Chiral trimethyl lock based on vicinal disubstituent effect: prolonged release of Camptothecin into cancer cells
2024 Venturi, S; Chiaradonna, F; Gatti, F; La Ferla, B; Parolini, R; Zerbato, B
Itaconate controls its own synthesis via feedback-inhibition of reverse TCA cycle activity at IDH2
2022 Heinz, A; Nonnenmacher, Y; Henne, A; Khalil, M; Bejkollari, K; Dostert, C; Hosseini, S; Goldmann, O; He, W; Palorini, R; Verschueren, C; Korte, M; Chiaradonna, F; Medina, E; Brenner, D; Hiller, K
Vitamin D and SARS-CoV2 infection, severity and mortality: A systematic review and meta-analysis
2022 D'Ecclesiis, O; Gavioli, C; Martinoli, C; Raimondi, S; Chiocca, S; Miccolo, C; Bossi, P; Cortinovis, D; Chiaradonna, F; Palorini, R; Faciotti, F; Bellerba, F; Canova, S; Jemos, C; Sale, E; Gaeta, A; Zerbato, B; Gnagnarella, P; Gandini, S
2022 D'Ecclesiis, O; Gavioli, C; Martinoli, C; Raimondi, S; Chiocca, S; Miccolo, C; Bossi, P; Cortinovis, D; Chiaradonna, F; Palorini, R; Facciotti, F; Bellerba, F; Canova, S; Jemos, C; Sale, E; Gnagnarella, P; Gandini, S
Suppression of the HBP Function Increases Pancreatic Cancer Cell Sensitivity to a Pan-RAS Inhibitor
2021 Ricciardiello, F; Bergamaschi, L; De Vitto, H; Gang, Y; Zhang, T; Palorini, R; Chiaradonna, F
The Association between Vitamin D and Gut Microbiota: A Systematic Review of Human Studies
2021 Bellerba, F; Muzio, V; Gnagnarella, P; Facciotti, F; Chiocca, S; Bossi, P; Cortinovis, D; Chiaradonna, F; Serrano, D; Raimondi, S; Zerbato, B; Palorini, R; Canova, S; Gaeta, A; Gandini, S
Vitamin D supplementation and cancer mortality: Narrative review of observational studies and clinical trials
2021 Gnagnarella, P; Muzio, V; Caini, S; Raimondi, S; Martinoli, C; Chiocca, S; Miccolo, C; Bossi, P; Cortinovis, D; Chiaradonna, F; Palorini, R; Facciotti, F; Bellerba, F; Canova, S; Gandini, S
Fuzzy modeling and global optimization to predict novel therapeutic targets in cancer cells
2020 Nobile, M; Votta, G; Palorini, R; Spolaor, S; De Vitto, H; Cazzaniga, P; Ricciardiello, F; Mauri, G; Alberghina, L; Chiaradonna, F; Besozzi, D
Hexosamine pathway inhibition overcomes pancreatic cancer resistance to gemcitabine through unfolded protein response and EGFR-Akt pathway modulation
2020 Ricciardiello, F; Gang, Y; Palorini, R; Li, Q; Giampà, M; Zhao, F; You, L; La Ferla, B; De Vitto, H; Guan, W; Gu, J; Zhang, T; Zhao, Y; Chiaradonna, F
Central metabolism of functionally heterogeneous mesenchymal stromal cells
2019 Barilani, M; Palorini, R; Votta, G; Piras, R; Buono, G; Grassi, M; Bollati, V; Chiaradonna, F; Lazzari, L
Determining compartment-specific metabolic fluxes
2019 Nonnenmacher, Y; Palorini, R; Hiller, K
Design, Synthesis, and Preliminary Biological Evaluation of GlcNAc-6P Analogues for the Modulation of Phosphoacetylglucosamine Mutase 1 (AGM1/PGM3)
2018 Paiotta, A; D'Orazio, G; Palorini, R; Ricciardiello, F; Zoia, L; Votta, G; De Gioia, L; Chiaradonna, F; La Ferla, B
Inhibition of the Hexosamine Biosynthetic Pathway by targeting PGM3 causes breast cancer growth arrest and apoptosis
2018 Ricciardiello, F; Votta, G; Palorini, R; Raccagni, I; Brunelli, L; Paiotta, A; Tinelli, F; D’Orazio, G; Valtorta, S; De Gioia, L; Pastorelli, R; Moresco, R; La Ferla, B; Chiaradonna, F
Mitochondria in Focus: Targeting the Cell-Death Mechanism
2018 De Vitto, H; Palorini, R; Votta, G; Chiaradonna, F
PO-259 Inhibition of the hexosamine biosynthetic pathway by targeting PGM3 causes breast cancer growth arrest and apoptosis
2018 Chiaradonna, F; Ricciardiello, F; Votta, G; Palorini, R; Raccagni, I; Brunelli, L; De Gioia, L; Pastorelli, R; Moresco, R; Ferla, B
The Nutrient-Sensing Hexosamine Biosynthetic Pathway as the Hub of Cancer Metabolic Rewiring.
