Boosting Psychotherapy With Noninvasive Brain Stimulation: The Whys and Wherefores of Modulating Neural Plasticity to Promote Therapeutic Change
2024 Saccenti, D; Lauro, L; Crespi, S; Moro, A; Vergallito, A; Grgič, R; Pretti, N; Lamanna, J; Ferro, M
Combining psychotherapy and non-invasive brain stimulation: preliminary evidence in the treatment of patients with Major Depressive Disorder
2024 Romero Lauro, L; Vergallito, A; Schiena, G; Melloni, C; Vedani, A; Maggioni, E; Caselli, G; Ruggiero, M; Sassaroli, S; Brambilla, P
Enhanced mind–matter interactions? A commentary to Freedman et al., 2023
2024 Pisoni, A; Arrigoni, E; Bolognini, N; Guidali, G; Romero Lauro, L; Vergallito, A
Multimodal approaches supporting the diagnosis, prognosis and investigation of neural correlates of disorders of consciousness: A systematic review
2024 Gallucci, A; Varoli, E; Del Mauro, L; Hassan, G; Rovida, M; Comanducci, A; Casarotto, S; Lo Re, V; Romero Lauro, L
Neural Correlates of Semantic Interference and Phonological Facilitation in Picture Naming: A Systematic Review and Coordinate-Based Meta-analysis
2024 Arrigoni, E; Rappo, E; Papagno, C; Romero Lauro, L; Pisoni, A
Social cognition abilities in patients with primary and secondary chronic pain
2024 Telesca, A; Vergallito, A; Consonni, M; Mattavelli, G; Ferrario, A; Grazzi, L; Usai, S; Romero Lauro, L
A Systematic Review Of Implicit Attitudes And Their Neural Correlates In Eating Behaviour
2023 Gallucci, A; Del Mauro, L; Pisoni, A; Romero Lauro, L; Mattavelli, G
Betting on Non-Invasive Brain Stimulation to Treat Gambling Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
2023 DEL MAURO, L; Vergallito, A; Gattavara, G; Juris, L; Gallucci, A; Vedani, A; Cappelletti, L; Maria Farneti, P; Romero Lauro, L
Combining Metacognitive Therapy and tDCS: preliminary results in patients with Major Depressive Disorder
2023 Vergallito, A; Schiena, G; Maggioni, E; Sciortino, D; Casiraghi, L; Vedani, A; Melloni, M; Caselli, G; Maria Ruggiero, G; Sassaroli, S; Brambilla, P; ROMERO LAURO, L
Comprehension of double-center embedded relatives in Italian: a case for hierarchical intervention
2023 Sala, M; Bettelli, G; Giustolisi, B; Vergallito, A; Romero Lauro, L; Cecchetto, C
Optimizing tDCS protocols by looking for the best timing of stimulation with respect to task execution
2023 Feroldi, S; Vergallito, A; Diani, N; Arrigoni, E; Pisoni, A; ROMERO LAURO, L
Prefrontal cortex stimulation in substance use disorder: a deep TMS (dTMS) study
2023 Del Mauro, L; Juris, L; Cappelletti, L; Farneti, P; Romero Lauro, L
State dependent effectiveness of cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS)
2023 Vergallito, A; Varoli, E; Pisoni, A; Feroldi, S; DEL MAURO, L; Mattavelli, G; Vallar, G; ROMERO LAURO, L
State-dependent effectiveness of cathodal transcranial direct current stimulation on cortical excitability
2023 Vergallito, A; Varoli, E; Pisoni, A; Mattavelli, G; DEL MAURO, L; Feroldi, S; Vallar, G; Romero Lauro, L
The efficacy of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation techniques on Chronic Primary Pain disorders: a systematic review and meta-analysis
2023 Telesca, A; Vergallito, A; Gallucci, A; Romero Lauro, L
Top-down reconfiguration of SMA cortical connectivity during action preparation
2023 Bianco, V; Arrigoni, E; Di Russo, F; Romero Lauro, L; Pisoni, A
Enhancing standard addiction treatment protocols efficacy through non-invasive brain stimulation: a tDCS study
2022 Del Mauro, L; Matoshi, A; Sanz, S; Piccitto, N; Silva, A; Cappelletti, L; Farneti, P; Romero Lauro, L
Inter-Individual Variability in tDCS Effects: A Narrative Review on the Contribution of Stable, Variable, and Contextual Factors
2022 Vergallito, A; Feroldi, S; Pisoni, A; Romero Lauro, L
Stimolazione transcranica a corrente continua (tDCS) e terapia metacognitiva (MCT): risultati preliminari in pazienti con disturbo depressivo maggiore
2022 Vergallito, A; Schiena, G; Maggioni, E; Sciortino, D; Casiraghi, L; Vedani, A; Melloni, M; Caselli, G; Ruggiero Giovanni, M; Sassaroli, S; Brambilla, P; Romero Lauro, L
Effectiveness of noninvasive brain stimulation in the treatment of anxiety disorders: A meta-analysis of sham or behaviour-controlled studies
2021 Vergallito, A; Gallucci, A; Pisoni, A; Punzi, M; Caselli, G; Ruggiero, G; Sassaroli, S; Romero Lauro, L