Le basi della terapia cognitiva. 1 L’ABC e la terapia razionale emotiva comportamentale
2025 Sarracino, D; Ruggiero, G
Cognitive behavioral therapy in Italy
2022 Bernardelli, S; Sarracino, D; Ruggiero, G
Difficulties in emotion regulation: The role of repetitive negative thinking and metacognitive beliefs
2022 Mansueto, G; Marino, C; Palmieri, S; Offredi, A; Sarracino, D; Sassaroli, S; Ruggiero, G; Spada, M; Caselli, G
Parenting Stress, Maternal Self-Efficacy and Confidence in Caretaking in a Sample of Mothers with Newborns (0-1 Month)
2022 Tognasso, G; Gorla, L; Ambrosini, C; Figurella, F; De Carli, P; Parolin, L; Sarracino, D; Santona, A
How B-C connection, negotiation of F and rationale of d allow the design and implementation of a cooperative and effective disputing in rational emotive behavior therapy
2021 Ruggiero, G; Sarracino, D; Caselli, G; Sassaroli, S
An Investigation of Sequencing Effects in Combining Cognitive Questioning and Mindful Acceptance
2019 Borlimi, R; Benetka, G; Brighetti, G; Caselli, G; Caletti, E; Redaelli, C; Ruggiero, G; Sarracino, D; Sassaroli, S
Rational emotional behavioural therapy in childhood and adolescence and the italian development of rational emotive education. From theoretical aspects to psychoeducational practice
2019 Piron, R; Caselli, G; Sarracino, D; Ruggiero, G; Sassaroli, S
Attachment, social value orientation, sensation seeking, and bullying in early adolescence
2018 Innamorati, M; Parolin, L; Tagini, A; Santona, A; Bosco, A; De Carli, P; Palmisano, G; Pergola, F; Sarracino, D
Childhood Traumatic Experiences and Dissociative Phenomena in Eating Disorders: Level and Association with the Severity of Binge Eating Symptoms
2018 Palmisano, G; Innamorati, M; Susca, G; Traetta, D; Sarracino, D; Vanderlinden, J
Like grandparents, like parents: Empirical evidence and psychoanalytic thinking on the transmission of parenting styles
2018 DE CARLI, P; Tagini, A; Sarracino, D; Santona, A; Bonalda, V; Cesari, P; Parolin, L
Psychoanalysis and The Demarcation Criterion: Epistemological Criticism Revisited and New Paradigm
2018 Innamorati, M; Pergola, F; Sarracino, D
Trauma and dissociation in obese patients with and without binge eating disorder: A case–control study
2018 Palmisano, G; Innamorati, M; Sarracino, D; Bosco, A; Pergola, F; Scaltrito, D; Giorgio, B; Vanderlinden, J
Irrational and Metacognitive Beliefs Mediate the Relationship Between Content Beliefs and GAD Symptoms: A Study on a Normal Population
2017 Ruggiero, G; Bassanini, A; Benzi, M; Boccalari, F; Caletti, E; Caselli, G; Di Tucci, A; Fiore, F; Ibrahim, R; Marsero, S; Moioli, E; Ponzio, E; Sapuppo, W; Sarracino, D; Telesca, M; Zizak, S; Sassaroli, S
Practicing REBT in Italy: Cultural Aspects
2017 Ruggiero, G; Sarracino, D; Mcmahon, J; Caselli, G; Sassaroli, S
When REBT Goes Difficult: Applying ABC-DEF to Personality Disorders
2017 Sarracino, D; Dimaggio, G; Ibrahim, R; Popolo, R; Sassaroli, S; Ruggiero, G
Implicit attitude toward caregiving: The moderating role of adult attachment styles
2016 De Carli, P; Tagini, A; Sarracino, D; Santona, A; Parolin, L
L’analisi didattica: Pedagogia informale e psicoanalisi
2016 Innamorati, M; Sarracino, D
Anxiety control and metacognitive beliefs mediate the relationship between inflated responsibility and obsessive compulsive symptoms
2015 Sassaroli, S; Centorame, F; Caselli, G; Favaretto, E; Fiore, F; Gallucci, M; Sarracino, D; Ruggiero, G; Spada, M; Rapee, R
Maternal depression and attachment: The evaluation of mother-child interactions during feeding practice
2015 Santona, A; Tagini, A; Sarracino, D; DE CARLI, P; Pace, C; Parolin, L; Terrone, G
Convergenze e divergenze tra attaccamento adulto e cognizione sociale della modalità di cure materne.
2013 DE CARLI, P; Parolin, L; Tagini, A; Sarracino, D