2018 Chiaradonna, F; Ricciardiello, F; Palorini, R
Analysis of mitochondrial metabolism in situ: Combining stable isotope labeling with selective permeabilization
2017 Nonnenmacher, Y; Palorini, R; D'Herouël, A; Krämer, L; Neumann-Schaal, M; Chiaradonna, F; Skupin, A; Wegner, A; Hiller, K
Protein Kinase A Activation Promotes Cancer Cell Resistance to Glucose Starvation and Anoikis
2016 Palorini, R; Votta, G; Pirola, Y; De Vitto, H; De Palma, S; Airoldi, C; Vasso, M; Ricciardiello, F; Lombardi, P; Cirulli, C; Rizzi, R; Nicotra, F; Hiller, K; Gelfi, C; Alberghina, L; Chiaradonna, F
Transcriptional profiling of immortalized and K-ras-transformed mouse fibroblasts upon PKA stimulation by forskolin in low glucose availability
2016 Chiaradonna, F; Pirola, Y; Ricciardiello, F; Palorini, R
Assessing the carcinogenic potential of low-dose exposures to chemical mixtures in the environment: The challenge ahead
2015 Goodson, W; Lowe, L; Carpenter, D; Gilbertson, M; Ali, A; de Cerain Salsamendi, A; Lasfar, A; Carnero, A; Azqueta, A; Amedei, A; Charles, A; Collins, A; Ward, A; Salzberg, A; Colacci, A; Olsen, A; Berg, A; Barclay, B; Zhou, B; Blanco Aparicio, C; Baglole, C; Dong, C; Mondello, C; Hsu, C; Naus, C; Yedjou, C; Curran, C; Laird, D; Koch, D; Carlin, D; Felsher, D; Roy, D; Brown, D; Ratovitski, E; Ryan, E; Corsini, E; Rojas, E; Moon, E; Laconi, E; Marongiu, F; Al Mulla, F; Chiaradonna, F; Darroudi, F; Martin, F; Van Schooten, F; Goldberg, G; Wagemaker, G; Nangami, G; Calaf, G; Williams, G; Wolf, G; Koppen, G; Brunborg, G; Kim Lyerly, H; Krishnan, H; Hamid, H; Yasaei, H; Sone, H; Kondoh, H; Salem, H; Hsu, H; Park, H; Koturbash, I; Miousse, I; Ivana Scovassi, A; Klaunig, J; Vondráček, J; Raju, J; Roman, J; Wise, J; Whitfield, J; Woodrick, J; Christopher, J; Ochieng, J; Martinez Leal, J; Weisz, J; Kravchenko, J; Sun, J; Prudhomme, K; Narayanan, K; Cohen Solal, K; Moorwood, K; Gonzalez, L; Soucek, L; Jian, L; D'Abronzo, L; Lin, L; Li, L; Gulliver, L; Mccawley, L; Memeo, L; Vermeulen, L; Leyns, L; Zhang, L; Valverde, M; Khatami, M; Romano, M; Chapellier, M; Williams, M; Wade, M; Manjili, M; Lleonart, M; Xia, M; Gonzalez, M; Karamouzis, M; Kirsch Volders, M; Vaccari, M; Kuemmerle, N; Singh, N; Cruickshanks, N; Kleinstreuer, N; Van Larebeke, N; Ahmed, N; Ogunkua, O; Krishnakumar, P; Vadgama, P; Marignani, P; Ghosh, P; Ostrosky Wegman, P; Thompson, P; Dent, P; Heneberg, P; Darbre, P; Leung, P; Nangia Makker, P; Cheng, Q; Brooks Robey, R; Al Temaimi, R; Roy, R; Andrade Vieira, R; Sinha, R; Mehta, R; Vento, R; Di Fiore, R; Ponce Cusi, R; Dornetshuber Fleiss, R; Nahta, R; Castellino, R; Palorini, R; Hamid, R; Langie, S; Eltom, S; Brooks, S; Ryeom, S; Wise, S; Bay, S; Harris, S; Papagerakis, S; Romano, S; Pavanello, S; Eriksson, S; Forte, S; Casey, S; Luanpitpong, S; Lee, T; Otsuki, T; Chen, T; Massfelder, T; Sanderson, T; Guarnieri, T; Hultman, T; Dormoy, V; Odero Marah, V; Sabbisetti, V; Maguer Satta, V; Kimryn Rathmell, W; Engström, W; Decker, W; Bisson, W; Rojanasakul, Y; Luqmani, Y; Chen, Z; Hu, Z