigenous Ethnologists, National Anthropologists, Post-colonial Intellectuals: The Trajectory of Anthropology in French-Speaking West and Equatorial Africa
2023 Bellagamba, A
Memorie della schiavitù nella micro-politica comunitaria. Posizionamenti, conflitti e spazi nel Gambia rurale
2023 Vitturini, E; Bellagamba, A
Dagli insegnanti-etnologi alla riflessione post-coloniale. Gli sviluppi dell’antropologia culturale e sociale nell’Africa occidentale ed equatoriale francofona
2022 Bellagamba, A
Introduzione. "Detesto il confinamento": l'impegno scientifico, politico e umano di Georges Balandier
2022 Bellagamba, A; Finco, R
La migrazione in prospettiva. Regioni di Kolda e Sédhiou (Senegal), Gabu (Guinea-Bissau)
2022 Bellagamba, A; Baldé, E
La situazione coloniale e altri saggi
2022 Bellagamba, A; Finco, R
Migration drivers and migration choice: interrogating responses to migration and development interventions in West Africa
2022 Black, R; Bellagamba, A; Botta, E; Ceesay, E; Cissokho, D; Engeler, M; Lenoël, A; Oelgemöller, C; Riccio, B; Sakho, P; Somparé, A; Vitturini, E; Zingari, G
The past of slavery: building up communal cohesion in the Gambian post-dictatorship transition (2017 to present)
2022 Vitturini, E; Bellagamba, A
Fally Kebbeh and Mamadi Kumba: Emancipation and Slave Ancestry in the Twentieth-Century Urban Gambia
2021 Bellagamba, A
Kerewan and Mansajang: rules and morals of Gambian migrations in the present age of involuntary immobility.
2021 Vitturini, E; Bellagamba, A
La storia locale del nesso migrazioni-sviluppo: politiche, attori ed esperienze nel Gambia post-dittatura
2021 Bellagamba, A; Vitturini, E
Migchoice Country Report: The Gambia, University of Birmingham.
2021 Bellagamba, A; Ceesay, E; Vitturini, E
2021 Bellagamba, A
"Una cospirazione del silenzio". Georges Balandier e lo studio della schiavitù e del post-schiavitù in Africa
2020 Bellagamba, A
Marriage is the Arena: “Inside” Stories of Genealogical Purity and Slave Ancestry from Southern Senegal (Kolda region)
2020 Bellagamba, A
What is a ‘Slave’? Neo-Abolitionism and the Shifting Meanings of Slavery in Two African Contexts (Highlands of Madagascar, Southern Senegal)
2020 Bellagamba, A; Gardini, M
Futuri passati: la frontiera in divenire fra antropologia e storia
2019 Bellagamba, A
The Gambia
2019 Bellagamba, A